Watch out. They’re Organizing.


Louisville senior Timothy Gilliam said that often, on college campuses, liberal students tend to protest and rally more than conservative students.
On Wednesday, Western’s College Republicans aimed to amplify the conservative voice through “W” Day.
It was created to preserve the legacy of President George W. Bush, said Gilliam, the “W” Day creator.
“With President Bush often getting dogged quite a bit in the media, and amongst younger people, I felt it was our duty to show that there is a fair number that support President Bush and appreciate what he did for our country,” he said. […]

A booth was set up outside the Downing University Center where any supporter could sign a giant thank-you card that will be sent to Bush’s home in Texas. Passersby could also catch snippets of the former president’s most famous speeches and pick up a flier highlighting his accomplishments, Gilliam said.
Gilliam said he’s going to share the idea with other universities due to its success.
More than 200 fliers were handed out, and about 100 people signed the thank-you card, Gilliam said.
Radcliff junior Andrew Johnson, College Republicans treasurer, said that “W” Day will become an annual event, after seeing how successful it was.

Well that’s just ducky.

If they need seed money for future endevors, they know who and where to turn to — namely, Jeffrey Scott Shapiro and the National Association of W Lovers organization “Honor Freedom”.

Some suggestions for “W Day” flier photographs for the coming years, and for other university campuses on their “W Day”.


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