Archive for January, 2020

Millions of peaches

Wednesday, January 29th, 2020

Alan Dershowitz provides the formulation that will go down in history and be placed next to the Nixon frost defense.  I guess if you wish to poke at his actual comment you may arrive at a threading of the needle on an “Even if” type …

Or, see the not at but veering around “never trump”national review...

Depending on a from whence one derived and parcels the “deep state” animosity, the appearance of John Bolton either Feeds your paranoia or has to be crammed against inconsistencies.  Fox news commentators proclaim him a canned liberal, and cue laugh track.  The likes of prisonplanet — holding Bush era sympathies — can more plausibly sell it, if not that the two spots of trump support were lodged together.  Interesting to see liberal sources noting fox news had the visual feed of the Democratic house case but not audio — make the leap to what the commentator covering up sales tells you.  Now we see some right commentary who didn’t note that noting that the presidents case is being shown with the visual on Fox news but not the audio… Control the narrative from the unpredictable, or give us enough time to figure out how to defend it…

It was widely reported mitt Romney was drinking chocolate milk, in a setting only water and milk is allowed.  This was reported as possibly a signal from one of those four republicans you are watching (in addition to three democrats you are watching), or possibly just someone who put chocolate in his milk.  Time to go back and see if the johnson, nixon, and Clinton cases provided the same fodder for the mill.

Bloomberg gains momentum?

Saturday, January 25th, 2020

So.  Some private conversation between Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren gets trafficked months and political eons later, where Sanders most plausibly meandered about at most what Hillary Clinton staffers muttered around after the last election and at least nodded that challenges existed for Warren, extrapolated now for maximum attempted political affect..

And personality clashes played up, Warren.. won’t… shake… Bernie’s hand…

Out of nowhere, or… A Netflix flick on her?… do people want that?  Hillary Clinton jumps in.  To say, um… “Nobody likes him.”. I suppose there could be a political argument she could profer, that Sanders wouldn’t have the personal skills to get his agenda through, which oddly would aim more to the bipartisan worker bingo argument for old man Biden and youngster Buttigieg than the obvious figure she seems wanting to assist in Warren.

Apparently Bernie has a disturbing record of… Um… Arguing against his Democratic opponents, in particular the female opponents.  Never really went after Lincoln Chafee in that last election, you will notice, in the same way he did Clinton.

More horror slashing the woke progressives — Joe Rogan gives a nod of approval to Bernie, praised his consistency.  Not quite accurate — he has modified on whether working with the Democratic party is worthwhile — and consistency is oft overblown…

See Trump making his pilgrimage to the “pro life” rally.  Reading the tooth gnashing under a conservative praise who missed the point on transactional nature of the politics and ends up a tad schizophrenic in arguing that it’s a dependable token… Never mind you can read in The Nation magazine all that Trump has done for this cause and position…

.. But Rogan spoke this and that.  Mixed martial arts politics of the Heather Swanson dilemma.  Didn’t like the banishing of Dukes of Hazard in the Confederate flag brouhaha as dismantling history — that history being women in short shorts.  Has had discussed on his show that he mostly lets them speak unchallenged.  So.  A deplorable may vote for him, and lead other deplorable to do so, and we can’t have that… So the call to renounce this endorsement.

Or maybe that is all a Twitter land controversy with no bearing on the Iowa New Hampshire South Carolina Democratic electorate.  except making him a sympathetic figure.

At least with Hillary Clinton jamming Tulsi Gabbard … Hubbard was gloating in microscopic vote land.  (Hm… A woman Sanders hasn’t said anything much on that Hillary has…)

2004 or that abouts

Monday, January 20th, 2020

The Democratic race supposedly devolves into that of 2004 — except the discomfitting likely nominee — roughly the same age but sixteen years on —

… I already noted Warren possessing the same problems as Dukakis of 88 … Sitting on the beach indulging in thick policy reading … Fun in the sun…

… Sanders is Corbyn, reincarnate, and we all know what happened to him.  Actually when you hear that klobuchar gloating on behalf of women on who lost all The elections on stage … Was that a tag team assault team up with Warren on Bernie?  (The only guy on stage to participate in elections for fraction of percentage vote tallies?)

Actually, maybe Bernie is Dean again… who on The eve of the primaries had footage released of him badmouthing The party in the past.  Come from two different directions, of course, and neither hold a candle to Trump…

The great thing for the new Kerry for that old Biden is he doesn’t have an Edwards to not bring anything to the ticket.  Unless Buttigieg is… Though he didn’t represent the attempt of a breach into the south.  No, I gather we’ll get the retry for Gephardt … Midwest didn’t get anywhere here… Klobuchar.

Reading the comments section on such politician analysis… I can vote Warren but not Biden… Biden not Warren… Only Gabbard or Sanders for some foreign policy purposes… I’m sure someone would follow the logic for only Kucinch over Bush, or maybe Dean but certainly not the hawk Kerry, in which case we can turn to Bush for that cultural purpose.

