However, a new article from the LaRouche Youth explains the real menace facing American life today: Dick Cheney’s plot to have us play computer games.
There is some method to this madness, and it probably does have some recruiting ability on a college campus. A handful is all that is needed, and all that is desirable for this shammy whammy. But, going to the item of interest from the “Larouche Youth Intelligence”, um…
For all those individuals salivating about the new Halo 3 video game, ask yourself the question: what is the difference between man and beast?
NOOOOOO!!! Â Kill me.
II. It appears that “someone†has edited history and deleted the raving remarks that I noted above.The Schiller Institute (sic) site now provides a transcript:
but it OMITS LAR’s final remarks, including his World-Delusional Ejack-adulation:
“Q: You were just talking about, it’s so important to get Cheney out of office: And who can get Cheney out of office?
LAROUCHE: Me! Or, nobody can. Either one.â€
But the above still appears at the original location:
Still, EITHER ONE “is” madness.
III. Because the world is demanding to read the cult’s internal daily briefings:
Tuesday, September 25, 2007|
LaRouche Says a Kick in the Testicles Is Neededb~~~~Commenting on the Herbert Hoover-like delusion expressed by some Democrats and others that the present financial crisis is not a breakdown crisis, Lyndon LaRouche said today that we have to be tough. If people in the Democratic Party continue to hold onto this incompetent opinion, we may find ourselves losing the nation and civilization. This is a breakdown crisis. It was forecast by Lyndon LaRouche and that forecast is proven to be correct beyond any doubt. Unfortunately some Congressmen have been sucked into the view that the current crisis is not a breakdown crisis, under pressure from hedge funds, among others. To the extent that they continue to hold that incompetent view, the solutions which they offer are also incompetent. Moreover, they are delaying on erecting the necessary firewall as proposed by LaRouche to protect homeowners and state and federally chartered banks.
b~~~~LaRouche emphasized that there is no room for compromise. Anyone who says this is not a breakdown crisis should be told the he or she is incompetent, and that the price for that incompetence is beyond anything they’re willing to pay. Because of such incompetence we may lose the nation. Therefore any opinion that this is not a systemic breakdown crisis is not only incompetent, but a threat to the welfare of the nation.
b~~~~This is our line, period! A kick in the testicles is needed.Â
Which leads us directly to this challenge of note:
I was unaware of this latest “forecast†when, a week ago, my friendly Leesberg contact – a well-known Boomer from the old FEF, called to tell me that by October 15th, the dollar would be worth ZERO.“Zero†($0.0) I asked. “Surely you must be joking! Why do you keep telling me these things? You/LAR are always wrong. Yet, with each new crisis, you have the same high confidence. WTF are you trying to pull off? I’ve been hearing this nonsense for 30-40 years.â€
The boomer tells me that “THIS time, it is all coming down. The CRASH is coming.â€
I reply: “Surely you must have an out of some kind? Is it October 15th by 11:59PM, is that when it will end? Or will you fudge the date?â€
“Yes, Oct. 15. The system is finished. Everything will vanish.â€
“But perhaps YOU/LAR will intervene to save us – is that the excuse you will use when the crash does not materialize by 11:59PM on October 15th?â€
So, of course, the boomer tells me about some proposal they are trying to get congress to pass (I knew nothing about it.).
I then ask, “Well, what is the cut-off date, after which the forecast will be written in stone?â€
Boomer replies, “The end of September – if the bill is not enacted, the crash will come by the 15th.â€
I ask, “What will the crash look like? Are you going to weasel out of that too, like you have all the other times? How can we MEASURE this crash.â€
Boomer: “Money will be worthless – you will not be able to buy a loaf of bread for $100,000. The dollar will go to zero.â€
I reply: “I am writing this down – I will hold you to this. So you say that $10 will not buy a loaf of bread, nor $100, nor $1,000, nor $10,000, not even $100,000.
Boomer: “Yes, exactly.â€
On October 16th, I want to send my guy a loaf of bread, probably via UPS. Any advice on what type I should send?
So we have two things that are dominating the “political work” of the Larouche organization at this moment. The BAE Scandal and Halo 3. No. Not the BAE Scandal. Um. A bill that is oh-so-being prodded into various state legislators that will solve the morgage crisis, and stave off the upcoming Dark Ages brought with the destruction of the economy…
… not to be confused with the Dark Ages that are being unleashed by Halo 3.
IV. Now available online:
Take note of the provocative question “What is Male Impotence?”
This one requires you put your computer screen on your side. Or something.
… Because, you know, the world is demanding to see 30 and 40 year old Larouche propaganda.
V. One interesting thought on why Larouche insists on referencing Jeremiah Duggan as “Jeremy”, and I either posited it or nearly did so on this blog already, but was mentioned again at FACTNet.  It may be a deliberate psychopathic slap at Mrs. Duggan, who looked Larouche up on the Internet before her son went to the “Schiller Institute” meeting, but she misspelled his name. Or… it may be a refusal of Larouche to use the name “Jeremiah”, for one of “those reasons”…