Archive for May, 2012

Jerry Voorhis at the launch of the Nixon Project

Thursday, May 31st, 2012

The 1947 Jerry Voorhis book Confessions of a Congressman is of interest in particular because it comes right off the heels of the first Congressional loss to a Richard Nixon.

The 12th District campaign of 1946 got started along in the fall of 1945, more than a year before the election. There was, of course, opposition to me in the district. There always had been. Nor was there any valid reason for me to think I lived a charmed political life. But there were special factors in the campaign of 1946, factors bigger and more powerful than either my opponent or myself.

And they were on his side.

In October 1945, the representative of a large New York financial house  made a trip to California. All the reasons for his trip I, of course, do not know. But I do know that he called on a number of influential people in Southern California. And I know he “bawled them out.” For what? For permitting Jerry Voorhis, whom he described as “one of the most dangerous men in Washington,” to continue to represent a part of the state of California in the House of Representatives. This gentleman’s reasons for thinking me so “dangerous” obviously had to do with my views and work against monopoly and for changes in the monetary system.

It appears that his California friends listened to him and were impressed.  Just how much this Eastern gentlemen and others like him had to do with the actual running of the campaign I do not know.  But many of the advertisements which ran in the district newspapers advocating my defeat came to the papers from a large advertising agency in Los Angeles, rather than from any source within the Twelth District.  And payment was made by check from the same agency.

[Followed by a discription of a McCarthyite campaign full of misdirections.  And from the congratulatory letter Voorhis sent off to Nixon:]

During the 10 years of my service I came to have a profound respect for the Congress of the United States and to realize the critical importance of its work, not only for the future of our country, but for the future of the whole world.  For those of us who believe in democratic government, under a Constitution which protects the individual citizen’s rights and liberties, it becomes more and more evident that the one essential bulwark of the people’s liberties in such a nation is the vigor and effectiveness of the national legislature.
If that national legislature occupies its proper place as a co-equal branch of government, and especially if it puts forth and enacts into law a program calculated to meet the nation’s present and future problems, the future of freedom will be safe.  What will happen under opposite circumstances we all know. […]

And then the description of his parting meeting with Nixon.

 We talked for more than an hour and parted, I hope and believe, as personal friends.  Mr. Nixon will be a Republican congressman.  He will, I imagine, be a conservative one.  And I know I appreciated his coming to see me very sincerely indeed.
But, he also believes he will be a “conscientious” congressman…

The subject of the unnamed conspirators swooping into the district, if you google the excerpt, is of interest in various conspiratorial … analyses you might go ahead and say and chunk the “Conspiracy theory” label.

Crunching the Numbers — the Rise of the Barack Obama / Kesha Rogers tag-team Democrats

Thursday, May 31st, 2012

Basically the only one, I paid some attention to the Congressional race pitting Delia Lopez and Ronald Green for an ultimately meaningless match-up against incumbent Earl Blumenauer — a man who can hold his seat for as long as he wants and will eventually be replaced by another Democrat.  (Maybe Dennis Kucinich can seek his comeback here?)  I thought it was something of an upset when Ronald Green beat Delia Lopez.    Because I could spot Lopez with a certain amount of supporters and backers.  A local conservative radio host.  Some Ron Paul supporters boosted her on the Internet.  And she had won the Republican race twice before.  For that matter, much to her expressed astonishment, the Larouche Movement gave her a plug in 2010 — though I could never find the supposed support of Glass Steagall anywhere that helped lead to the mention.  (‘Can’t hold the Larouche endorsement against her, and besides which there’s plenty to do — she is nutty.)

The election results I found interesting.  What set Ronald Green apart from Delia Lopez?  The Oregonian gave a tepid endorsement to Green on the basis of “He actually lives here”; the Willamette Week gave a tepid endorsement to Lopez with a shrug.  Maybe Green’s platform is just more attractive to the registered Republicans here — Lopez is nutty; Green just comes across as (somewhat refreshingly, I might say) eccentric with respect to how the two parties are drawn.  And maybe a bit of Delia Lopez fatigue has set in — two runs are enough for her.

 Enter the fighting Texas 22nd District.  The stronghold for Incumbent Pete Olson.  Some relevant election results.  Start with the statewide total for Democratic Presidential Primary.

