Archive for April, 2010

Boring from Within

Friday, April 30th, 2010

Sometime ago, somebody or other referred to a particular negative political ad as a “New Low”.  The ad was a take-off of Lyndon Johnson’s “Daisy” ad, which made me wonder — “How can this be a new low if it’s been done before?”

I tend to view these comments from Noam Chomsky in the same way.  He has never seen anything like this before.  And we’re lucky previous charismatic figures that this nation has gone over, in similar circumstances as today, during his lifetime, were all crooks sowing the seeds of their own downfall.  He negates himself.
Cripes!  The Birther Phenomenon isn’t even new.  Warren Harding was accused of being a “negro”, and Franklin Roosevelt was a Jew named “Rosenbaum”!

Anyway, it looks like Obama survived Larouche’s stupid Assassination dread.
Then again, what is this fantasy?
The crash of the world system is a fait accompli, and the European events are just playing out with a desperate denial for the moment. It’s the same kind of thing as Weimar: it’s a denial of reality, because they’re afraid to face reality.
It points up the extent of our responsibility. “We have to be the strong people,” LaRouche said. “There are no others available.”

(If I could get find with any ease the “Larouche with a Hitler Mustache image”, I’d link to it right here.  The best I can do right now is this.)
I posted that last link in part because I am having trouble finding something from Howie G’s constellation of blogs this week.  A reference to Noam Chomsky. A  reference to the “Tea Party”.  Most importantly, a reference to Alex Jones.  So we almost have something of a Larouchie response to the recent “Jones – Tarpley – Larouche infiltrating the Scene” commentary from Kincaid and Deweese.

In consideration of the “Tea Party”.  An interesting “Moment Of Truth” has just come upon us.  Immigration!  And with that the “Reason Magazine” someones depart, and we find out that the “Tea Party” means different things to different constituents.  A bit more mixed, I would think, is the “Daily Paul” blog — and the comments there show considerable division.
Last week, I made note of Larouchie signs being kicked out of a Tea Party event (I can link there because it’s at the top_ — perhaps a bit sympathetic people kicked out — well.
You’ve lost your “Tea Party”.  Or some of them, at least.

Obama as a Joker — incidentally — while it originated with this artist (who disdains the “Socialism” that was affixed to the image), it was popularized in part by Alex Jones — and really, you can see how.  Interesting to note — two images that accompany this Maccleans article in its print edition: the “Obama Joker” thing and the Obama with a Hitler Mustache — and the “larouchepac” url wasn’t even clipped out! The National Review blog, meanwhile, snubbed Larouche by citing the “Obama as Heath Ledger” instead of Obama with a Hitler Mustache in their cry of unfair double standards and unfair focus on inflammatory signs.
Somewhere within the scope of Tea Party History (or perhaps “Pre-History”, if you affix its origins to when Freedom Works effectively bought it out), was the Ron Paul “Money-bomb”, evoked by “V for Vendetta” and its reference to Guy Fawkes.  “Remember the Fifth of November” — donate money on that day.  The Republican Party has carved it out (and the Time blogger has left out the film’s source material).
A round about trigger back to Alex Jones.  Confused though he may be.

Okay, so Howie G is no longer giving me a back-ways reference to the mainstreaming of Alex Jones.  He does give us some good little ret-conning.


Chator:  According to LPAC, the next EIR, will feature a piece of historical revisionism which centers around LaRouche’s SDI proposal, as the missed opportunity from the 70s and 80s that has lead to the present nightmare. Yes, I did find it a bit odd that in the latest DWTT campaign show, Matt and Leandra dug up an “old school” LaRouche campaign video to make the point that the world has been sliding downhill since the Reagan administration axed “Lyn’s” SDI proposal in the mid-80s, which you can hear him calling “my baby”. I remember in the late nineties, it was JFK’s assassination that was responsible for the present mudslide into economic disintegration. I guess that theory wasn’t appealing enough to the space-obsessed, LaRouche geeks in LYM. So Lyn has thrown them another bone.

Blegh.  Another bit of Historical Re-invention:
4. Finally, although this is 10 days old, mark it down: On April 13, 2010, Lyndon LaRouche announced that the Queen of England pushes dope. Not only that, but he declared that anyone who denies it is “worse than a Nazi-like liar.”
I mention this only because we old-timers all remember the hilarity generated decades ago by Lyn’s running around insisting that he had never said that the Queen of England pushed dope, and that anyone who said he’d said that was a Nazi and a liar.
This was, of course, after Lyn had run around saying that the Queen of England pushes dope, and that anyone who denied it was a lying Nazi.