Is Trump now Bush?  Damned if he can’t find some cultural battle to jam on Midwest swing state ballots… Unless, suddenly, he actually is it.

Surprising New Hampshire primary result sends shockwaves through political fringe parts

Thursday, January 16th, 2020

Shocking election result in the New Hampshire primary.  Vermin Supreme has won the Libertarian delegating race.  Who is Vermin Supreme?  Quite a bit like fellow libertarian candidate Lincoln Chafee… ran on multiple party platforms, most noted for the most outre stances on things, and latest race seems to be just wanting to hear themselves talk.

No, for their purposes I wouldn’t know where the party should go.  After three former Republicans for a presidential race, it is probably to go elsewhere — the Green Party went to a former Democrat in 2008 then to Jill Stein so on that basis they come out as less desperate.  And Chafee is no Gary Johnson.  May be that is why he came last — only garnering a smidgen of media attention for his run because he was a statewide elected official for Senate and governor.  Unlike performance artist Vermin Supreme who captures a party ethos in that he is commenting on the system.

So, Vermin Supreme has his moment ripping apart the party’s recent history, perhaps the result of party voting procedures oh so republic not democracy … Or maybe attempted anti oligarch (no super delegates here.)

Eh… I think they have some resident of one of those sovereign ocean rig nations they can float to and spare themselves from guys with silly hate and metric system enthusiasts.  (Cheap shot, maybe … Chafee considers that aside his greatest mistake in his 2016 bid … Nevermind it is what set him above the likes of Jim Webb.)

Wait for the meghan markle endorsement

Tuesday, January 14th, 2020

… Donald Glover, Nicholas cage, rivers cuomo, Noah centineo, elon musk, Jack dorsey, and now… Dave chapelle…

How can he lose?

What?  No womem?  And… Rivers cuomo has been slammed for lyrics that… WEll, the reason is dumb but nonetheless in sjw politics lovelorn dad men’s obsession don’t work…

Buttigieg nabbed Mandy moore.  And doesn’t have a faintly positive write-up on the national review.  I guess that’s why he’s still on stage?

No longer in it to win it

Monday, January 13th, 2020

Marianne Williamson is out.  You need Oprah to see if Oprah can win.  Cory “spartacus” is out… Weirdly indistinguishable from the rest, which means the “did race do him in?” Gets asked as others indistinguishable from the rest do better than he.

Bloomberg continues to bombard the uninterested electorate with national tv spots — oddly playing up getting fired at the age of 30.  (Relatability?). The one guy I’ve known who had him as his ideal candidate four year’s back ain’t interested.

Lincoln Chafee is in the libertarian race — for what libertarian electorate, I can’t say.

How utah media notes the republican primary challengers

Monday, January 6th, 2020

President Donal Trump faces only token opposition from six other lesser known Republicans

It’s pretty well official.  Joe Walsh and Bill Weld equal Roque Dr la Fuente. (His son, running for some of the same seats, will be on the Democratic ticket.)

decalibrating realignments

Monday, January 6th, 2020

Hashtag wwwiii is apparently big right now. Certain recalibrations decalibrate as Trump takes up the policy preferences of your John Boltons. International answer holds an underwhelming protest and I can’t for the life of me decide if the lack of democrats is good or bad — on one hand, politically you want no part of this grab bag of leftist grand unification, on the other hand — it is a spot of protest. There ought be a sliver of maga-ers who bought into Trump’s claims that Obama was itching to a 2012 war for electoral purposes. There isn’t.

The likes of Alex Jones cheerleading the administration on this one, thumping the president’s belligerent fu to Iraq’s parliamentary “us out” statement. When Trump turns into Bush and they don’t respond accordingly…

Yes there is no impeachment

Wednesday, January 1st, 2020

Welcome to a new year.  Trump — supposedly oh so reticent on deploying troops– (his best feature) has ripped up not so much goodwill in Iraq as relative I’ll will toward Iran and Lindsey Graham promised it won’t be Benghazzi again.  Nay. .. Not Obama’s and Hillary’s molehill of a scandal… Think Carter’s troubles… Politically hard to figure what it swallows up.

We open 2020 without much figured in the endless Democratic primary.  Maybe an echo of those Republican primaries of older where everyone gets the day in the sun before Biden or Romney go away with it.  I guess that’s how it works when there’s no celebrity exhausting the media bubble.  Yang is Paul, I suppose.

It’s maybe a little weird as I listen to a conversation on hoping Trump will be impeached, not able to inject– deed is done.  Unless you go by that interesting logic of not if senate don’t take it up.  I hate to say it but McConnell ‘s response to Pelosi on not handing it over til they know what the senate is doing … We didnt ask for it… Makes sense.