Barack Obama 88.21 percent
John Wolfe 5.05 percent
Darcy G Richardson 4.29 percent
Bob Ely 2.43 percent

John Wolfe, you will remember, as the man who won a whole slew of counties in West Virginia Arkansas.  If a voter felt that it was absolutely paramount that the survival of the species required Obama’s hasty removal, he would be a good candidate to cast your ballot toward.

Another interesting race result is who is now pushed forward to the next primary in the Democratic Senate race.

Paul Sadler 34.35 percent
Grady Yarbrough 26.46 percent

The results do not argue well for the Democrats having a chance of winning in November — in a Republican state in a Presidential election year, the putative favorite comes forward at just over a third of the vote.  And who is this at number 2?  From what I can tell, a man on the ballot who ran little campaign who came through off of the name of the Great Texas Liberal Democratic Senator Ralph Yarborough.  He reports that he “bought some ads” in some black oriented media — there might be some identity politics voting going into his election total (that thumped him past a couple other slightly better known but not really candidates).

I wish I could find the results on a district wide vote tally at the Texas Secretary of State elections page.  But unfortunately they’re tallied by counties.  When I can find these results by district, I will add it to this page.

I am absolutely positive my math is “fuzzy” here, and for the sake of simplification I have made a giant assumption and thrown the “under-votes” into the same pattern of voting.

Brazoria County
Barack Obama …. 1,270 … 89.94% of early vote (1,270) 91.56% total (3,050)

Pete Sadler … 37.68 percent total — Grady Yarbrough 22.54% total

KP Geoge — 382, 49.29 percent early vote — (759) 42.54 percent total votes
Kesha Rogers 393, 50.7 percent early vote — (1,025) 57.45 percent total vote

I suppose we can assume that the 9.46 percent of dissenters from Obama cast their lot with Kesha Rogers, which would leave us with 48 percent of the vote casting a ballot for both Obama and Kesha Rogers.  The chance that a Kesha Rogers voter cast their ballot for Obama stands at 85.5 percent.

Harris County

Barack Obama — 32,380 early votes 94.94 percent  — 67,978 total votes 95.26 percent

Paul Sadler –17,436 total votes  28.43 percent — Grady Yarbrough — 18,327 total votes; 29.88 percent

KP George 237 early votes 43.16 percent  — 516 total votes, 38.27 percent
Kesha Rogers 312 early votes 56.83 percent — 836 total votes, 61.76 percent

Giving Kesha Rogers the 4.74 percent of the anti-Obama vote, the chance that a Kesha Rogers voter cast their ballot for Obama would be roughly 93.2 percent.


Barack Obama 4,054 early votes — 96.98 percent ; 9,617 total votes (97.42 percent)

Paul Sadler 28.97 — Grady Yarbrough — 32.92

KP George — 1,152 early votes, 61.50 percent — 2,278 total votes — 55.83 percent
Kesha Rogers 721 early votes, 38.49 percent — 1,802 total votes — 44.16  percent

Giving Kesha Rogers the 2.58 percent of the anti-Obama votes, the chances that a Kesha Rogers voter cast their ballot for Obama is 94.15.


Barack Obama … 2,474 early 91.62 — 4,948 total, 92.21

Paul Sadler — 22.06 percent; Grady Yarbrough — 44.61

This one I’m screwed with.  The map shows a part of Galveston a part of the district, but there are no results under this category.

I see a few things to take away from these results.  You can make of them what you will.

Texas Primary results: Obama’s percentage beats Romney’s; a Yarbrough forces a Senate run-off

Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

The big news coming from yesterday’s primary is that Mitt Romney has officially clenched the nomination.  This is sort of a fake news story — it is what got the headlines out of the Texas slew of elections due to there not really being any real elections to talk about or discuss.

So, if we lead with that here’s what we look at.
Mitt Romney … 68.97 percent
Ron Paul …  11.94 percent

Ron Paul is a favorite son.  Maybe?  I don’t think this gets him to a delegate.  The fun and frivolity continues at Daily Paul and various blog organs, though.  See here, for instance.  There will be a way that Ron Paul will get the Presidency, oh yes.

