God Save the Queen
Thursday, September 29th, 2022Queen Elizabeth
In the crypt beneath the Schiller Institute, a pulse returns to Lyndon LaRouche’s fleshly tabernacle.
Big day for Lyndon Larouche followers.
We did it, guys! We killed the Queen of England!
LaRouche from hell: (Walter White saying “I won” at the end of Season 4 of Breaking Bad). (I would want to add the quote for Better Call Saul, “and after all that, A happy ending.”)
pretend this tweet is a video of lyndon larouche doing the ghanian coffin dance
LaRouche about to get the best birthday present of all time
choosing to believe this was lyndon larouche’s doing
what a 100th birthday gift to Lyndon LaRouche, one of history’s greatest haters
At last, justice for Lyndon LaRouche
In case you were wondering, the only time Q ever directly mentioned Queen Elizabeth was Drop #100, where Q hints that she is corrupt, evil, worships Satan, and had both Princess Di and a bunch of MI6 agents killed. Also known as any David Icke book. Or any Lyndon LaRouche essay.
Larouche Twitter does some 9/11 truth off of it.
Tragic that Lyndon Larouche isn’t here for this
BREAKING: Larouche wins long battle on 100th birthday
Holy shit, the Queen might die on LaRouche’s birthday. larouchites are going to print at least 6 articles about this coincidence. Webster Griffin Tarpley right now. (jack nickelson clip). the LaRouche Movement and Infrared have grown too powerful, they are now going to summon a land bridge that will bankrupt all the nations of the world.
Look the real reason so many Americans (including myself) are being ghoulish about the queen is not because of anti-monarchy commitments or ancestral grudges, but rather because the monarchy is fundamentally a celebrity enterprise and US Twitter is all about mocking celebrities. Also just be glad LaRouche is dead, because hoo boy would he have some thoughts.
The crazy bastard really did it, didn’t he? Surprisingly, this is not getting a lot of play in the media. I am sure the royals have thought of this and they will conspire to have the death certificate dated after midnight. I am sure the royals have thought of this and they will conspire to have the death certificate dated after midnight. I can think of nothing funnier than the LaRouche movement hounding the royal family over this for the next thirty years
Who will be the next figurehead LaRouche movement and Maupinites will drape in antisemitism. My money is on Wackson Stinkle, who so far has only defended Human Trafficking and the usual LaRouche supported stuff like genocide and Colonialism. He hasn’t threatened to kill children or engage in sexual deviance yet to my knowledge.
I think we might have to credit Crypto-LaRoucheology for today’s astonishing timing. I am sure you are aware of the rumors she has been dead for a while. Maybe the LaRouche / Q team waited for today to announce it for the lulz
LaRouche can’t stop winning. He’s managed to wrest control of the crank left back and kill the queen from beyond the grave. It’s his world and we’re just living in it now. truly, has there ever been a time in which the world land bridge is closer to reality
By my calculations, LaRouche also outlived the Queen by 22 days. Lyndon and Liz, now heiling together in Heaven. Henry is still around, now it`s between him and Jimmy. Just got an earful from a coworker about how the British Royal Family controls all of America’s institutions, because they infiltrated over many many years etc… LaRouche’s legacy lives on, in the minds and words of coworkers everywhere
I’ll never forget the time at Michigan when someone slipped LaRouche publications into my backpack without me knowing. Must’ve been near the West Hall Engineering Arch. I was genuinely impressed!
(Noted Comics artist Michael Kupperman): ST. PETER: Ma’am, this is Mister Lyndon Larouche, he has some questions for you. >>slaps on cuffs<< “There’s no Statue of Limitations on running a drug smuggling empire or funding the Illuminati, Queenie!”
big day for larouche cranks, happy for them. (So I Married an Ax Murderer clip.)
LaRouche busting out of his tomb to op champagne
That Assad “Who Must Go” meme but with Lyndon LaRouche, the Queen, and a birthday cake
somewhere, Lyndon Larouche is doing a 1080 and a Christ Air in his grave
The spirit of Lyndon LaRouche has been avenged on his birthday.
