Archive for the 'The LaRouche Challenge' Category

Promeathean Action screwed at Launch

Thursday, July 25th, 2024

Interesting the swerves of politics. Michael Steger and Hulk Hogan are on the same team, campaigning for the same candidate. And okay, someone like Bill Kristol is in company he never thought he would be in as well. Still. We are watching the aesthetics on the Promethean battle for the high cultural standards on Donald Trump with these things.

II. Exciting news about Helga Zepp Larouche! THE just-concluded third plenary session of the 20th Communist Party of China Central Committee has planned forward an economic development blueprint that lays the foundation for increased productivity and technological breakthroughs, thus ensuring a continued success of China’s economic miracle in the years to come, even as the international environment will likely become increasingly complex and volatile, foreign scholars told the Global Times. Valuable insight from a trustworthy third party source!

III. Harley Schlanger discusses the murder attempt on Trump. (Don’t call it an assassination attempt, as it really isn’t.) “We still don’t know what brought (guy’s name) to fire at former President Trump last week. But we do know that the line assassin theory, which the fbi says it is operating on the basis of that, that this is a fraud.”. Or, in other words, he claims to know what brought the man to fire at former President Trump. I gather it has something to do the preceding statement on how The Order are targeting up coups and things.

IV. Jeffrey Goldberg set up with the question that throws you that “Debs and Larouche” answer.

V. Comments on Promethean Action’s … I think we can say “Agenda 47″… Which is Trump’s… But this Larouche squad will run it anyway.

Trust the Plan! (Cool with qanon then?)

And the extreme irony of your statement is that modernity and liberal revolutions were heavily inspired by the occult — freemasonry. It was the Fascist countries that outlawed lodges: Romania, Spain, Italy, etc. Any post-world war occultism was purely circumstantial as Fascism after that point was co-opted by the CIA.

VI. Confusion reigns on Promethean Action in the disambiguation side of things! What is Promethean Action, people are asking. Looking it up on Internet search engines, and you run right up against the book by Robert Anton Wilson, Prometheus Rising. Into the news, and we learn that Leonardo DeCaprio and Jane Goodell are involved with Promethean Pictures to create a new movie about wolves. How can Barbara Boyd and crew possibly compete against this? Answer: they can’t.

VII. We have some “interventions” in the New York area, but I have lost sight of things. The most notable — of sorts — is campaigning against Congressman Jamaal Bowman as he campaigned in a primary race, Alexandria Ocasio and the DSA doing their best for him, the likes of Jose Vega and Diane Sare rallying against. The man was a jackass in Congress, pulling a fire alarm which is not anything that is the mark of seriousness whatever your politics. Upon losing, the squad and supporters harped on AIPAC contributions. By most reports these went to ads focused on domestic issues — he voted against the big Infrastrure Bill, opposed from.a left wing plank. In theory this is the positioning of the Larouche Org, as is his opposition to Israel’s military actions. Yet. Of all the 435 members of Congress. This is the guy they were publicly opposing.

VIII. Okay, so Drew is anti-abortion. And he is going to troll Maine’s governor by throwing the early 90s Larouche anti-Virus book at her. That will show them!

Hm. Zeusian? Just as Mr. LaRouche was imprisoned for not keeping his mouth shut, right. The entire world has suffered for these Zeusian crimes against truth. Another good point — his friendship is growing! Off the charts! Hundred fifty or thereabouts right now for this one. People just can’t get enough of his traveling monolouge!

IX. I have no strong opinion on Kamala Harris — mixed record as always if anyone cares, but “she’ll do”. I see Jose Vega reposts him shouting at her. And Kamala Harris did a good job with him — a pint of a point for her.

X. The news feed keeps recirculation old stories and showing them as “3 days old”. Jeremiah Duggan’s suicide was staged, expert tells inquest.

XI. But I do like how he frames madness with classical references. Some Napoleons have quality foil hats!

Quick snippets in Laroucheland

Wednesday, May 1st, 2024

Harley Schlanger chimes in on the campus protests. We move on with selective polling — 80 percent of youngsters oppose Biden’s support of Netanyahu… Yeah, no kidding. Phrasing is always key. Hell — Biden opposes Biden’s support of Netanyahu. That is the meaning of a speech by Schumer calling for new elections. Not stated is that the Israeli Palestinian War comes in fourteenth out of fifteen in Gen Z’s voting issue priorities. Still, certainly loud. I will sure to watch Jimmy Dore on Bill Maher’s “unhinged” rant.

Things get really interesting as Helga starts speaking. No mention for polling on Ukraine support for the youth, as she conflates it all into Greater NATO and we have the umpteenth “Strategic Situation”. Stateside, the Larouchies tried to lead a movement on Ukraine through allies with “Rage Against the War Machine”, but no one showed up. I guess now a fixture of left wing politics — concern over Palestine — has blown up, there is something with public support to leech on. Don’t ask where that leads the LPAC Prometheans.

Funny answer in comments to the funny question that is the video title. Nope.

Canvassing for signatures for Jose Vega. Question: is this in and of itself sucess? Interviewed convasser number one (two of you count Vega himself) — that is a lot of power to be granting Rachel Maddow. I note I see The Majority Report — former colleagues of long ago — has the anti-Zioinst tract, here a YouTube clip for an unhinged rant by Joe Scarborough.

The newly renamed Promethean Action is still referring to its web series with “Larouche Pac”. The commenter asks a query for “Schuller Institute” “edit: or these various LaRouche groups)” .

Diane Sare stoops to pandering. Canvassing for signatures in Buffalo. Real Bills fan, right?

Wind blows around. And Drew make plans to introduce the doubling the square tools to his tour of the heartlands. Cause. “That’s the way you do it!”

Mental note: take a new listen to Space Larouche’s interview by Schizotopia podcast. He does strike me as the profile of who will sign up for Larouche Org these days. As well as the profile of he who will get kicked out. Things came to blow. An old up and coming Larouche star now both disenchanted and disavowed. Maybe he can start his own Larouche group.

Scott Ritter with the same message he has been pounding for the past two years.

Noted unnotables of Larouche Land

Sunday, March 24th, 2024

I. Weird little wiki project, Hard to disagree: He hated many things, mainly Britain, Henry Kissigner and Zionism. “Mainly” is the problem. Also curious, under “aliases” is “far-left qanonism”. I will have to take your word for it.

II. Jose Vega announces a run for Congress. He enters the media network interested in such a thing. So, see Kim Iverson with “This Loudmouth New Yorker Is About To Make A Ruckus In Our Warmongering Congress”
Why is the comments section littered with moon landing disbelievers?

The Due Dissidence podcast gives us a full length documentary on Jose Vega, the anti-war activist whose interventions against notable politicians and media figures have gone viral and inspired others to follow in his footsteps. And to be sure, we are in “top 10%” and ” top 5%” land with this and, hm, Scazg and Captain — Two Doomed Men, also interviewing the candidate. To be further sure, how much of a drop off is there from the top 1%?
The current stream on YouTube for Due Dissidence covers these topics: Candace Owens CANCELED (sic) by Daily Wire, Alex Jones TURNS On Israel, Tucker Platforms UHURU Leader — where do you stand on each?
Looking into the comments section at the docu-thing at YouTubeJose Vega is awesome he has people in the audience cheering for him too. That’s what freaks them out. It’s not the boos and him talking out of turn that gets the political class riled up it’s those people for cheering for him in the crowd! He really doesn’t, beyond the scattering of follow-up he has in the crowd. Jose Vega’s already a legend. The bawl’s on dis guy. Rachel Brown continues to hold the bigger footnote. And Kesha Rogers created more headachs for her state’s Democratic Party than he has — with Hart and Fairchild more notable footnotes still. But we will see where things stand later.

III. Another Debs and Larouche referencing. And… “Libertarian”, says Sarah Thetan UCC. And looking around at passes for “libertarian” and I almost just give up.

IV. So. Chris Sare sat in for Harley Schlanger and did his preview launch on the “Next Fifty Years“. Kind of funny — I think they did that title a few times over the past fifty years. All prone to elicit such responses as — They are shutting down the human race.

Harley Schlanger on the 50th “Countdown to World War III“. Hm. interesting comment this: what Peace candidate do we have in the 2 parties? none! ONly LaRouche! Someone neglected to tell this person the news — dude’s dead.

Funny to see a jump scare to “Stop Genocide”. Yeah. Sucks what the Russian government wants to do to Ukrainians.  Comically the new Schiller presentation gets titled “What Putin’s Re-election Means for NATO’s War Hawk”.  Surely ye jest.

V. Are you down for this? Marc is a podcasting veteran. 9 years ago he co-founded Lions of Liberty and took the reins of the flagship program, bringing you the best liberty had to offer.
Now Marc is venturing out into a more broad array of subjects to educate the masses and assist them as they attempt to navigate today’s reality.
If you are one of the millions of people struggling to understand the relationship between the material world and the spiritual world tune in and subscribe to The Marc Clair Show.
It may be your only hope.
Marc is joined by author and documentary filmmaker Matt Ehret, producer of the documentary series “The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs.” Matt describes his own evolution from 9’11 to his time as part of the LaRouche movement through his present day work. Marc and Matt discuss the common threads – and familiar names – that have pulled the strings behind the intersecting narratives that have been imbued through the educational, governmental and pop culture systems, in particular those related to Darwinian evolution and UFO’s.

He has his book tour going. In this episode of SMR, Sean Morgan interviews Matt Ehret about his latest book that details the war between two schools of thought throughout western civilization and how it will determine our fate.