Coming in last place is… John Davis?  With .32 percent of the vote.  Who is John Davis?  Immediately I think of the 1924 Democratic Presidential nominee.  Who had a boomlet going for that as early as 1920, apparently.  The low point in Democratic Presidential vote-getting, a man who dared say that the Klan was evil [to the chagrin of William Jennings Bryan] and ended his career as fighting on behalf of segregation in Brown v Board of Education.
This is a different John Davis.   It may be that his campaign travel journal is worth a quick gander in the way any candidate fighting it out on a vanity campaign with a Constitution in one hand and a firearm in the other might be.

The Republican Senate campaign  drags us down to Ted Cruz versus David Dewhurst.  The big question we have on such a matter, as this is the first time I’m looking at this race — “So.  Who’s the Tea Party guy?  And how far to the right is the non Tea Party guy?”  Ted Cruz is the man who is running to the right of Dewhurst, who is having to figure out how to get to the right of Cruz.  Should be an exciting run-off, I suppose.

But the runoff, which will determine the GOP nominee to succeed retiring Republican Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, will mainly depend on which candidate can capture voters who turned out to support one of the other seven GOP candidates on Tuesday’s ballot.
That competition centers on third place finisher Tom Leppert, the former mayor of Dallas, who received 13 percent of Tuesday’s vote. Anecdotal evidence suggests supporters of Leppert are more likely to back Dewhurst than Cruz in a runoff. But Cruz supporters believe they can mobilize and capitalize on tea party energy to achieve a win in July.

Maybe he can snake out support from all the other five candidates to match the support from Leppert?

Craig James 3.59 percent
Glenn Addison 1.68 percent
Lela Pittenger 1.28 percent
Ben Gambini .51 percent
Curt Cleaver .47 percent
Joe Agris .32 percent

Just get all these votes and keep Leppert’s down, and you may get there!  Just as we can figure out what eats at the Joe Agris supporters — little help here?
I asked why he was running. He said that voters will “trust a doctor” more than politicians, who he accused of having “constipation of thought and diarrhea of words.”

On the Democratic side, we are outside of the Appalachia streak, so what we have is …

Barack Obama 88.21 percent
John Wolfe 5.05 percent
Darcy G Richardson 4.29 percent
Bob Ely 2.43 percent

A disappointment, actually, as it suggests that John Wolfe hasn’t consolidated the anti-Obama vote as I might have hoped with his earlier performances in West Virginia and Louisiana– nearly equaled Darcy Richardson.  Maybe Richardson isn’t that bad — a political lineage off of Eugene McCarthy (he got clean for Gene) and into the much Green Party proto party “Consumer Party“.  I suspect Wolfe had to ride momentum off of West Virginia to gain the vague name recognition in order to surpass Richardson.

Bob Ely is the cranky “Letters to the Editor” opinionator man who uses the words “Common Sense” a lot and thinks it’s neat to shout “Son of bitches” at the powerful.  A closer inspection of his website reveals he is not as kooky as I’d first suspect by first glance at his website.

The Senate race clusterfuck suggests that the Democrats don’t have a chance in Hell here.  In a situation like this — a Republican state in a Presidential election year, they really would need to have a clear good front-liner “slated”:

Pete Sadler 35.12 percent
Grady Yarbrough  25.82 percent
Addie Dainell 22.9 percent
Sean Hubbard 16.14 percent

Here’s to a run off between Pete Sadler and Grady Yarbrough.  The word is that Yarbrough is that “fluke”-ish candidate nobody had ever really heard of that didn’t have any money.  See
Unlike his three competitors in the primary, Yarbrough has not reported raising or spending any money with the Federal Elections Commission. Yarbrough said he just hasn’t filed any reports yet but did spend money around the state promoting his campaign. Yarbrough said he advertised in African-American newspapers and had yard signs up in several parts of the state.

I can state categorically:  he came in second because of the much heralded Senator in Texas history, Ralph Yarbrough.

That’s the state level for you.  After that we get down to the Congressional seats.  Where a lot of things are certainly there, under the radar, worth looking at.

I guess Mother Jones provides some goods.