Gotta give LaRouche credit, his ghost is very powerful
(Prime Minister Truss on phone): Yes, Master LaRouche. They think it is of natural causes. Don’t worry, Prince Charles and the monarchy are next
Lyndon LaRouche vs Die Queen: 1:1
Working out the Liz Truss – Larouche theories currently
LaRouche/Schiller peeps busting out their black Nikes. (Marshall Apple white video)
Congratulations to Queen Elizabeth on outliving her mortal enemy, Lyndon LaRouche
god lyndon larouche would be loving today if he wasn’t also dead. He’s in heaven having a good laugh while Liz runs from Doom Guy.
God save the King (Lyndon LaRouche)
LaRouche mfers stanning for the Queen NGL the biggest trip i’ve seen on here. Hazbros
Breaking: Queen Elizabeth has left this mortal plane to do battle with Lyndon Larouche
LaRouche rn: (pro wrestling video).
Jackson Hinkle makes note of it. A typical response which follows: Did Lyndon LaRouche just win the War On Drugs?? Daniel Burke cries to get Hinkle on the Larouche show, or him on his show. (Ongoing attempts.)
The Larouchies must be waiting to be told who is taking over controlling all World events.
People will try to say she died of “natural causes”, but the LaRouchies have been waiting, biding their time… If we’d lowered the tuning pitch to A=432 this never would have happened
LaRouchies Wait Patiently, World’s Lizard People On High Alert
LaRouchies everywhere are humming at 432hz to bring down the London bridge
absolutely unbelievable news out of the UK today I didn’t even know they COULD declare that they’re changing the frequency of C sharp, but they’re doing it. another victory for Larouchian music theory
do not endorse graffito on my walk to dinner but wow nyc urban artists move fast. (Ugly queen caricature). No tributes to Lyndon LaRouche on the 100th anniversary of his birth? Sad!
I’m sort of wondering/scared if Queen Elizabeth’s “death” is timed for some weird occult shit I’d rather not know about. I mean, what are the chances she died on Lyndon LaRouche’s 100th birthday? And the last couple of videos she appeared in were clearly deepfakes.
This is literally the only time I’ll ever be kind of bummed that Lyndon Larouche is dead.
rip lyndon larouche you would have loved september 8th, 2022 the day queen elizabeth II died
loving the LaRouche people faving a joke at their own expense
Queen Elizabeth died on Lyndon LaRouche’s hundredth birthday. I’m going to be thinking about this for the rest of my life. Probably like once a week It’s important that they vet her doctor for LaRoucheist tendencies. the tentacles of the movement reach into every nook and cranny
Larouche out there somewhere in the great unknown. (Screaming at the top of a mountain)
We should never forget that she outlasted Lyndon Hermyle LaRouche Jr. and all his empty allegations.
Yeah sure, the Queen is only just now dying and has been alive up to this point, whatever buddy. my exact thoughts lmao. Great bit to wait until larouche’s 100th birthday to admit it though. Reunited in the afterlife
No doubt the LaRouche people are giddy over the synchronicity inherent the Queen of England dying on Lyndon LaRouche’s 100th birthday.
The bane of Lyndon LaRouche’s existence.
What do you think Lyndon LaRouche is going to say to the Queen if they meet in hell?
Tired: LaRouche got his revenge Inspired: The Brits eat their own
Lyndon LaRouche finally gets to meet his greatest nemesis
While typing stupid jokes I only just realised the first three letters of lizard is Liz wtf. And on Linden Larouche’s 100th birthday too. (foil hat video)
Point: This has to be the best day in a LaRouche guy’s life. Your particular thing is all anyone can talk about. Enjoy it while it lasts brother. Counterpoint: LaRouche did not actually do anything today and he’s achieved in a day what Leftists have never been able to achieve all their lives. Try harder.
Trying to reach Schumer. Senator, isn’t it an amazing coincidence that Queen Elizabeth passed away today, on the same day as Lyndon LaRouche’s 100th birthday anniversary? She is gone but the disease is still around! I am talking about the Ukrainian Hit List! Shut it down now!
Truly cannot get over her dying on Lyndon LaRouche’s 100th birthday. … all that Lyndon LaRouche rubbish again.
All downhill now for Lyndon Larouche.
On Haz — Nothing says being in touch with the working class like hating on snoop dogg
… .. Lizzy died on Lyndon LaRouche’s birthday??? Is God a shitposter?