VI. Email daddy resurrects failed global-conspiracy lawsuit against Bill Galvin and Twitter, only this time against feds, Facebook, Google and Elon Musk

Shiva Ayyadurai, who has more MIT degrees than you, has filed a new federal lawsuit in which he alleges a federal cybersecurity agency, Facebook, Google and Elon Musk’s X are all conspiring to limit his social-media reach – with a reaction time measured in minutes and using techniques perfected by British censors and the Massachusetts Secretary of State’s office.

Ayyadurai, who claims he invented email as a teenager, is seeking immediate damages of at least $195 million, with more to come after, of course, he wins his pro se case in front of a jury in US District Court in Washington, DC.

The chart is missing Henry Kissinger, The Tri-Lateral Commission and Queen Elizabeth (although I suppose King Charles is a good sub).

Shiva comes across as the reincarnation of Lyndon LaRouche (pun intended). A person who can truly sound sane but comes across as nuts.

VII. Drew continues his tour of the American heartlands and launches into the Fight to save Dragon Cement in rural Maine. He has his Ukrainian Nazi signs out, and his bullhorn. What Ukrainian Nazis have to do with Dragon Cement is not clear. But as soon as we get that resolved, I am sure this will save the plant.

Next, Drew is revealed to be a huge hypocrite as he rails against Ted Turner, and then cuts off a man who was ready to lay in on Harry Truman. I can only assume from the video that Drew just loves Harry Truman.

VIII. Kesha Rogers for Promethean Action, formerly known as lpac and congratulations to Helga Zepp and LORG for forcing a capitulation, gives us the cpac report. I am sure they sold all the pamphlets there.

IX. Things to watch in our sometimes irritating election season — the “dead party” other-vote in the Democratic Party. Try to focus on on an Appalachia Belt where Obama had some embarrassing totals in 2012 against no one in particular, and indeed the more no one the better for this slice of an electorate. This time out, Biden slides in to under 80 percent in a few states. The only state that may show portends of broader concern if you extrapolate a vote nationally is Minnesota — and there not much to say with Williamson and Philips splitting twenty percent of a vote in Oklahoma. Strictly speaking, whatever problems Biden has in Michigan, the relatively paltry but highly publicized protest vote is not the sign for his troubles.

This year out, Jason Palmer has earned (bought) a fifteen minutes of fame with a victory in the American Samoa Democratic caucus. Comically his vote tally is lower than in states where he was on the ballot unnoticed and received a lagging three digits. He put his chips in and was rewarded for bothering to show up, rewarded to the role of momentary curiosity. And here we get the historical election perspective.

The last time a challenger of an incumbent president won a primary contest came in 1996, when Roland Riemers won in North Dakota due to President Bill Clinton not appearing on the ballot.

Clinton went on to win reelection. 

Pulling back the curtain. It was an election contest Clinton skipped out on when North Dakota violated the party rules — open contest and moving too far up on the calendar. So the results of a delegate-less election contest:

Roland Riemers 656 41.36

Lyndon LaRouche 547 34.49

Vernon Clemenson383 24.15

34.49 percent, the high water mark for Lyndon Larouche on the ballot. I think? Even better than his 2000 Arkansas primary result of 21.53% — the example of dead party other vote result.

Somewhere about 14:20 in, Harley Schlanger dumps the Larouchies off the Trump train — touting the vote tally for a “pathetic” Haley — and celebrates the uncommitted vote against Biden. Is “Space Larouche” still in on Trump?

X. Funny stream title from Diane Sare — the ever optimistic presentation “The Survivors will envy the dead”, which lays out the future after the Larouche movement seizes power.

XI. The Rage Against the War Machine latest rally… Postponed. Almost seems like it is in indefinite shelving as the component parts rejiggle their lines, and figure out new front groups to multiple the number of groups at the bottom sponsor banner on the poster.

Months of Larouche static against world turmoil

Thursday, December 7th, 2023

I. I heard intimations of that inevitable ” — was an Inside Job” for the Hamas attacks of 10/7. And after mooting the late night radio host’s argument — a tad circular– really, Mossad? Foiled of every fanned attack on that country that gets threatened more than constantly — which ignores the obvious rebuttal — constant threat — and it really isn’t getting Netanyahu any political boost anyways in that “you had one job, and yet you were off in a pile of b-s instead.”

Jimmy Dore ( we can pretty much define as a Trump supporter) throws his two cents in.

I assume the former food into some the recent polling. And a sense of dread comes in when I reckon the late night radio host. He touches on PNAC document, saying it is right there that. Always a forced for connection . A caller gets in and goes into “real history” — Balfour Declaration, all very British — scares us by dragging in the Rothschild because he received a letter of support for the Zionist Movement ,and the the caller drops in the connection for today — “The Ukraine War. Zelensky — he’s Jewish. And all of the Biden fiasco Administration — they’re Jewish. Connect the dots!” The next caller gets in “I sympathise with my country even though I knew 9/11 was an Inside job!”. And we are lost in Hell.


III. Rothschild?

Unfortunately, author Rothschild lets everyone but far-right conspiracy theorists off the hook too easily when he writes, “If someone has to be blamed for the genesis of the Soros conspiracy, blame it on Lyndon LaRouche.” LaRouche — known for his extremist views and multiple presidential runs — played his part in pushing baseless claims in the United States, but he is not necessarily more blameworthy than Dennis Hastert, who was speaker of the House, or Glenn Beck, who devoted three consecutive evenings of his Fox show to Soros in 2010.

IV. Yammering on, Harley Schlanger.

Point: Excuse me pointing out a harsh truth, but “Singing for peace” will be as effective as fiddling while Rome burnt

Counterpoint: Sounds like a statement based on FEAR!!!

V. Gold

There’s a parallel level of intellectual fraud as well, since gold is both an investment opportunity and an ideological cause. But the Republican Party has long played a shell game on this issue, uttering goldbug sentiments to stir the base while keeping policy securely in the hands of Wall Streeters who know there is no plausible path for a return to gold.

The Republican hypocrisy can best be seen in the 1982 Report to the Congress of the Commission on the Role of Gold in the Domestic and International Monetary Systems—a commission convened to placate the goldbug faction. On the stump, at least, President Ronald Reagan often preached the goldbug gospel. Another goldbug, the notorious conspiracy nut and extremist Lyndon Larouche, submitted a statement to the commission. Congressman Ron Paul, for whom gold and opposition to the Federal Reserve were career-long obsessions, was among the commission’s members.

But all this pro-gold sentiment was just for show. Reagan’s chief of staff, Donald Regan, and his secretary of state, George Shultz, were opposed to any return to the gold standard. Reagan adviser Murray Weidenbaum claimed that his role on the commission was a “damage-limitation function or the avoidance of economic harm.” The eminent economist Anna Schwartz, the executive director of the commission, claimed that it was hobbled by the fact that the Reagan administration had no intention to return to the gold standard.

VI. Jacques Cheminade Poster Vandalized

A bit ambiguous the message.

VII. Who is standing with RFK jr?

Adherents to every niche point view showed up for the start of the political scion’s post-partisan crusade. Devotees of the personality cult of the late Lyndon LaRouche—a perennial presidential candidate who was convicted of mail fraud—went up to attendees and asked them if they were familiar with George Washington’s Farewell Address before trying to sell them on a fringe Senate candidate in New York. Falun Gong members were promoting their own social media website that promised a “nonaddictive algorithm.” The crowd included a QAnon celebrity and a Mike Flynn acolyte. The speakers included a Native American elder giving a land acknowledgment and former presidential hopeful Dennis Kucinich.

VIII. Harley Schlanger does the Mel K show. The basic one of these — Mel K, her team, other whistleblowers, proud patriots, warriors of truth and freedom, are here to bring the ‘truth to light’ through facts and logic. Her ultimate goal is to emancipate humanity from the tyrannical forces who’ve been running the show for far too long! Moving on to “fringe radio” where Activist and Historian, Harley Schlanger, rejoins the program to share what happened at the latest Jackson Hole, Wyoming annual bankers meeting. We also discuss the overall bankers plan, China, Russia, Ukraine war and more. A conversation thats hard to find elsewhere. The monologue part of it is easily found with LORG. But Topics here? Fringe Christians, bigfoot, aliens, ufo, alternative science, conspiracies, ghosts, paranormal, prophecy, prophets, parapsychology, demons, spirits, possession, alternative archeology, alternative geology, crypitids, dogman, goatman, black projects, government experiments, time travel, tesla and all things fringe!

IX. RIP, I suppose.

she also wrote three books: “How We Got to the Moon, the Story of the German Space Pioneers”; “Challenges of Human Space Exploration,” about the scientific work done by Russian cosmonauts and American astronauts on the Russian Mir space station, a predecessor to the ISS; and “Krafft Ehricke’s Extraterrestrial Imperative,” reviving the work of one of the most creative and imaginative of the German space engineers, who came to the U.S. after the Second World War — also a dear friend of Marsha’s, who died in his sixties in 1985

X. Hillary Clinton Back in the News

Somewhere in the list of people I have not thought much about is Hillary Clinton. But she still has enough juice to attract the nuts. Enter Robert Castle.

His voice cracking, he went on a tangent about Eleanor Roosevelt and John Foster Dulles, eating away at Clinton’s patience. She then tried to introduce Ugandan activist Frank Mugisha, “who’s actually on the front lines fighting for human rights, not just yelling about it.”

Bat signal to Jimmy Dore. Who identifies Castle as Jose Vega. And sells Cannabis.

Media blows in. Schiller Institute, a German-based economic and political think tank,

Huh. Credit: LaRouche Youth Movement Organizers via Storyful. lym?

XI. Countering Counterpunch!

The Larouche cohort of twitterers ‘re-tweeted the political activist Counterpunch writer Dan Kovalick’s encounter with John Fetterman — award winning dramatist Dan Kovalick. Hm. A civil enough lecture, Fetterman listened as long as He did. Ultimately he got his point in and you really can’t complain… much.