Excellent news here:   An Anti-Drug War progressive knocked off an eight-term incumbent: In El Paso, progressive Beto O’Rourke beat eight-term Democratic Rep. Silvestre Reyes, and he did it without running away from the issue that brought him to prominence—the War on Drugs, which he considers to be an utter failure. Washington might not be able to talk about weed without making dumb pot jokes, but in far West Texas, they may have turned a corner.

Also excellent news here:  Texas’ top birther is done: State Rep. Leo Berman (R) is famous in these parts for introducing a bill demanding that President Obama produce his birth certificate and for attempting to ban Islamic Shariah law. (He also sponsored a secession rally.) But he’s a lame duck after losing to challenger Matt Schaefer. Per the Texas Tribune: “Berman, who is battling non-Hodgkins lymphoma, had said that he was retiring after the last legislative session but decided to run again after meeting Schaefer, whom he described as arrogant.

Two chips to throw down what probably over is vaguely annoying.

We Will have Kesha Rogers to Kick Around Some! Diane Sare Rebuked by youthful Ghost of Ross Perot! Bill Roberts to star in Mr Smith goes to Washington remake

Tuesday, May 29th, 2012


A Sidney Hill update???  Remember Sidney Hill?  A cause celebre somewhere, but not in the Larouche publications.

Bill Hess brings us some Fantastic Photo-journalism updating us on the whereabouts of Sidney Hill.  Up in Wasilla.  (One of those places that one day nobody ever heard of, then the next… everyone knew of.)

I was very pleased to see that this old hippy had seen the sign and then positioned himself right beside it so he could defy it. He even had a pretty good sign of his own made up, asking Alaska passersby to feed him a peach. If you could see all the lettering, this is what you would read:
“This old hippie says AK feed me a peach.” A bit more follows of course, but that was the basic message. This guy wanted a peach. I don’t know why he wanted a peach and not a chunk of moose meat or salmon, but a peach was what he wanted.
I would have given him a peach, too, but I didn’t have one. I did have a bean burrito, but he didn’t want a burrito – only a peach.
He claimed to be a friend of Lyndon LaRouche, who apparently backs up the quest of old hippies to be fed by the great AK! It is nice to know there are still compassionate people in this country, state and town.

Eventually we’re going to have to expand that networked map (showing the candidates) to include Sidney Hill in Alaska and Perry Clarke in Kentucky.
By the way… for what it is worth… the Skull / Bones blog would like to take this opportunity to endorse Republican Chris Theineman for Kentucky State Senate, District 37.  Yeah, I know… this is John Wolfe country.


I suppose if she wins we will have a big “Dewey Defeats Truman” situation with this headline.  I will update this when election returns come in.

Daily Kos assesses the big KP George — Kesha Rogers race
Even though the Democrats have next to no chance of beating Olson, the Democratic primary here is actually worth watching.  Kesha Rogers, a Lyndon LaRouche activist who calls for impeaching President Obama, was the Democratic nominee in 2010 and caused a big headache for local Dems.  Rogers is running again and local Democrats would like to avoid the embarrassment of sharing a ticket with her this year: her sole opponent is KP George.  George’s nomination wouldn’t give the party any more of a chance to unseat Olson, but it would be a huge relief for Texas Democrats if he was their nominee here instead of Rogers.
Yet the race only gets one star.  If only Pete Olson had had lost sight of getting candidacy paperwork in in the vein of Thad McCotter, the Dems coulda been contenders.
I sort of reiterate, win or less… the Democratic Party in Harris County will still have her to kick around some.

Howie G booted off Democratic Underground, I see, in relation to proseltyzing for the cause of the 6 Larouche candidates.

College Football Fans weigh in on this race:
Larouchies come in all colors. And they’re all nuts.
Screw congress, she’s got my vote for President!
“This is Henry Kissinger. He’s a Jew.” Followed by explanations that the Jews and Queen Elizabeth are running drugs to corrupt America’s youth, blah, blah, blah. (Lyndon LaRouche, 1984.)


We begin with details from the New Jersey Debate.  Where Diane Sare wasn’t asked about recent comments made by her leader.  They never ask about the imminent themonuclear war, and always go to Gay Marriage… Lament Lament Lament.

Better yet, she ought be asked about this quotation.  Maybe that’ll filter into the Taj — Roberts debates?