South Park.  I was discussing on an Internet message board the matter of the New York Islamic lunatics who threatened Trey Parker and Matt Stone — they would meet the fate of Theo van Gogh – after South Park dared to mock the fury over images of Muhammad.  A line of interest:
A wild claim is starting to percolate on the more paranoid sites that the originator of this warning was actually a one time jewish settler of the west bank…
What?  Is it second nature?  Always a Zionist Jewish Plot, isn’t it?  While it’s a dime a dozen and you can toss anywhere near this cult and land with this one, I’ll go straight to…

Lyndon Larouche on 9/11.  What notches him his recent (mis-leading) title of “Intellectual Author of the 9/11 Movement”.
OR… Executive Intelligence Review with… well.

As for the other Richard Cohen, I can tell you something about him. He is opposing John Hechinger, the incumbent, and the chairman of the Hechinger Co. Cohen is 37 years old and works for the Executive Intelligence Review, a journal published by Lyndon LaRouche, an extreme right- wing figure. The Journal advertises a reprint in which it reveals that “associates of Henry Kissinger, Swiss financiers acting in behalf of the Nazi International” and others are planning to “rebuild Solomon’s Temple” in Jerusalem. This Cohen is also not qualified to run for anything.  (The Candidate With My Name, Washington Post, April 30, 1984)
No, you mean the Masons.
The Pope’s Masonic Jewish Zionist government.
Just google “rebuild Solomon’s Temple” (with or without Kissinger) and see what you come up with.  It’s an old fear, I guess.

Other Zionist Plots and schemes?  You hear about Archie Comics introducing a gay character into Riverdale?  You know how that happened?  Zionists.  A rather broad definition of “Zionist” with many a false synonym, but that’s the way it has to be if you’re going to accuse Archie Comics as being part of the Zionist Plot.

Meanwhile a debate between “Roger Ogden” and “Toaster”
However, that is where I stop agreeing with the rouchies, as everything that follows in discourse with them is like falling down the rabbit hole…reality is replaced by the wildest ravings.
Now hear my wild ravings!

Anyway.  Get back Glass-Stegal.  Sounds good.  Hey!  Bad Immigration Act.  So true.  Pecora Commission, of sorts.  Good.  I think they’re throwing up crap with “Four Party Alliance”, but it’s a good thought nonetheless — God bless the Wilsonian Impulse! Hey!  What about the BRITISH Petroleum, eh?  No — we can’t go there — all environmental disasters are solved by sending humanity to Mars.  Answer to Carol Johnson Smith: Hm.  No.  Incidentally:  John Bottorff, of Jasper, isn’t delusional. No comment, though at least CSJ doesn’t believe she has a chance, so that is something.

Of note:
Apparently Molly thought it would be interesting and useful to post Ken’s thesis, written when he was 19, so that people could judge who knew more about Plato–the 19-year-old boy, or Greatest Mind of the Millennium (no more identification needed, am I right?)
Yeah sure.  But I bet you anything Lyndon Larouche packed more dangling unexplained references to various names and figures (in a representative piece on Plato) than Ken Kronberg.

Four Hosemen

Friday, April 30th, 2010

charliecristserioussen_bennett_of_utahLaptops Spying on Studentsjohnmccaingrits

An interesting enough group.  Governor Charlie Crist of Florida, Bob Bennett of Utah, Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, and John McCain of Arizona.  Specter and Crist are the two who fled the Republican Party once it became clear their party was set on nominating somebody else.  I don’t know who holds the title for least insincere — Specter simply joined (rejoined, as the case be) the Democratic Party, while Crist seems dead set on not saying who he will caucus with in the Senate:  “I’m going to caucus with the people of Florida and whoever will help them.”
He opens the door for a possible Democratic victory in Kendrick Meek.  Or maybe not.  Nate Silver swears by this analysis, perhaps because it generously picks up from him.  At any rate, the prognosis for Meek looks better than it does in a two way race — though I don’t quite know where you peg yourself on the generic “center — Liberal” point in that electorate in this year.

John McCain’s Approval rating has nose-dived.  He still leads his primary opponent by double digits.  He still leads the Democratic opponent by a lot.  The conventional wisdom is that the Democratic Party candidate, Rodney Glassman, only has a chance with JD Hayworth.  This is probably the truth, but I wonder.  Something about a guy claiming to have never called himself a “Maverick” and someone who, regardless of the merits of the proposals and the Arizona public’s stances, is running against his previous stands on Immigration and to the new Law.

The thing I can say about Bob Bennett comes from how his conservative opponent can slip this tidbit into wikipedia:  Bennett was rated one of the ten most liberal Republicans in the Senate, Top 10 Senate RINOs by the conservative magazine Human Events.  No Kidding!  In a Senate caucus that regularly votes en masse in a block, and out of forty.  (This is pre-Scott Brown).  He stands at number 9, suggesting he’d still be on the list even as Scott Brown knocks that great Liberal Bastion, Thad Cochran of Mississippi, off the list.
Incidentally, he won the 1992 Republican primary against … his primary opponent being another millionaire with prominent LDS forebears.  Of Course!  The Democrats don’t have a snot’s chance in Utah, but I suggest they run Steve Young, great-great-great-grandson of Brigham Young, NFL Hall of Famer and… I don’t know? 