They reposition the take in with the one where Kynan T. wins another Drama Award shouting at Adam Kinszinger from the seats. Or maybe he loses one, because like Kovalick, who at least has some grounding for sympathy on his shoving, I am having trouble understanding why I or anyone are to care on this one. You really can’t just allow random shouters at a guy’s reading event — that will cavalcade into incoherence.

Then Counterpunch gives us

In the 1970’s, the Teamsters acted as leg-breakers for the big growers forcing the largely Mexican workforce into sweetheart deals, in an effort to crush the United Farmworkers Union (UFW). The Teamsters, under General Presidents Frank Fitzsimmons and Jackie Presser, employed a bizarre, violent, fascist cult the U.S. Labor Party, led by Lyndon LaRouche to smear the new reform movement led by the Teamsters for a Democrauit tic Union (TDU) and the Ralph Nader-inspired PROD.

XII. Some podcast blips. “It can happen here” has Andrew tells Garrison about the far-right Trotsky inspired cult leader Lyndon Larouche. They recite the narrative told by Tim Wohlworth, which to be sure is better than reading the Wikipedia article.

XIII. At a Palestine “from the river to the sea” rally. Diane Sare and Daniel Burke pop in at 3:14. (Green Party shows up at 5:09.)

This multi series is in itself interesting — If you have only time for one part, watch the “Quit complaining about NATO Expansion” one — but with this — 13:28 — Larouche gets a focus as and at the 20 minute mark, we have this quote — “The Russians are irrationalists. They’re racists. They’re Russian racists. Great Russian racists. You don’t believe me? Ask the Ukrainians.”

Larouche is largely a stop-over before he brings in who he considers the chief propagandists. At 42 minutes we get the return of Putin, which I can’t help but think about in relation to the next Trump administration. There are a number of things to unpack as you roll into the vast scheme of “Color Revolution Mania”, where every bit of political unrest is viewed as a scheme of … Gay Liberationist Jews, more or less.

XIV. One of two shattering for “Moms for Liberty”.

Fisher blames his conviction on a political action committee for perennial presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche, which he had worked for but was trying to break free of what he now calls a “cult.”

“It was a political situation that happened between me and Lyndon LaRouche,” Fisher said. “It was a member of his camp, his party, that made the accusation. They pushed it through. It was really a railroad job.”

Exciting sarcasm!

But don’t worry: He says he was framed. It was part of a squabble from when he was part of the LaRouche movement back in Chicago, he claims.

XV. The sordid ugliness of New Jersey politics.

Ironically, Menendez has been the loudest voice about this as it relates to the Senate primary. He has called Murphy’s run, and the county chairs’ actions, a “blatant maneuver at disenfranchisement.” Of course, it’s one he benefited from until this year. And unless a federal lawsuit challenging the ballot line accelerates, it may be how Menendez’s successor is chosen.

IN 1996, RUSH HOLT DECIDED TO STEP AWAY from the Plasma Physics Laboratory at Princeton University and make a go at a run for Congress. Holt, whose father was once a U.S. senator from West Virginia, sought the endorsements of the five county Democratic parties in his district. Some of those endorsements were decided at a convention of elected committee members, two from each precinct, who met and deliberated on the candidates. In two of the five counties, the county chair effectively decided who got the endorsement, regardless of the committee’s viewpoint.

“In those two counties I shared the line with Lyndon LaRouche, who was running for president at the time,” Holt told me. “I didn’t fare too well in the primary. If you don’t have the column or the line, they can relegate you to a distant part of the ballot.”

Holt got the county line endorsements in his next try in 1998 and won the seat, holding it for eight terms. When he ran for Senate in 2014 in a primary against Cory Booker, he went to each chair, asking for their support. While some party chairs simply asked Holt about the issues, in many cases, he said, it was “the most old-fashioned thing you can imagine… truly a smoke-filled room with one person.”

XVI. More fretting

The California Democratic Party (CDP) has long harbored anti-Israel and antisemitic extremists. I remember attending my first CDP Arab-American Caucus meeting in the early 1990s. Someone passed out copies of The Ugly Truth About the ADL, published by Lyndon LaRouche’s Executive Intelligence Review, where I learned that “The B’nai B’rith, a pivotal player in the British Freemasonic plot to destroy the Union, was implicated in Lincoln’s assassination!”

At that time a group of Jewish and non-Jewish party activists created Democrats for Israel. We squelched all anti-Israel resolutions and platform proposals, in part because the fanatics were a tiny minority.

XVII. Mindy Pechenuk is Running

When last I noted the electoral attempts of L-PAC, it was with the decidedly disturbing crimes of Solomon Peña in a post election loss “but I won!” reprisal. Today we see that Mindy Pechenuk is making the rounds — here stumping for support of her next electoral bid on Charles Simon’s “Do Not Talk” podcast. A firm believer in Jesus Christ against the Church, and redeeming America from God’s judgement, especially in the “septic tank” he pronounces San Francisco. Mindy gets her introduction at about 10:49 or something. She pisses on Jefferson — which, come to think of it does ally her with the Antifa jackasses she so positions herself against. You could skip to the latest episode where our host asks and explores the question — End times looming? Uncover truth in prophecy and action now! Right in line with LPAC’s history of recurring money-making opportunity apocalypses.

What to do after Humanity for Peace Bombed

Monday, September 11th, 2023

I. The court cases and indictments continue for Trump. And per the perennial of the last few years, we see a new slew of “Debs and Larouche” historical mentions as for prisoners running for president. Rare is the Keith Judd, and even rarer is the Leonard Peltier shout-out. It is doubtful we will get to Trump, but there is mention of number five.

Trump wouldn’t even be the only candidate with a conviction to run this year: Joe Maldonado-Passage, a reality TV personality known as “Joe Exotic” who was convicted of attempted murder and animal abuse, declared his 2024 candidacy in March.

This does raise a question of what counts — the Libertarian Party process is in – house — and despite my misgivings in Libertarian Party politics and it’s current basis of being — I feel confident he will not get anywhere and will not appear on your ballot unlike the others. Judd was a primary candidate, the other three were indeed general election candidates — meaning that Peltier ought get more coverage than Judd in this “candidates ran for president from prison” metric. And if you do count “Joe Exotic”, I demand an audit — a deep perusal of that long long long list of presidential candidate filings which don’t amount to anything — because surely this will increase the list.

Until further notice, and he shows up on a state election ballot, I will not count Joe Exotic. My list stops at four.

II. Everybody — Get In Line!

A long listing of three or so organizations who have concocted multiple names. And they met for a rally — either opposed to American and NATO support of Ukraine’s defence of territory against Russian aggression or in support of Putin’s aggressive takeover of Ukrainian territory — depending on the speaker.

Time for everyone here to interview everyone else to amp up view counts to the three digits.

Reddit takes note.

This is another pro-Putin, LaRoucheite red-brown rally like the “Rage Against the War Machine” event.

Almost fell for it until I saw “Rage against the war machine” in the bottom of the image. Can’t wait to see pictures of the Russian imperial flag flying in the rally.

Curious as Jimmy Dore gets Jose Vega on his show discussing them yelling in front of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s door. He does not follow up on the events of the “Rage Against the War Machine” part two. He was speaking at part one, but not two. The relationship is asymetrical. Along with this one place you might expect to give airtime, there is not much coverage. Excepting…

America Emboldened with Greg Boulden – Humanity for Peace is building a unified coalition, above ideologies, to stop this unfolding escalation towards nuclear war. They refuse to let humanity perish at the hands of insanity.

And the Gadfly podcast. An interesting enough listen, though receded in my memory and I do not feel like pulling back into it. I tend to think they have the “Lenny Bruce wannabe” short shift again, he who — whatever else you can say was the one speaker of the long list of droners who cut through. The only other thing I can recall is thinking at the end with the suggestion they will be there with their next event — at a certain point these things have a diminishing returns that they become essentially indistinguishable with such video fare as this.

III. On that score — good to see Drew clarify a removal from the LYM– Oakland or otherwise — contingent as it is with LPAC. I am confused by the messaging on this video, which does seem more in line with LPAC’s Trump politics. An aversion to refugees coming into Portland, Maine — turning the city into a liberal Hell. I guess he can continue his cross country tour, or whatever this is — for whatever this commentary is supposed to mean it for within the Larouche Organization’s policies.

IV. Meantime… LaRouche PAC is launching a campaign to stop—that’s right, to STOP the prosecutions of Donald J. Trump before our Republic is destroyed.

AND It is evident to all who have participated in, or merely observed the mass phenomenon of the movement inspired by President Trump, that there is a profound principle involved. There seems to be a spirit of love; a spirit that exists outside and above the conscious thoughts of any of its participants.

Now looking for support amongst Ken Paxton supporters.

V. Jimmy Dore did do Jose Vega’s show —

The guy on the left apparently tried to participate in an anti-war thing sans Larouche. Was reprimanded and/or axed for it — not sure, but dramatic happenings within the org.

VI. The Varn Blog has a couple episodes interesting in and of itself, but one with a brief mention of Larouche in a listing of famous Trotskyites, the next episode gets at him via George Galloway and via “Maga Communism”.

Some of them seem to be trying to do entryism on this mega communist entryism. But again, other than the then a Center for Political Innovation, there doesn’t even seem to be real organizations attached to these groups. Yeah, I mean, yes, there’s the Ruleru shite. There’s two different Lerushite groups. There’s the Schiller Institute, which I think actually technically in Europe and gets a lot of funding from China not when I say from China, I don’t mean from the Chinese government, I mean from Chinese investors and LaRouche Pac, which is more, it does stop the steal stuff in America. So, but the history of LaRouche is actually opaque. Even the people study it, because it’s not actually quite clear that it’s ever been as influence, like both its clerics and its supporters seem to believe it was more influential than I have evidence for it to be.