LaRouche Democratic supporters made up at least half of the more than 100 attendees of the debate in Teaneck, based on the blue LaRouche shirts they were wearing.
Many of the questions supplied by the audience seemed to be geared toward their ideals.
LaRouche Democrats support Mars colonization, the impeachment of Barack Obama, the reinstatement of the Depression-era Glass-Steagall Act and place emphasis on the importance of classical music.
When a question from the audience about classical music came, Gussen wouldn’t take the bait.
“I think if (Albert) Einstein lived today he may just have likely been a DJ,” he said.
Even during direct questioning, Sare often went off topic. When asked about gay marriage, she instead put emphasis on ballistic missile defense systems in Europe.
“If we have thermo-nuclear war and a financial blowout,” she said, “we will all be dead whether we are gay, straight, married or not.”

Well, if this guy is a “Tea Party Patriot” he probably isn’t a registered Democrat, so we won’t have to worry about this guy’s vote.

And we have an answer to the question “Is Mark Quick a Larouchie?”  The answer: Yes.
From this blog here, Mark Quick says:  I believe before you publish statements like this you should actually research your facts before publishing. Nobody manages my campaigns but me. Your clearly out just to destroy people on a personal level. I took a boat load of crap because I went to Trenton to be involved with YOU. I have learned more about how corrupt and evil our government has become and people like you are paid to hide the TREASON. On LaRouche explain why Ronald Reagon and him were friends he worked for Reagon???
If asked before I saw that comment I would have said “No”.  But … there you go.

A Reform Activist chimes in
Mark D. Quick, a former Republican Committeeman who abandoned the GOP last year, does not speak on behalf of the Reform Party of New Jersey, the Reform Party of the United States, nor any of the elected officers of either organization. He is no longer a candidate on the party’s ticket nor will the party sanction any of his forthcoming announcements. Quick’s alliance with Sare has been officially rebuked by the party’s leadership and any online content pertaining to his previous Congressional bid hosted on Reform Party servers will be removed.

The Diane Sare campaign has chimed in by charging against the   NJ Reform Party co-founder, in a wildly slanderous attack on me and Lyndon LaRouche, which was no doubt dictated to him by the same people running the pathetically desperate attacks on my colleague Kesha Rogers, who won the Democratic Party nomination in the 22nd district of Texas in 2010.
Everyone who has had a chance to consider the issue knows that Mark Quick exhibits more intelligence and morality in two sentences than the pompous and ignorant Mr. Zychick and his ghost writer can muster in any series of pretentious paragraphs. No one should be fooled by these arrogant young liars whose only dream is to become corrupt party hacks in their later years.

The more interesting thing here is the headline change from something about the NJ Reform party endorsing her to  NJ Reform Party: Holding the Line for Obama Dictatorship…

“Conservative New Jersey” blog ids names behind the Mark Quick run.  They can sort it all out.  The issue at stake in New Jersey

Yesterday, Mark Quick endorsed Democrat Diane Sare for Congress. Democrat Sare is running against Congressman Scott Garrett, the most conservative member of the New Jersey delegation, and one of the top conservatives in Congress. By most measures, Scott Garrett is the most conservative member of Congress ever to come from New Jersey. […]
First we had the Bayshore Tea Party Group providing a platform for a Socialist Party candidate at a meeting in their headquarters. Now we have a Tea Party candidate – vetted and supported by a number of Tea Party groups – endorsing a follower of Lyndon LaRouche.
The Tea Party needs to end its war with Steve Lonegan, Mike Doherty, and the other conservative leaders in our state. They need to stop embracing pro-amnesty candidates like Bader Qarmout, liberals like LaRossa, bigots like Salanitri, racists like Hoyas, and Lyndon LaRouche Democrats.

A bottom line on this race provided by Blue Jersey
Correct me if I’m wrong, but is there a third candidate running in CD 5 by the name of Diane Sare? I saw her presence in the newspaper at two debates held by Bergen Grassroots and the Teaneck Democrats and was wondering if she is still running for the nomination since she was not mentioned in your story.
In many races there are numerous candidates, but in this diary I mention only those of consequence.
She wants to be on the same ballot with Obama – who she wants to impeach.  Diane Sare is NOT a credible candidate.  She may seem polite, but her positions are LaRouche crazy.