So… of the group, McCain appears to be in the best position, though well disliked.  Arlen Specter has an above-average shot of survival.  The other two?  Fork and stick.

Panderers for Governor.

Wednesday, April 28th, 2010

Open this week’s — Millawette Meek — to the inside front cover, and you will see that the Gubernatorial candidate Ames Curtright has purchased prime real estate placement to inch some headway against Republican favorites Allen Alley and Chris Dudley.  Answering the questions of whether you agree with Curtright on him being the only candidate to take up the fight against Obama-Care and the only candidate to support the Tea Party, and on to touting his “pro-life” credentials and to Taxes — I am struck by the answer that not many Millawette Meek readers would answer “yes”.

No.  Really.  Why is he advertising in this publication?  Is this a toss of money after being invited to the Endorsement interview?

Skip to the endorsement of Alley — I knew that would be their choice — and we learn that he’s “pro-environment” somehow or other.  Maybe he touted it specifically in the interview.  I suppose he might have tried inserting it in his advertisement.  I suppose this advertisement was a toss after being given an invitation to the interview.

Looking through everything, I think I will have to favor Chris Dudley for the Republican nomination.  This is for the simple fact that he apparently snubbed the mildly deplorable “Candidates Gone Wild”. Though I admit to being intrigued by “DEQ employee who felt compelled to mention his 35 years of pot use.”  That probably shows something about that particularly candidate’s thought on his basis of pandering.

Lindsey Graham is a putz.

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010


I find the fracus of attention surrounding Lindsey Graham fascinating.  Harry Reid put aside the Cap and Trade bill in favor of next tackling Immigration.    See what amounts to the Conventional Wisdom here.

I guess it ends with this? mollification?   Can you “mollify” Lindsey Graham at this moment?  But in the meantime, the political gamesmanship swayed every which way.  I am linking to the National Review’s “Corner” because — well, it presents the Republican interpretation of events here

There is an old adage in Washington, sometimes you can choose a bill or you can choose an issue. The Democrats know they are not going to get an immigration bill out of this. They want the issue and they want it now.

And Harry Reid wants it personally because he thinks it’s a Hail Mary that might help him in Nevada where he is way behind, and it might. And Obama wants it because he thinks it will galvanize his base.

Charles Krauthammer, ladies and gentlemen.  Genius?

Immigration slices and dices every which way, politically, — boosts and depresses both parties and boosts and depresses parts of the bases – and if Obama and Reid could somehow lend it to neutrality, they would.  Oh, they’ll take the up-side — suddenly that 60 – 40 Hispanic advantage just balloons right on up.  It may well be that “Cap and Trade” was doomed, just as it may well be Immigration is doomed.  Thank you, National Review.  I suppose you could go ahead and go to things certainly not doomed — House Resolutions celebrating the anniversary of Beatle Bailey is rather non-controversial.  From the Republican way of thinking, everything is doomed before the election cycle: they have 41 Votes in the Senate, they’re filibustering away.  Obama comes in with a heavy load of pledges through a campaign designed to demand a lot of pledges (ie: it’s a long one) — and the Senate trips its way through one of them, and on to the other.

In consideration of labelling the policy shiftings “politics”, sometimes there’s matters of policies that go with your politics.  The Governor of Arizona called the Federal Government on this, didn’t she?

Lindsey Graham is a putz.

the wheel-chair guy

Monday, April 26th, 2010

I’m kind of a fan of books that take a slice at a particular year and title it after that year.  Take the Fred Kaplan book 1959.  The subtitle could fit just about any book like this: “The Year Everything Changed”.  It is supposed to be provocative a theme — how could any year in the 1950s “Change Everything?” — but every year changes everything and changes nothing.

Note that customers who bought the book “1959: The Year Everything Changed” also bought the book “1969: The Year Everything Changed”.  When I look up the phrase the only other book that pops up involves 1939 — I will not read this book, because it didn’t title itself the year.  But it does resemble a pattern.  Apparently everything changes in years that end with “9”.  Let me know when someone gets to writing the “1925: The Year Everything Changed” — though, Elizabeth Stevenson already blew the lid off of that one.
With a title like that, the chapter should have been a series of blank pages.

All that aside…

A relevant chapter for the day’s news in Kaplan’s look at 1959.  Chapter 17 and the origins of “SETI”, an astronomer’s “Project Ozma”, a project with modest government funding in clandestine operation so as not to alert the bean-counters that tax payer dollars (however few of them)  were going for looking for “Little Green Men”.  Then Nature Magazine ran an article which made the idea of humans looking for signs of life scientifically acceptable, and the clandestine operation moved above-ground.