VII. Professional History

Dan Rea:

you had like Lyndon Larouche. By the way, now that you mentioned Lyndon Larouche. I want you to know, ken that a series of stories that i did on Lyndon Larouche’s beginning in nineteen eighty four resulted in him being convicted in the Southern District of Virginia court in nineteen eighty six, and he went to prison for ninety true story.
He was nuts. He was flat out nuts. He was a scam artist. He ran a Ponzi scheme, and it just so happened that we found out about it. And I’m very
proud as of the fact that I that my stories on Channel four resulted him
being him and his associates being indicted here in Boston with a superseding indictment.
Now that you mentioned Lyndon Larouche is not mentioned often on here. And I’ll tell you one funny story if I can I think I’ll enjoy this real,
quickly true story. Four or five years the Larouche people hated Henry Kissinger. They accused him of conspiring with Queen Elizabeth
But to bring drugs into America. They were vile. They would stand outside his apartment and when Kissinger and his wife and Nancy Kissinger would emerge from the apartment, they would yell vile things at Kissinger
about being a child and all of that. So fast forward five or six years after Larouche has been convicted. I’m set up to interview Kissinger in
Boston and he had written a book. This is probably in the early nineteen
nineties. So he was speaking to a group I think it was at the
convention center, and we’re in a room all set up waiting for him,
and he’s running late. He shows up about an hour late, and his
press person walks in the room and says to me, I’m very sorry,
but we’re late and doctor Kissinger will not have time for the interview that we had scheduled with you. Well, of course I was pretty upset. It
was a small room, so I raised my voice and I said, so
you’re telling me that doctor Kissinger does not want to be interviewed and meet the reporter in Boston whose stories resulted in Lyndon LaRouche being convicted and sent the President. Larouche rather kissing is in the corner.
He turns around very very slowly and he says, uh, we we we will, we will have time, We will have time to do this interview. Very nice, very first
story. Thanks thanks man, I appreciate it. That is an absolute true
story. Where are we gonna go next.

VII. Two episodes of ‘Schizotopia’ worth a listen — perhaps at increased speed — I am joined by ‘LaRoucheian Operative’ Liam Murphy to discuss his political journey and his work with the LaRouche political movement. Topics include: Christo-Stalinism, Anti Communist Communism, Cosmism, Prometheanism vs. The Bible, Geophysical Humanism, Based Uganda, The Executive Intelligence Review and the Nietzsche-Flat Earther-LaRouche pipeline.

Is what it says. Puzzle to fix generational perspective — “I think Larouche was inspired by the John Birch Society” — and A confusion in the two Presidents Bush.

A tad more coherent is a maybe more diluted Larouchism — Maga Communism discussed with Fox Green.

And at the 50 minute mark or thereabouts here, this podcasters discusses nearly joining the Larouche movement at age 16 or 17 — and, transcripted:

When I was about 16 or 17 years old, I almost became a Larouche Youth. I don’t know how familiar you are with Larouche. I would assume — I’m sure they have Larouche people in Canada, right? He’s basically — you would like this guy, actually. Because he’s almost like if J Ray decided to start an actual political party and was 100% committed to it. Because, he starts off as like a Communist, but then he develops this weird theory of like how all of Western history is Plato vs Aristotle and Plato’s a fascist who wants us to live in a frozen city and there are things that change and evolve um but then he gets this idea that Fabian Socialists are creating rock and roll to make us dumb degenerates so we can’t have Communism and it starts to become rightwing. So he’s like this weird American version of Nazbol. Like, they were really into the idea that if FDR had lived he would have created this super productive social democracy that would have built infrastructure for the entire world, almost like AS Pinksphile(?) or something like that and they wanted to build a super pipeline through Alaska — just all this very wacky edge of politics. But I remember this dude who was trying to — he was becoming my handler and he was indicting me into the Larouche Youth, giving me all this literature — I’m like, 16, 17 years old — it sounds pretty cool — I like all of these weird theories and stuff and I remember this guy told me he dropped out of college to serve the Larouche cause and he told me that all he had done before he had been a Larouche Youth was smile weed in his apartment and listen to Radiohead, that was it, and his life was completely meaningless, but now that he had Larouche in his life,everything made sense. And that freaked me out a little bit, even at my young age that tingled my Spidey senses a little. But after hanging out with him a little more I realized it was a cult and I needed to leave. But one thing I remember — I finally stopped answering his phone ballache left his voice mail on my phone — that was basically like almost a jilted lover. He was saying stuff like I really thought you were different, I thought you were smart, I thought you were special. I thought we would do all these great things. And here’s the thing — there’s no way that that guy stayed in that movement. He had to have burned out of it in a couple of years. Whatever. I’ll probably see him and he’ll be the successor to the guy who died recently but — or move to Alaska in a couple years. But whatever. It seems obvious that he joined this movement because he was just unhappy with his own life and it’s crazy to me especially with internet politics stuff and just a lot of people I have spoken to over the years, almost two years I’ve been doing this podcast, these people who clearly desperately talk their way into things — it’s scary to see that because you realize how much you do that in your own life.

All I can say is I’m very pro-cult, so it sounds like you missed out on a great opportunity.

VIII. Trump? famously more delusional than Col. Kurtz meets Lyndon LaRouche

The old merry go round

Wednesday, July 5th, 2023

I. A funny little puff piece of an interview with Zelensky. Makes him oh so relatable. Not in and of itself interesting, but in the perspectus of the Larouche Group’s view denying him and his nation autonomy A d seeking Russian victory, quickly dissembling events on the ground through A fun house mirror of inevitable Russian victory — funny enough. I find myself in a place I can’t turn the sound up, so I am stuck wondering — what classic rock band does Zelensky fancy? AC/DC, Eric Clapton, Guns and Roses.

II. OAKLANDLYM IS BACK For a Reunion Tour!

A message from the Oakland LYM — letting the world know the Oaklandlym account is all set to put up new videos of this guy talking and of old Larouche broadcasts. I am curious about the current use of “lym” — pronounced in one syllable. Is this an IBM situation, whose name was once an acronym for “International Business Machine” but was changed to signal nothing? Or is a new acronym here? All I know is that there is no “youth” staring back at me when I watch this YouTube video.

III. A podcast interview with Donald Parkinson available at different platforms. YouTube for instance. Find it wherever you get your podcasts. I myself was hardly interested, and it obviously will deviate from what if you threw me fifteen minutes how I would think to attempt to relay Larouche, Like, fifteen minutes in.

Was walking down the street in the S.F. Bay Area about 20 y/a and three LaRouchians were out tabling with pamphlets etc. They were anti-Iraq War and I said something about Afghanistan; I can’t recall what their stance on that war was-if any, they just kept blurting out stuff about Dick Cheney’s wife being a Lesbian. Then, for reasons I never understood until hearing this podcast, one of them started singing Opera-bad Opera

I remember in the early 70s as a young Canadian sailor walking around San Diego chatting with a couple of LaRouchians flogging a news paper. I sort of like what they were saying and go a year subscription to the newspaper and had it sent to my ship. As I looked at it closer I realized it for what it was. I let the subscription expire. It was an interesting time in my life.

Thought on this: Should have an adjacent episode just talking about 00s era cranks and green party members.

The fact that they named drop Tulsi Gabbard just says it all. CLOWNS and FEDS.

IV. Third Party Crack up

The currently losing side in the fissures of the Libertarian Party — the “classical liberal caucus” as against those Misesites — swings.

On April 7th, Diane Sare, a candidate of the LaRouche Party for U.S. Senate in NY, announced an upcoming fundraising event on April 22nd, featuring the Chair of the Libertarian Party, Angela McArdle. This blatant disregard for party affiliation sets a dangerous precedent.

The Chair of the Libertarian Party must be held accountable for unethical behavior and support solely Libertarian candidates, not those of other parties. 

In the past, any Chair who was fundraising for a Green Party or Forward Party candidate would have been promptly removed from their position. Similarly, the resignation of any Staff or Officer campaigning and fundraising for a non-LP candidate would have been demanded by previous LNCs.

While it is acceptable to form issue-based coalitions with other parties, actively fundraising against Libertarian Party candidates is a direct betrayal of the Chair’s responsibility to lead and support the Libertarian Party.

The situation is further complicated by Diane Sare’s affiliation with the anti-Semitic and anti-libertarian LaRouche cult. And if Sare seeks the LPNY nomination, McArdle’s involvement in her fundraising event amounts to an endorsement over other potential LP nominees, which is entirely unacceptable.

There are only two ethical options for Angela McArdle: withdraw from this event immediately or resign from her position as Chair of the Libertarian Party. The Libertarian Party deserves a dedicated leader who provides unwavering attention and support, not one who fundraises for candidates of rival parties.

V. Current alliances. CPI-USA 2.0 –Caleb Maupin cult attempt — is back at it. And Space Larouche has dumped his moniker and now refers to himself as a “Quantum Leap Republican”. Though has Trump pinned at his tweet feed.

Jimmy Dore applauds disruptive protesters at Amy Klobochur event. Yeah! Shut down fossil fuels! That aligns.

Christian Caucus of Libertarian Party? Is that a third faction or just someone’s paper front group? (Ala Party of Communists).

VI. And Robert F Kennedy Jr.

When Bill Clinton ran in the 1996 primary, he attracted a conspiracy theorist for a challenger: perennial candidate Lyndon LaRouche. Journalists did not treat him seriously, even though he was on the ballot in most states, and eventually received over 5 percent of the primary vote, topping 10 percent in several states. Kennedy is no more credible a character than LaRouche. He just has a better name and more friends in the media.


Take away the Kennedy name and he’s Lyndon Larouche with a horrible speaking voice.