Worth mentioning her regardless, if only because the die is set with a race between what’s apparently a “lackidasical Democratic Establishmentarian” and an exciting Insurgent.  GOTV all you want for the Insurgent.  Just be sure not to  divide the two candidates to two sets of 33 and ending up losing to random 34-er.
No one has any money to do polling. If history is a good indicator, 15,000 voters will turn out on June 5th.


The circumstances are such that the way is, I suppose, open.  The Democratic Party establishment may want to push some bigger name Democratic… for a (sigh) write-in bid.  McCotter may want to try the same.  Hilarity ensues, I guess.
Hm.  I assume unless the Democratic hiearchy has some big name power candidacy everyone knows and loves that their best chance is with the candidate actually running.

From Daily Kos  …  Fortunately, Democrats have a pretty respectable candidate filed for this race already in Syed Taj, a Canton Township trustee and former chief of medicine of a local hospital. Taj has raised $200K for his campaign so far, and I’m sure more resources will be made available to him now that McCotter has put himself in the jackpot. (Oh, and there’s another “choice” in the Democratic primary: Lyndon LaRouche disciple Bill Roberts, a man whose top item on his website reads “Dumping Obama is the Key to Avoiding War”.)

I will  note I haven’t been so much sleeping on this Democratic primary as putting it aside because whatever the case, the situation is thus — skip to bold part of the comments excerpts here — featuring the standard sillying sallying of the quirks of a country with more elections taking place than attention paid to them:

I could easily see the LaRouchie winning the Dem primary if the race is a low name-ID race between him and Syed Taj. So they’d have to invest a lot of effort to get Taj through the primary.
In the case of McCotter failing to get in the primary, failing to win the primary, and the LaRouchie winning the Dem primary, an opportunity would be wasted.
What’s with the “um”? FYI Roberts has raised $4K, Taj $200K.
But it’s not going to be a slam dunk unless they spend some money. Taj’s campaign doesn’t just have a ‘some cult dude’ opponent, it’s an opponent with a generic common name. So he can’t just lay back and keep raising money, he will have to act as if the primary is real without really acknowledging the opponent. (Not entirely sure they can directly mention the obvious about the LaRouchies and Obama through mailers without people ignoring it, plus it’s not like Michigan has party registration to make that easier)
and the law of diminishing returns may factor into the effectiveness of the “Hey, Bill Roberts is associated with a bunch of crazies” campaign. Although i’d imagine “Syed Taj, great guy, shakes his finger at property taxes, rode an ostrich once” campaign would be far more likely. Especially for reaching out to all those unfamiliar with the Canton Charter Township government.
Not sure if we’ve had a ‘credible candidate loses to random person’ race yet in this cycle. Closest would be the Jimmy Ferris primary in Idaho, i’d guess.
I have nothing whatever against Taj and surely hope he wins but I have to admit my joy at learning another set of lunatics is still around in our hare-brained politics today.
We’d have until August.  I think we can make sure he wins the primary.
So yeah.  You could wage a whisper campaign against him. More of an issue might be he speaks heavily accented and not all that dynamic of a speaker.   But maybe he’s better when the subject matter isn’t mindnumbingly boring.
so it’s a coincidence that they could lose two one-on-one primaries to Indian-born candidates (who are obviously agents of the Queen and Kissinger and Nelson Rockefeller)
MI-11 Democrats may do the same thing IN-05 Democrats did in 2010 and pick Roberts over Taj, simply because his name sounds “white”
Don’t think it can’t happen?  It DID happen in Indiana just two years ago.

From the other side of the asile we get this:
If McCotter is off the ballot, Bentivolio probably has a 70% chance to win against McCotter or Kowall write-in, and 85% chance to win against Trott write in, because only insiders and some locals know who Trott is. […] Parties need to save the resources in case Bentivolio does win the primary, which is likely (Assuming McCotter is off the ballot), and help out the guy who may for all we know be the deciding vote for the speaker and committee chairs.
Unless they want Bill Roberts.

This is, by the way, the scenario that would have to sprout up to actually get a Larouchie into the House of Representatives.

The Democratic candidate, for those who care, are:
Bill Roberts, who proudly touts his connection to Lyndon Larouche and the tin-foil-hat caucus.
Syed Taj, a medical doctor and native of India, who was elected to the Canton Twp board in 2008.  Not a hopeless, but also maybe not exactly what Waterford Twp is looking for in a Congressional candidate.
Ya gots until August.