Sometimes I wonder about Steven Hawkings.

“We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet. I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet. Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they can reach,” he said. “If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn’t turn out very well for the Native Americans.”

Naturally I had to turn into “Coast to Coast” with that dullard that replaced Art Bell — George Noory– and sure enough, he broached some lines around here with his guest.  So, certainly, Steven Hawkings has been tipped off from government sources about the Aliens and is sending smoke signals to the public to throw us off the track.  Roll to commercial for Emergency Seeds to grow when the Destruction comes, or whatever is sponsoring the show these days.
Wait.  That’s Glenn Beck’s sponsor.  My mistake!

Well, better shut down SETI then.

Steven Hawkings creates an interesting situation in waiting.  Imagine the Aliens come.  Roll up their flying saucer, walk out their landing strip, do that whole “Take me to your Leader” thing.  They meet with a committee consisiting of everyone who might be considered a “World Leader”.  Discuss their civilization.  After some back and force, a testy subject is broached by one of the World’s Generals.  The aliens respond that that they have long time ago given up on any weapon systems and war, and concentrated their science on purely peaceful and productive uses.  Frankly, we’re a little scared to have landed here, uncertain about levels of hostility, we’d have to do a quick crash-course to get back on track — wouldn’t want to do so, and may be able to outstrip you in that department if we had to — we have mastered some technologies you haven’t even if it’s been moved into different avenues — mastered intergallactic space flight, after all.


World leaders look around.  Aliens depart.  Everyone huddles together.  “How do we respond?”  “Do we trust these guys?”

And then:  “Remember what Steven Hawkings said?”

So what do we do?  Wipe out the alien species.
Heed the lesson of Christopher Columbus, right?

Watch out. They’re Organizing.

Monday, April 26th, 2010


Louisville senior Timothy Gilliam said that often, on college campuses, liberal students tend to protest and rally more than conservative students.
On Wednesday, Western’s College Republicans aimed to amplify the conservative voice through “W” Day.
It was created to preserve the legacy of President George W. Bush, said Gilliam, the “W” Day creator.
“With President Bush often getting dogged quite a bit in the media, and amongst younger people, I felt it was our duty to show that there is a fair number that support President Bush and appreciate what he did for our country,” he said. […]

A booth was set up outside the Downing University Center where any supporter could sign a giant thank-you card that will be sent to Bush’s home in Texas. Passersby could also catch snippets of the former president’s most famous speeches and pick up a flier highlighting his accomplishments, Gilliam said.
Gilliam said he’s going to share the idea with other universities due to its success.
More than 200 fliers were handed out, and about 100 people signed the thank-you card, Gilliam said.
Radcliff junior Andrew Johnson, College Republicans treasurer, said that “W” Day will become an annual event, after seeing how successful it was.

Well that’s just ducky.

If they need seed money for future endevors, they know who and where to turn to — namely, Jeffrey Scott Shapiro and the National Association of W Lovers organization “Honor Freedom”.

Some suggestions for “W Day” flier photographs for the coming years, and for other university campuses on their “W Day”.


Worth Knowing

Monday, April 26th, 2010

From the Rachel Maddow Sh0w on April 22, 2010:

The man who sponsored the bill is Republican State Senator Russell Pearce. Once upon a time, not that long ago, Senator Russell Pearce was considered in Arizona to be a bit of a political outlier, someone thought to be too way out on the fringe even for members of his own party.

For example, in 2006, then-State Representative Pearce forwarded his supporters an article that was written by a white supremacist group called the National Alliance. The article accuses the media of pushing the view of, quote, “A world in which every voice proclaims the equality of the races, the inerrant nature of the Jewish holocaust tale, the wickedness of attempting to halt the flood of non-white aliens pouring across our borders.” Russell Pearce sent that out to his supporters by E-mail. He did eventually apologize for that, said he hadn`t read it closely before he sent it on. But before Arizonians could forget about the anti-Semitic, creepy E-mail, Mr. Pearce attended an anti-immigration rally, not in a racist, white-supremacist kind of way.

No, this was an honest, wholesome, bigotry-free political get- together where a politician like Russell Pearce could hang out with his supporters and his constituents and like-minded folks who really are not racist at all. They just care about the issue.

See, here he is with some guy who has what looks like a lot of patriotic flair on his lapels, just hanging out at the rally. Arizona State legislator, Russell Pearce and – who`s he hugging? Oh, yes. That`s noted white supremacist J.T. Ready, seen here at a proud Neo-Nazi rally in Omaha, next to all the guys in swastikas.

Again, Gov. Brewer has until Saturday to decide whether or not to sign the anti-immigration “papers, please”  bill literally written by the anti-Semitic E-mail forwarding, picture-with-a-Neo-Nazi-guy guy. Good luck with your decision, governor.