VII. Youtubed

A key difference between lpac and lorg expressed in this tweet: Here’s a video I made in 2021, right when Joe Biden won the election but before the Invasion of Ukraine. So. Biden did indeed win the electuon. Curious, though — the call for money for the express purpose to get new youtube content up. LPAC has a new video up just Now.

Noted comment: Why can’t you say Communist, Bolsheviks, Zionist, all together??:) it’s all the same thing. The Zionist Jew is the culprit, 9 times out of ten. The tenth is often a capitalist that actually, at the end if the day, subscribes to Zionism.

Noted: Two weeks later, the LaRouchePAC team brought an identical resolution to the San Francisco County GOP Central Committee, and it passed as well. In San Francisco!

VIII. Pat Robertson. RIWherever. Esquire republishes a 1994 article on Pat Robertson with these paragraphs:

The Illuminati, Robertson explained, went on to penetrate the Masonic order and the Rothschild banking family, provoke the French Revolution, inspire Karl Marx, and arrange the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Today, Robertson writes, the Illuminati control everything from the Council on Foreign Relations and the Federal Reserve Bank to the new-age movement. “Robertson reminds me of no one so much as Lyndon LaRouche,” says Edmund Cohen, author of The Mind of the Bible Believer.

Indeed, in perhaps The New World Order’s most extraordinary passage, Robertson writes, “It may well be that men of goodwill like Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter, and George Bush, who sincerely want a larger community of nations living at peace in our world, are unwittingly carrying out the mission and mouthing the phrases of a tightly knit cabal whose goal is nothing less than a new order for the human race under the domination of Lucifer and his followers.”

In the book, Robertson also forecast economic chaos, a prophecy he repeated that year in his newsletter, “Pat Robertson’s Perspective,” predicting a “debt implosion” in 1992. The country, he warned, would see “stock values collapse, bonds lose value, weak companies go out of business.” Interestingly enough, at the same time he was making these dire predictions, he was planning an initial public offering of the stock of his own company—an offering that would amass him a breathtaking fortune.

IX. Familiar line. Thank you Time — At least two candidates with criminal convictions have run for president in the past, albeit unsuccessfully. 

Cox Media … Neither man won the presidency. Should Trump win the nomination and the presidency, things would be a bit more complicated.

BBC: Conspiracist Lyndon LaRouche also ran for the presidency on multiple occasions despite being convicted of fraud in 1988. One of his presidential bids, in 1992, took place while he was at a federal prison in Minnesota.

X. Shifting about a tad to see what the media environ for team Larouche is nowadays. the new generation has its spots, the old generation goes to Fringe Radio News — Harley Schlanger gets his word in to a friendly source. Curious to figure their editorial perspective — Fringe Christians, bigfoot, aliens, ufo, alternative science, conspiracies, ghosts, paranormal, prophecy, prophets, parapsychology, demons, spirits, possession, alternative archeology, alternative geology, crypitids, dogman, goatman, black projects, government experiments, time travel, tesla and all things fringe! — gots an episode on The Moonies, unfriendly encounters with Anton Leveigh …

XI. Invariably —

I know she was feted by Maupin and CPI-USA. I don’t know if she conferenced with the Large goes at any time.

Then there is this —

Since bumped over to the Green Party. Which I guess does open the door for Dore 24, even as that project (once endorsed by Burke) seemed abandoned by hopping and down over West.

X. List of names.

Trump is not the first man (they have all been men) in this country to achieve “cult leader” status, although he is the first president. In my lifetime, I can remember six others who earned that designation. They were: the late Korean cult leader, Sun Myung Moon; L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Dianetics and Scientology; David Koresh, head of the Branch Davidians in the Waco standoff; Lyndon LaRouche, well-known conspiracy theorist (and eight-time presidential candidate); Charles Manson; and Jim Jones, leader of the California-based Peoples Temple cult. I’m sure there are others.

Fifth, they must seek out highly respected credentialed and experienced experts who hold views that differ from their previous views.

The dilemma facing our politics is how everyone defines “Trumpism” as against policy. For instance — Nobody ever talked about Mitt Romney, of “self deport” fame, as a cult leader.

XI. Helga Zepp wants you all to “Organize like Warrior Angels”. I look in to this Schiller Institute just long enough to see the Wagner Coup attempt, which I tend to think — oh, sure severance package negotiation tactic makes as much sense as anything. Here, it is a few vague insinuations on ” can’t rule out Western led!”. Nearly can, but whatever. The visuals are more fascinating though. Helga is green screened before a living room, or the background is freaking blurred — one or the other. Surely we can have better visual production than this.

Musk kills Larouche Twitter

Monday, May 1st, 2023

I. The Network

Roll down YouTube with the earlier yelling at Nancy Pelosi, and you get the same batch. I do not know if there is any sort of drop off on listeners / viewers for Jimmy Dore when he is out, but it does seem like whenever I pop in for a listen the guest host is doing the thing — I gather this is a matter that Vega and Sare and tag team in the old “disrupt / forced exit / next disrupt from across the room” game — will follow and plan accordingly — You want to get on Johnny Carson, not fill in host David Bremer. (Noted — Daniel Burke endorsed Dore for president, not Mate.)

From this network telling the world that Vega yelled at an ebent, everything goes viral such that (check big message board) q anon76 and q anon211 praise it to the hilt at gab.

I am pondering the current situation with Tucker Carlson in relation to the Larouchies and their current model of jabbing into news feeds. When he resurfaces at newsmax, or wherever, and brings on his list of guests (which, I will note, I have various opinions on individually) — does the one step removed from the mainstream brought by Fox and some sliding off the mix in not wanting to go one step further into a fringe open A door for more coverage — maybe less of a reticence to crop “Larouche” off the picture in describing the “left wing activists” “protesting”? It remains to be seen if this door creaks open. (Maybe here based on firmer partisan / ideological stances, Lpac can get in a side bid.)

The previous cycle had one momentary alliance with Alex Jones, which seems to have basically stopped, even if some in the fan base make a conspiratorial connection. It may be that generation ally he gets shoved to the past as we lurch onto newer exciting media.

Matt Taibbi links to a Larouche heckling, still basically in passing — and gets the hard sell — Thanks for sharing my intervention against Applebaum, Matt! What’s the best way to connect with you? My friend Jose and I have also intervened on AOC, Hakeem Jeffries, Ritchie Torres, and others. Continuing: if you look at the religious background of all these crooks there is a pattern. What would that be?

II. Not a twitterer, my uses with Twitter have been narrow and idiosyncratic: look up topics, not follow named twitterers. That includes the name of “Larouche”, glitter as it is by a Los Angeles sports fan. It appears Elon Musk is driving the entity toward people following people — the fallout being the thing is less user friendly for this user. Ah well. I am missing out on specifics on when random people laughed along at a late night infomercial from larouche or showed up Larouchies during A college campus by doing them one better — Tripling the Square! — but as for the rest — yes, Marriane Williamson is the new Larouche, and yes, Debs and Larouche ran for president from prison…

III. Comparisions

Rod Blagojevich. Galantis. Marianne Williamson. Bernie supporters. Marjorie Taylor Greene. jehova witness. The one crotchety old weirdo with a sign who goes to the same street corner everyday. Grover Furr. Lonegan. Christian Parenti. Robert Kennedy Jr.

Trump will degenerate into the Lyndon H. Larouche of the times and you folks will faithfully carry on in front of post offices until fading from memory.

Demonstrating at a Desantis event: Trump super fans are slowly morphing into LaRouche movement

I admit, I am watching Trump addressing CPAC, because it is just weird beyond description. This is way beyond “weird shit”, this is Lyndon LaRouche type stuff. Saw the L LaRouche people in 2017 on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, set up on a street corner on Madison Ave, largely ignored, with a “Defend Trump” sign.

Seems we are entering the Lyndon LaRouche phase of MAGA. Next: Trump supporters standing on street corners handing out leaflets and demanding contributions.

Is this going to be a Lyndon LaRouche thing. 30 years from now teenagers in red hats outside stores. -Excuse me I would like to talk to you + About what? -I can’t really say until you read this pamphlet, but it’s really important.

I was talking about Trump with one of my coworkers and he mentioned Lyndon Larouche which might be the closest thing to a real life jump scare I’ve ever had

Many fives of them.

IV. Nancy Pelosi did not ever hear about it

I dispute these two claims. All Eyes Are on the Schiller Institute’s April 15-16 Conference for Solutions to the Breakdown Crisis”. AND. Remember this for the rest of Your LIFE! All Eyes Are On LaRouche’s USA!! You’d better get used to that phrase! Relatively speaking, no eyes are on those two things. I do find it interesting that they are classified as two things, though.

Messaging Jose Vega.

Notice: Jose Vega is not affiliated with LPAC. He is with the other one.

Nuclear leaks.

V. Remembering Jeremiah Duggan. Two stories at the Germany meetings — one for public and one for private consumption. The private one was he was an intelligence plant. That is how evil they are. And

VI. Experiences

A guy who walked in for study — But this isn’t the end of the LaRouche Cults strange relationship to geometry. The story of circle worship goes deeper…. And has international implications.

I always knew the neo-platonic elite were backing the Larouche Shape worshiping mystery cult to undermine our freedoms.

I miss those Christmas messages from Larouche in prison that ran late night on a local radio show. Great to wrap presents to

The LaRouchies in Chicago for many years had a battered maroon Suburban equipped with loudspeakers. And apropos of nothing they would appear on the streets of the Loop cruising slowly while ranting incomprehensibly. I always waved cheerfully.

Heritage filings.

Oct Surprise predates Larouche.

I gave $10 to Lyndon LaRouche once.