The Larouche Cryonics Movement throws its lot lot against Alex Jones with ultimate insult Aex Jones is a Neanderthal Hybrid Crypto-Jew.

Then we get comments from the peanut gallery at Lunatic Outpost
Larouche is a just a flat out crackpot.   He’s makes guys David Icke and Clif High look normal.
The ultimate power behind the royal bloodlines are extra dimensional reptillian entities who literally hate humanity. What the Christians would call demons. Our royal elite have fallen for their lies of using alien technology to empower the elite with Godlike powers.
The only thing stopping the alien entities manifesting is the human vibration on the planet this love energy drives them insane with rage, a state of mind they can’t function rationally in.
Once the blue bloods do their bidding and reduce the love energy by reducing the population the cold authoritarian vibration will allow them to manifest with frightening consequences for our elite!
Why can’t we just have a Nuclear War, why’s it always got to be Thermal Nuclear War? WHY???
Oh wow! A guy with no credibility interviews another guy with no credibility!

No.  Wait.  Maybe we need a conflab between these two groups:

I would appear to not be the only person who is moving well, et cetera. The Freemason Confraternity of the Whole Wide World also seem to be offering a better deal than the LaRouche people.
(Yes, the local LaRouchies continue to e-mail me periodically, unconcerned by their continuing terrible prophetic record, and not inclined to admit any errors.)

Vern Nelson asks the question:  Hey Robert [Lauten], I know you’re a LaRouchie, but I see you on my ballot, under US Senator, as a Republican. Have all the LaRouchies become Republicans when nobody was looking?

Other campaigns:

Dateline Chicago
We drove by there today and saw them. Their sign indicated they wanted to impeach the President and that they were affiliated with the LaRouchies. I didn’t see them doing anything that might need a permit IMO.

Dateline Farmington
When asked why the two selected Farmington for their political efforts, the man said because of “the population.” The woman told one of the several people who stopped by her table at approximately 1 p.m. her group was trying to fix this country because “the whole system is dead. It’s broken.” […]
Willy asked them to leave while the man argued with police for several minutes, stating loudly, “We do this all over the place!”
Willy reported later the group did not leave the premises and rather resolved to hold their posters themselves. He said they eventually put the table away.
“Their(sic) well within their rights to exercise their First Amendment right to free speech, but you can’t do it by blocking the sidewalk,” Willy said, noting […]
Official representative for the LaRouche PAC Angela Vullo, who returned a reporter’s call from Virginia, said she could not confirm her organization was visiting Farmington on Tuesday, but said the described posters “sounds like us.” […]
“The policies that have come out … to get the world population under 1.5 billion, that is virtually targeting everyone,” Vullo said. “Not to mention, if Obama stays in office, we’re on the road to a world war that could be a nuclear war, and that could lead to the extinction of the human race.”

Jeff Steinberg on Iran’s Press TV.  Say… whatever happened to Russia Today?

alan jacquemotte lays out his platform

Monday, May 28th, 2012

Maybe you will feel compelled to vote for Alan Jacquemotte as he lays out his case here.  His race in Michigan is in August.  There are a couple of races I guess I’m now compelled to pay attention to now in that state.

Meanwhile, arguments are moving forth for and against one Buddy Roemer.  Hard to see him as “having a defective personality”, with a “hit squad” going after negative Internet commenters (I imagine there’s a wikipedia war of some sort, as there is with many a politician)…

But I don’t take sides in this dispute.

In defense of Buddy Roemer

Friday, May 25th, 2012

Interesting couple of comments that aim to set the record straight and peg Buddy Roemer’s reputation downward.  See here.

Note something like this:
He was one of the worst governors in Louisiana history. He could not get along with people, put together a competent staff, or pass legislation. He did not work hard and had no ability to govern. Read this history of LA governors, pages 259-268:

And on to:
As a LA commentator quipped, in bayou style:
“Buddy Roemer, who has been out of politics for 19 years, couldn’t win an election as a dogcatcher in Louisiana, much less the Presidency of the United States.”