La Reina de Inglaterra murió en el cumpleaños número 100 de Lyndon Larouche
LaRouche being older than the queen makes sense but also feels intuitively wrong to me
Would have missed Larouche’s birthday. She went out for the old heads
I dunno, maybe Larouche’s 100th birthday is the trigger sign…
What do you think Lyndon LaRouche is going to say to the Queen if they meet in hell? In order to make a quality joke here I would have to know far more about Antisemitism or American Trotskyism than I currently have command of. I famously hate Philadelphia. One of the reasons is I bought a LaRouche newspaper by accident because I saw Obama as Hitler on the cover and thought “Oh, Commie-zene, let me check this out.”
The LaRouchies are also celebrating her demise and they’re the furthest thing from “woke”. Look
On one hand, all the nazis falling all over themselves to hump a dead Queen’s corpse will drive away the LaRouchies and big fans of Madsen; on the other hand, this means extremely dumb people will now be trying to recruit left again. There are no winners in hellworld.
dying on larouche’s 100th bday is pretty funny
Lyndon Larouche Twitter is going crazy today
VICE angle: Dealers Are Giving Discounts on Cocaine and Ketamine in Honour of the Queen. My God, Larouche would have nailed it.
Lady Diana was both Icke-pilled and LaRouche-pilled? That’s big.
(someone has a Thomas Dewey account?). GUYS. LAROUCHE 100TH BIRTHDAY = QUEEN DIED
So who is Lyndon LaRouche going to complain about now?
Jimmy Dore killed the Queen. Actually it was Lyndon LaRouche.
I really feel that not enough people are talking about Queen Elizabeth II dying on Lyndon Larouche’s 100th birthday. Coincidence? I think not! So, Queen Elizabeth II died on the 100th birthday of Lyndon Larouche. So maybe he was right and we need to retvrn to Verdi tuning.
Betsy and LaRouche both lived to the age of 96, too.
As we all know Lyndon LaRouche proved that the Queen of England was also a drug baron but make no mistake Lizzy was a real one and her private keys are private. Charlie can run through something else the Queen’s Crypto was left to Candy the diamond pawed dorgi. As Homer Simpson famously said “Lyndon Larouche was right”
Remembering Lyndon LaRouche’s feelings about Queen Elizabeth II.
She died on Lyndon Larouche’s 100th birthday. More people need to be aware of this.
(Biden) inviting trump to come and ruin the royal funeral would be pretty hilarious tho. He should invite whoever is running the LaRouchies now
Lyndon Larouche would also be appalled at the attention being paid to mourn a drug trafficker.
I just realized the queen died on LaRouche’s 100th birthday. He’s won
Queen Elizabeth died on what would have been Lyndon LaRouche’s 100th birthday
They also thought the British royal family ran the US, not to mention the world drug trade. Wonder what their take on recent news is? True fact: The queen died on LaRouche’s 100th birthday.
What can I say, it was a funny week to be a Lyndon LaRouche fan. (funny image)
Larouche cultists losing the last of their brain cells after the queen croaks lol
Both LaRouche & the Queen supported Brexit, ironically coming together, full circle, circa 2016. I do not think this is accurate, but whatever.
Timothy Noah writes his opposition to the British monarchy. Lyndon LaRouche long understood the threat Tim poses to mankind. What are you talking about? On this one issue Lyndon and I agree!
It’s a shame Lyndon LaRouche is dead – he would have had some great conspiracy takes on Betty’s death.
LPAC is “shocked” at the lines of Tucker Carlson and… Donald Trump, if they were honest.
such as that Queen Elizabeth was plotting America’s downfall.
!– /wp:paragraph –>
Invariably the most “viral” tweet out of Diane Sare — hundreds of responders –– is on Queen Elizabeth. One bottom line: You’re talking to someone from the LaRouche organisation. She probably thinks the Queen was a space lizard. AND. You only need to note the Larouche reference in the biog to know that…daddy Larouche believed the Royal Family runs the world financial system amd the drugs trade. Him and his followers are loopy as fuck.
Good God every time I think it couldn’t get worse it does. — this must the first time you’ve met Larouchies —– It is, I don’t know anything about her and I don’t wish her ill, but these remarks… — Then you were also unaware that the Beatles were a psychological-warfare operation by British intelligence services to destroy the USA —- Sorry about that, it seemed like a good idea at the time. We did not expect you to hit back with the Monkees
Xi sends his love to the new King. Larouche networks in overdrive trying to avoid the contradictions of their bullshit
And a graph showing Google searches of La rounds versus “Charles in Charge” shortly following the Death