So there are Lourouchites in the news again nipping at the edges of the Discourse and when I was very young and very depressed there was a cute girl who was handing out flyers on campus and I feel into a few meetings with them and folks, shit was wild

I remember the LaRouchies; they used to pester people outside my local post office years ago.

This man was almost swept into the LaRouche Movement had it not been for the place where the attempt to recruit him reeking of cat piss and mental instability, I offered him protection from (if their threats came to fruition) Infrareds attempt to get their fanbase to kill this man’s children.

VII. Old Times

You know who did? interview Larouche? Robert Novak and Tom Braden.

i have sometimes wondered if scientology may have been kept alive in order to function as a prominent bad example—to socially discredit the very idea that psychiatry ought to be open to criticism (similar to how the larouche cult is used to discredit left anti-war movements, etc)

Russian government official. Gets their money’s worth.

VIII. The Gameplan

Background: That event, in typical LaRouchite gobbledegook, was billed as “Build the New Paradigm, Defeat Green Fascism.” Beijer said he watched a six-hour livestream. “You have to read between the lines a little bit, but what’s going on is that they are very, very conscious of how the anti-war stuff is bringing in people into their movements,” he said.

Beijer pointed to comments that Helga Zepp LaRouche made at that ev??ent about how publicity stunts were driving traffic to LaRouche media.

She was talking about how their publicity stunts, where they show up at town halls and rail against AOC and stuff like that, how that was bringing eyes and clicks and web traffic,” Beijer said. “They were also very conscious of the social media actors who were promoting them.”

The article botched A definition of “fringe political belief” — opposition. to Vietnam War? — when it could have sought a different not loaded phrase.

I have a question. Why is Mike Billington phoning us in the UK asking us to pay $100 to the la Rouche foundation with our credit cards? Is thus legit? Should he be doing this? I think you know the answer, deep in your soul.

A fraction of the LaRouche cult is using the “CPUSA 2036” slogan to rally infiltrators into the communist party, 2036 is the year they’ve set for themselves to finish their “takeover”. In reality, the effort is a petty nuisance for the party and serious confusion for non-members

The Mises Caucus is all in.

Meanwhile, 2024 — all in on Dore!

I’m a sucker for weird political fringe figures, but LaRouche people getting hyped for a Jimmy Dore presidential run is just bleak and sad, plz make it stop & go back to pamphlets about Dick Cheney’s satanic orgies

A look at Larouche discord meet.

Tour Manhattan Community College-BMCC! (Well known Cold War dove Douglas MacArthur.)

fascinating. not sure what’s going on here


Bruh, if you wanna see good organizing look at the larouche org. They somehow fight the uphill battle of exonerating Larouche (successfully) and make moves that grant them friendships with anarchists, communists, conservatives, & pretty much anyone.

IX. Parting — The weird thing I note with people’s selling of Robert Kennedy Jr and a who did him wrong and why — which I see too noted with Tucker Carlson: the pet cause. Fox News fired Tucker because he was too opposed to the war machine. Or one of the few voices skeptical on Faucci. Or getting to the truth on … Etc etc.

Zack de la Rocha rolling in his grave, and he’s not even dead

Monday, February 27th, 2023

There’s Something Happening There. What it is is not clear.

The first Question I have on the “Rage Against the War Machine” event. Is this a piggybacking off of Rage Against the Machine? Stoke confusion for political fans of the band?

The matter of Medea Benjamin: Code Pink pulled out of the fake Nazi “anti-war” rally because of the LaRouche Cult and Mises Caucus Nazis. Medea Benjamin is still attending and endorsing, just not speaking. It’s pandering to the Nazis and legitimizes them more. Basically, Code Pink told her she couldn’t speak. That From the horse’s mouth.

Was LORG supplying transportation? Part one of their recruitment drive mission for this, I suppose. The purpose of the Larouchie Involvement is to promote this: Fantastic pamphlet! Get your free copy at the #rageagainstthewarmachine rally Sunday Feb 19. See you at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC tomorrow! You know — Looking at the tweet feeds of who Burke and company are recruiting to get on the bus —

Would Sneako speak at the rally with… This message, whatever it is? A message and aesthetic that does tend to clash with that of Code Pink’s.

The 2008 and 2012 – 2016 Green Party Presidential candidate have a different opinion regarding Ukraine than the 2020 Green Party candidate. Evidentally have the 2000 Green candidate.

What’s really funny about this is the Libertarian Party, and even the Mises Caucus (which is pretty close to Nazis itself), is pretty upset that what was originally going to be *their* protest is being taken over by Nick Brana and LaRouche cultists.

The “Larouche” being confused with “libertarian” can be explained by the “L” and the “R” they have in common. I remember explaining to my sister that I actually detested Larouche & LP had nothing to do with him. Now, it seems, they do.

Vermin Supreme is out!

Terms of support from the Left: When Team Mises-Larouche physically starts shutting down weapons shipments, THEN we can talk about not organizing with them. Yeah — who’s the soy latte liberal now, huh?

Flashing back to the grand old days of International ANSWER. the hilarious thing here is that you and I both were “around” for both 9/11 and the Iraq war and active in protests while these guys had just finished reading Atlas Shrugged and were being recruited by the LaRouche PAC.

Remember in the 2000s when you also had dueling rallies (UFPJ as the respectable choice and ANSWER as the dodgy radical choice everybody was going over with a fine tooth comb to find excuses not support) on separate days? ….the more things change.

Ironically enough, the older folks in these orgs were involved in helping to normalize the Ukrainian far right internationally as part of the world anti-communist league up until the Maidan coup. Though I think that reflects more the mercurial nature of their politics generally.

Elizabeth Holtzman’s instrumental role in establishing the Nazi-hunting Office of Special Investigations (OSI) in the Department of Justice is precisely what made her Lyndon LaRouche’s sworn enemy in Congress. The OSI prosecuted numerous Ukrainians early on, but LaRouche was plausibly more concerned for the Nazi nuclear scientist — brought to the United States via Operation Paperclip — associated with his Fusion Energy Foundation. How’s that for “green fascism”?

Weird response from Jose Vega from a politician responding to a demonstration from the org he is involved with.

Reviewing a Jackson Hinckle space.

tbh larouche cultists always go with the ukrainians bad instead of the mic bad.

Uh. Huh. Those shunning the rage against the war machine rally are commiting the same mistake that trotsky made by not allying with the peasantry. Ya’ll didnt do the reading, or worse, you did, and learned nothing. Yeah. The peasantry. All in abundance with the Libertarian Mises Caucus and the Larouche Schiller Institute.

So comes the thoughts of Marxists: I don’t think it’s appropriate to unite with leadership of the rally, for example… but being there as a counter to LaRouche and Mises wouldn’t be a bad idea imo. How many proletarians do you think will be in the audience? There are certainly none planning the rally. That’s to be seen I think. It could be a dud for all I know. I just think if proletarians do show up it would be advantageous for communists to be there to counter the LaRouche/Mises people. Probably not worth incrementally increasing the paltry photo op. I mean — Nobody cares about libertarian goofballs or online militia cheerleaders or Lyndon Larouche. They’re detritus. The working class doesn’t even know who these losers are, which is why nobody shows up to their lame events.


When I was about 18, I was dumb enough to give my number to a LaRouche loon at a table in front of the grocery store (under the guise of “getting out the vote”). I then was stalked on the phone for a week but after 1 day, I realized they were lunatic & eventually had them blocked

I used to get LaRouche pamphlets shoved under my dorm door every year at college; never laid eyes on the actual distributors.

I used to see a guy who was a LaRoche fan outside of the local motor vehicle office. Had all this anti-papal nonsense and anti-royal family stuff posted on a folding table. Unsure what his point was except to be seen.

As a side note, I was working in Kucinich’s office at the time, and I remember someone called me to say the Queen of England was behind it, I guess because it was BP. I think that may have been a LaRouche thing, not sure.

I was always deeply charmed by the extreme earnestness of the LaRouche tablers in Union Square— they sort of embodied, bore within themselves, Reddit before Reddit was a thing. one day during grad school some showed up and set up a booth in front of the student union, I was positively giddy, it was like getting to see a rare bird of which I’d known for years but never dreamed I’d get to see in the wild

In college a Larouchite told me that I was being too objective for asking him if LaRouche had any platform other than “British Empire Bad.”

I remember the larouchites. Think I went with my parents to the DMV once when I was a kid, and there were a bunch of them standing outside with signs that said “LaRouche.” I think I heard one of them was asserting that he was the real president.

Uh oh.

I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw these folks in front of the Columbia campus. “China and Russia are not the real enemy. Global Britain is.” What the actual heck. The king of the UK?? Really??

Complete with Diane Sare for us senate headed poster — and in repky:

Looks like Larouchite… They are obsessed with the British monarchy

Can’t get away from lpac. The spectre looms over Diane Dare forever and ever, in the archives of the competing larouche group’s history.

I was made aware of the existence of the Larouche movement today. Truly crazy

Had these guys, the Hare Krishnas, and the Revolutionary Communist Party political cult on campus at Kent State in the early to mid aughts.

Solomon Pena

He also posted a photo of himself manning a table for LaRouchePAC at a Pennsylvania Trump rally in May of 2022.

One of his text messages included a message from the book Stuffing the Ballot Box, a 2002 academic study regarding fraud and electoral reform in Costa Rica: “It was only the additional incentive of a threat of civil war that empowered a president to complete the reformist project,” which was seen an expression regarding the idea of an upcoming civil war within the United States.

In an interview with the Times, former New Mexico Republican Party Chairman Harvey Yates said that he felt “very bad, very sad” about what had happened with Pena, whom he said “really had possibilities.”

Yates, who gave $5,000 to Pena’s campaign last year, also told the Times that Pena “came across to me as a very respectful, thoughtful young man” when he met him.