All right.  I don’t care enough to shift about and figure out what my opinion of Buddy Roemer is, and I certainly do not think much of the Americans Elect concept that he attached himself to this last election.  But I have one thought to say about Buddy Roemer.  Whatever his faults as governor, or a politician, however off-base and self- congratulatory his message, whatever his level of effectiveness as governor…

His predecessor and successor was Edwin Edwards, and the man who beat him out was David Duke.

Sometimes you have to judge a politician by not any real ideals, but by who he is standing next to.  And while I guess you can say that there was obviously something wrong with him in getting to the public that he was beaten by those two men, nonetheless in grading off a curve, he may just well be seated into the Louisiana Governors Hall of Fame.

Draft John Wolfe Jr for Senate

Thursday, May 24th, 2012

One thought about John Wolfe, Jr.

He sounds better than former Tennessee governor Phil Bredesen, currently Top 1 if the Democrats feel able to take a stab at a Senate seat.  And it’s hard to fathom who else Tennessee Democrats have sitting on their bench.  (Someone with a profile like Harold Ford, Jr I imagine.)

Maybe he can parlay a certain amount of fame in having come in second in the 2012 Democratic Primaries to jump-start past the “perennial candidate” role to take a stab against Lamar Alexander in 2014.  Not like anyone else is.  Stick an exclamation point after his first name.

Actually the question might be: if Tennessee’s Democrats don’t really try to field a candidate, and Wolfe jumps in, would the Democratic Party brass in the state opt to run someone to stop a man who once marginally embarrassed the party standard-bearer? — something I suppose they wouldn’t do if Wolfe fit the profile of fourth place finisher Jim Rogers.

And was this the man Ralph Nader had in mind when he claimed to have lined someone up to primary Obama?

Maybe Wolfe could’ve won Kentucky?

Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012

Apparently wikipedia has concocted the county by county map for the 2012 Democratic primary, and where Obama is getting embarrassed.  Yes.  It looks like this 2008 “Where Obama underperformed to Kerry” map that should become as known to you as the 2000 Presidential Gore v Bush map, and it is freaking hilarious.

The regrettable thing here is that the Democrats will make the nomination unanimous.  Which is a damned shame.  It’s not that I am against figuring out how to remove Keith Judd from consideration — he’s in prison and won’t be able to deliver any speech, after all — but John Wolfe, Jr is… legitimate enough, I would say.

I hope Wolfe plays the spirit of Eugene McCarthy Chicago 68 as we hurtle into North Carolina.

With the results in Tuesday’s Arkansas and Kentucky presidential primaries, Louisiana now slides to fifth on the list of President Barack Obama’s weakest performances in 2012. In fact, the president’s 76 percent performance in Louisiana’s multi-candidate March 24 primary now looks retrospectively respectable compared to his tallies in Arkansas and Kentucky, where he was held to less than 60 percent of the vote in one-on-one contests. In Arkansas, Chattanooga, Tenn., attorney John Wolfe Jr., who won 12 percent of the vote in the Louisiana primary, carried 42 percent of the vote against the president. In Kentucky, the lone alternative to Obama was “uncommitted,” and uncommitted won 41 percent.
Two weeks ago, “no preference,” scored 20 percent of the vote against Obama in the North Carolina primary — a state that Obama narrowly carried in the 2008 general election — and that same day in West Virginia, Keith Judd, an inmate serving time in a federal prison in Texarkana, Texas, won 41 percent of the vote against Obama.

It is a shame that Vermin Supreme doesn’t stand alone on one of these ballots.  I might have edged him past Jim Rogers for personal favorite in Oklahoma.  I want him to enjoy his 15 minutes of fame.  Unfortunately, he stuck to New Hampshire.  Bad campaign strategy, I would say.

I will note for the record, you cannot say of a 58 to 42 percent citory “Barely won“.  Which I guess is why they probably changed the headline.
Also, it’s worth pointing out that in Kentucky, Obama actually compiled more votes than Republican winner—and general election challenger—Mitt Romney.  Oh, maybe.

Down ballot, the Ron Paul Revolution chugs in Thomas Massie.  One strain of Tea Party thumped against another, I suppose.  Or, it’s a “Proxy Battle” between Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell.  Just because we need to entertain ourselves with some storyline or other.