However, the Times notes that Pena had a long history of making incendiary and conspiratorial posts on social media, including calls to throw 2020 election officials into Guantanamo Bay and rants against “the demonic theories of the Globalist Elites.”

Maybe the US has only gotten lucky there haven’t been more assassinations already,”...

Who’s the Bonehead of the Week? Contestants: Rep. George Santos Solomon Pena Alina Habba Only one attempted murderer in the group. Santos is the cleanest of the three.

Splitting hairs on Jan 6.

Andy Ngo continues on Leftwing cranks beat.

LORG-er tweets response to Swalwell posting a death threat message: This is a really whiney feed.

It’s really funny that the LaRouchies will like concoct a conspiracy theory that links Brace Belden to the British Royal Family, but then get outraged if you suggest that they have some political connection to the “LaRouchePAC

We have no affiliation with Peña or the “LaRouche PAC” he worked with. His behaviors reflect on himself directly and on those who chose to endorse / support his campaign.

This guy has the right idea.: Julian Pena, who identified himself as a cousin of Solomon Pena, answered the phone at the home. He said he would talk – for the right price. He went on, “I mean, hey man, if CNN wants to call me and they want to work out a money arrangement. I’m all for that.”

On the Ground

Austin. Hey. That’s lpac territory! Santa Rosa. Georgetown Texas. Lyndon LaRouche, long may he hornswoggle. Even from the grave.

LORG disrupts AOC. Nick Brana jumps in with kudos.

Methinks this guy doesn’t know “first amendment” definition. you say you support everyone’s first amendment right but you had these people kicked out? That there is what we call a hypocrite lady! You are so phony! You care nothing about the citizens you represent just the attention power from service in congress! Disgraceful.

The New York Post describes her as “far left“. As link bait goes, this does pale to “Adult star-turned-data scientist: I had more sex than showers in 2022”.

Uh oh. Annoying voice woman. you’re a larouche tool. Larouche pac is totally infiltrated by Zionist boomer operatives. Sucking up to Zionists while crying about Ukrainian nationalists. Sad!

A real organization that really exists in reality. “Your ideas intrigue me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.”

Leftists” humping LaRouche. Dumpster fire.

Imagine being understandably done with both war parties and then getting hosed into thinking Lyndon Fucking LaRouche was the answer. This is why we can’t have nice things.

Why does the LaRouche movement like AOC so much (such as serenading her here–she even thanked them)?

I know! I don’t think they were prepared for a literal chorus intervention! Yeah they were. They removed them from the audience, did they not?

@WellKnownEquine explaining the ghoulish web of Lyndon Larouche and his dorky acolytes Come argue with Pat about the dirt bridge and how it’s not a cult or whatever. Twitch thingy.

I can handle the right wingers on my TL. I can handle the Trotskyists and anarchists on my TL. But where the fuck did all these LaRouche fuckers come from? It’s in the Twitter Zeitgiest: Hedonic Post-Mortality LaRouche Mariana Trench Liberation Casino Establishes Juche-Punk.

The mind reels:

To be fair, only some of the things the Larouchies don’t like over the years have been Hitler. Others have been Mussolini. Biden for instance.

Helga’s event: Everyone’s applauding at the Bolivar Hall as Madam LaRouche describes how climate change is a satanic conspiracy cooked up by the British monarchy.

Space Larouche hitting it off with a Josh Hawley staffer. Biden voting Richard Spencer likes what he hears from Hawley.

LPAC loves themselves Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz.

Caleb Maupin is back. anti vaxxer “patriots” attacking PeoplesForumNYC 1804 Books over some perceived “mandate” ?? wtf is this and why is cpi_usa promoting this sort of behavior? This is… Insane.

Historical notes

LaRouche using Feurbach to come up with a fascist-socialist conception of the ubermensch is fucking crazy lmao

In his footnote LaRouche also praises two books, Karl Kautsky?s Foundations of Christianity – which he describes as Kautsky?s “one truly important contribution” to history — and Abram (Abraham) Leon?s The Jewish Question: A Marxist Interpretation.”

Gravel – Jones – Larouche 2015.

Never heard of these papers, but the fact that West Village micro-newspapers were running 9/11 truth and LaRouche articles is 0% surprising. Inside New York City’s Smallest (and Nastiest) Newspaper War — the West view News includes —

In 2018, Ms. Berke invited a group called the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry to the house to present the case that Building 7 of the World Trade Center was brought down not by planes but by explosives placed ahead of time. Over the staff’s objections, the paper began running articles about the theory, including two by members of groups promoting it.

Ms. Berke also brought in articles by Diane Sare, a Senate candidate for the LaRouche Party, a fringe-right group.

“She was a corroding force,” said Liza Whiting, who worked as the paper’s traffic manager for about 10 years. “She comes across as being reasonable. But any person, if you spend more than a half-hour with Dusty, you realize that she’s a bit of a wacko.”

A history of lpac challenging the results in their election losses.

Lyndon LaRouche would be absolutely thriving nowadays.

LOL LaRouche – they exited handing out literature in US Airports about 20 years ago, and boom up they pop on Russian TV. LOL Oh where were you all these years?, FYI They are the official scientific but completely nuts organization for the world.

LaRouche began as a Marxist and then drifted into a sort of hi-tech Whig. I remember on campus I would occasionally grab his free New Federalist newspaper- a fascinating read, never a dull moment.

Some things have gone awfully wrong in your life for you to get into Lyndon LaRouche in the year 2023.

Holy crap! William McKinley assassination conspiracy theories!

NAWAPA Lives. You’ve been duped. This document was a stunt filed by a crackpot group called the LaRouche PAC trying to revive a dead project called the NAWAPA. You can see their name several times on the docs in your video (for example, at bottom of video at 9:30 mark)

These guys are from the Larouche organization- you can’t be including them in a rational discussion about healthcare considering they lobbied to have all HIV patients imprisoned because their leader said HIV is an airborne disease.

Didn’t Larouchites kinda prefigure that shtick? I remember a doc with hitchens getting annoyed at a Larouche org guy… they just seemed to pick lame targets

Haven’t heard this line before. No stupid. The CP’ers were attacking female members. We went to them and said if you don’t stop, the LaRouche movement would beat the crap out of them. They made the decision to continue so they got their asses handed to them. They’ve been crying like babies ever since.

Massachusetts 1994 gubernatorial race. I guarantee you they chose this race because Bill Weld was one of the lead prosecutors that got LaRouche put in jail, this is next level hating

By any modern recounting of his elite-minded philosophy, Plato sucked. Even assuming something close to the worst with NATO, NATO beats Plato.

Great news, you can watch Lyndon LaRouche’s 30-minute ad he put on NBC (over their objections) during his presidential campaign, in which he predicts enslavement of Mexico, genocidal famine, and nuclear war by 1977 if Carter wins

I guess larouche liked mcgovern. Depends on when and to whom. Also O’Malley, he liked his democrat liberals. That one was weird. Creeped the O’Malley folks out.

in 1986 republican candidate for Oklahoma governor Billy Joe Clegg declared himself to be a laroucheite but was snubbed by the larouche organization he said it was because of how dry he wasSee here.

There you go. As discussed to Conan O’brien. Jane Fonda started doing her workout videos as a response to Lyndon Larouche.


Manly p Hall. Pol Pot and Pinochet. Great list of proletarian heroes. Michael Tracey. Steven Seagal. Epoch Times, to Senator Ron Johnson. Kari Lake. Marianne Williamson. Drew Pavlou. Alan Keyes and Mitt Romney. Vivek Ramaswamy.

I must say — I have not heard feminism described as “Satanic“.


LaRouche would be SEETHING at how conformist and one note his successors turned out to be. Jackson Hinkle goes his own way: Wasn’t the whole point of these LaRouche weirdos to try and join China’s Belt and Road under the guise of left wing nationalism? I have long accepted that all antiestablishment groups are all the same and are against whatever the current thing is. If Biden had shot it down over Montana he’d be posting about how he was putting the lives of rural Americans at risk.

Marx’s greatest failure was that his work was not impervious to Satanic Malthusian Degrowth Gaia Worshipping NATO Nazis like you who use it as rhetorical shield to continue the project of international poverty, imperialism and genocide. LaRouche word salad, lmao

I always found it strange how John Coleman, Lyndon Larouche and Mullins have claimed that Hayek was one of their agents without any info backing it. Larouche is a Fabian imo, Coleman hard to pin down .

Years ago I laughed every time I read the bizarre ranting words of “Lyndon Larouche” never dreaming that someday I’d be hearing Benedict Donald Traitor Trump even worse. We oughta rename him Lyndon LaDouche

Slightly puzzled on this, as the only thing I get from the right on monkey pox is how completely connected to gross homosexual activity it is.

The NAFTA Superhighway in retrospect.

Its so fucked up. They’re connected to LaRouche and every single one of them seems to be into public humiliation.

LaRouche considers modern math to be a deep state (Cult of Apollo) corruption of sacred geometry. Base 10 has little to do with reality. We probably should be using Base 12. The devil loves to separate what is whole: hence the equals sign cutting things into 2 pieces to compare.

American Student Union“?

I set my dating app profile to religion: Zoroastrian politics: LaRouche age: 23 looking for: a forever wife and I have zero matches Clearly society is toast. For the original Twitterer here — you know there is a thing called “Christian Mingle”, right? Or… Church socials. Such things.

Answer: one does.

Chris Williamson.

World News

China Eradicated Poverty, says Havard educated China government stooge.

Jason Ross “likes” Something Awful.

Haz versus Maupin. Haz 2036.

Working on an earnest 20-tweet thread about how Twitter is in league with the Larouche cult.

Inter-connections: Thanks for the hint. “Munich stands up” is currently making contact with the LaRouche political sect and at #muc1802 gets inflows from supporters of the right-wing extremist Compact magazine and the AfD. Belarus traveler Bystron will speak to them beforehand. There grows together…

The “Spotlight” program on Iran’s Press-TV Thursday evening featured a debate between the Schiller Institute’s Harley Schlanger and the Chairman of the Ukraine World Congress, Andriy Dobrianskiy.

The Internal Conflicts in the Young Campaign

Odd contradictions. Working with the Young campaign, we found that the LaRouchians were really no big deal, but the smears that came out any time anybody even stood near them were ridiculous. Young begged to differ.

History with Young. used to follow me on here but he posted that anti-imperialists should support Ron DeSantis “because he isn’t a war criminal”. DeSantis was a lawyer at Guantanamo Bay overseeing torture, I said “That is stupid” in his comments and he blocked me. I’m telling you he started saying weird positive shit about LaRouche after he lost last election but never openly admitted to being a member, he thought I was the shit as long as I was clowning on the Michigan Manlet. The second I shit on LaRouche I caught a block.

Geoffrey Young follows Jerry Belsky.

Space Larouche Anti-Trump Republican: Only thing a lot of you “never again” candidates have in common is losing. Not very concrete. What do you want in a candidate? This is in response to a collage of four losers in the last election.

I have no goddamned clue what this means. oh I see they’re blaming the gay guy for the clouds of hydrochloric acid in Ohio because he beat the pseudo-socialist they don’t even like any more in Iowa they’re going to be claiming JFK will be resurrected on the grassy knoll and only LaRouche Thought can prevent this

Sare brought home half a percent of the vote; she was routed by blank ballots. But winning elections was never really the point for the LaRouchies, even in their heyday, and elsewhere this fall, there were signs that LaRouchism was having a small moment. LPAC responded. LORG not really.

I don’t understand how this conspiracy works, in a hierarchical sense. The minute LaRouche exposed the leading Keynesian economist for pushing genocidal economic policies based on Nazi finance minister Hjalmar Schacht, the Washington Post made it policy for ALL media to do nothing but slander LaRouche. That’s all you’re seeing. The Washington Post of the early 1980s controlled all media, from NBC and the NY Times on to High Times and the Washington Monthly?

Coming up to the Big Rally

Yes I know how this works. Leftists get tons of people to show up at protests, 3 LaRouchites set up a table on the corner of the lawn to try to peel off participants into their insane cult, and then a few years later you pretend like you were the only ones there. That is how things worked with Iraq War opposition and Tea Party rallies and Occupy. This… Is different.

It is worth pointing out, the primary focus of Obama with Hitler was domestic policy, Health care, and not foreign policy regarding Ukraine.

pretty ballsy to call LaRouche a grift when I have never had LaRouchies ask me for money, but leftists are constantly e-begging. Charmed life. They go after bigger fish, to be sure — opposition to Obama’s Health Care had money. You may be useful for table duty.

What the fuck does Think like Beethoven mean? Does that mean be a miserable bastard to most people but compose amazing symphonies? Also Beethoven was a big fan of Napoleon at first. It’s just an attempt to say something aesthetically cool that doesn’t mean anything. The alt right is good at that.

Moon Unit Alpha will save the day… But the LaRouche’s have this weird obsession with the tuning of the A Key….

Putin Rules, We Drool

There is conspiracy theory, then there is — puts conspiracy hat on* The LaRouche movement was co-opted by Russian agents and is now co-opting both the People’s Party and the Libertarian Party. *takes conspiracy hat off*They were invited to our country affiliate meeting by our state’s Mises organizer under the guise of being “anti-war”. It was gross.

It’s because several speakers expressly support Russian warmongering. Which means they oppose U.S. warmongering, but they still support nuclear brinkmanship. Others are affiliated with the NATSEC-affiliated sex pest LaRouche movement.

Louis Cossar’s analysis.

Seymour Hersh appears to be a key conduit from Larouche to the mainstream on the (yes, warmongering and wrong headed) neoconservatives as Strasserites working new concepts never seen before. Shoddy investigative journalism there.

And by the way, LaRouche supporters would have shown up to this rally anyway and in all likelihood created a scene if no LaRoucher was formally involved, which would take away from the rally’s point and achievements.

Further warnings.

LaRouche called Putin “President of the Universe.”

Ho Boy! If you aren’t going to be in NYC, you can still get to some of these sister rallies!!

Nuclear Holocaust” is an interesting choice of words, since it’s the only kind of Holocaust whose perpetrators Lyndon Larouche didn’t actively seek to surround himself with.

The Event

Also out re recruiting in those parts: Several neo-Nazis that attended and helped organize the deadly ‘Unite the Right’ rally in Charlottesville, VA, claim they are in communication with the organizers of the ‘Rage Against the War Machine,’ rally in Washington DC, which is bringing together various pro-Putin trolls, far-Right grifters, and conspiracy theorists.

According to a livestream from the “Patriotic Socialist Front,” which includes long-time neo-Nazi organizer Matthew Heimbach, former member of Vanguard America and Ohio National Guardsman, Shandon Simpson, and the leader of the group, “Andrew,” the organization plans to travel to the ‘Rage Against the War Machine’ rally in DC, fly a “National Bolshevik” flag, and also table at the event. During the livestream, Simpson states that Heimbach, “has had more communications with some of the people involved…”

Predictably this event is swarming with LaRouchites, who are using it to recruit: gathering names, signing them up for newsletter subscriptions, inviting folks to their next meeting. They were crystal clear about this during their last recruitment meeting: it’s why they’re here.

Webster Tarpley mocks it. Does not mention Larouche. Then again, neither does the wsws article.

Crowd is modest; passersby wondering what it is. Very much the libertarian crowd (who sponsored it) and absolutely thick with Larouche presence; they seem to perhaps be involved in organizing too.

There’s got to be tens of people there! Most of them are like “let’s stroll over there and see what’s going on”. There are more people waiting in line to get a beer at a Roger Waters concert than there are at the “rally.”

They absolutely did not advertise Lyndon LaRouche’s wife as one of the speakers. This woman was literally an informant on peace groups in Germany.

Listen, I respect the peace through development idea of the LaRouche people but from this rally I just attended, theyve got a weird way of talking to people man. It’s very potent the strangeness. Randomly bringing up the point, people are trying to kill Diane Sare like ok…

Dennis Kucinich gets drowned out

Larouche people have been stopping me all day

very much the opposite of democratic.

Old Guy walks by

The sign in support of Pope Francis and Lula is Larouche Schiller Institute garbage. Decades ago, many people within the Larouche Institute would have warned the world about the Schiller Institute and what they became if they saw this sign.

Hm. Jimmy Dore now speaking. This rally is basically Twitter trolls jumping to the real world. LaRouche banner has disappeared. Dennis Kucinich did not get it down. You would think it might reappear when Diane Sare takes to the man, but nope. Debatable if it means much for Dore: The fact that the biggest sign at that rally is for Lyndon LaRouche speaks volumes about the crowd that Dore is now cultivating.

Dore sets up his run for presidency. Curious this:

Trump was a Democrat too. Dore repeated his stand up act essentially verbatim on Tucker Carlson the next week.

McArdle stands before the sign.

Question to Anya Parampil : why did you crop the big helga zepp larouche sign out of your profile picture

Those of us who lived through the “oh, y’all are the Lyndon LaRouche party” DECADES that we’d JUST painfully crawled out of are DELIGHTED to see our Party Chair featuring a shot of herself in front of a larouchie banner

The question for the Libertarian Party contingent: The LP has been relatively silent about the failed rally embarrassment. As part of spending the week trying to gaslight that “thousands” were in attendance, Angela posted pictures to the public list that are clearly not from the rally, but what appear to be an event in Germany.

Scott Ritter, who spoke at the “after-party” for the rally, and no less than two speakers complained about him not speaking during, celebrated the 1 year anniversary of Russian aggression throwing back shots with Russian military officials. It was never about “anti-war“.

There were very few LP people, and from being there, the largest group of people was the Larouche cult.

Tulsi Gabbard speaks. Of course you blurred and cropped out the LaRouche flags waving behind. I’m sure the average FOX News viewer would be excited to hear about your support for a land-bridge with COMMUNIST CHINA

If only the US would get off it’s butt and build that trans-Bearing Strait monorail that LaRouche and his minions advocated for in his 1980s Presidential campaigns, then all of the world’s problems would be solved!

Wonder if there are Moonies there too?

I have been handed at least a dozen flyers from volunteers wearing signs on their chests for the schiller institute, the think tank founded by lyndon larouche’s widow, helga zepp-larouche. the schiller institute has called for an end to sanctions on russia. it feels like someone cast a spell on lyndon larouche’s wikipedia page while watching infowars in another tab and something terrible was brought to life at the lincoln memorial.

A feature, not a bug. Why was there a massive LaRouche membership drive at this event?

the man, the myth, the legend, hero of the liberty movement” ron paul takes the stage to chants of “end the fed! end the fed!” paul says he’s energized to be here with so many friends of liberty.

I am more curious about the “Ukraine Laundromat” sign.

Kucinich, Tulsi, Ron Paul and even Lyndon Friggin’ Larouche’s widow. Ladies and gentlemen, the 1962 New York Mets.

I’ve lived most of my life in D.C. Those LaRouche people practically live on 17th street. They show up to everything. They do not represent the LP. Unless you want force used against them, they’re going to show up.

OMG larouche is still around? Lol!

Blast from the Past: The LaRouchies were at this rally! The LaRouchies — the 1980’s “snakes in your mailbox” people! For those of you fortunate enough to miss this era, they were the QAnon of the late 20th Cent. Batshit and violent. And they went to this rally!!!!

Small group of LaRouchies on the train. They’re talking amongst each other and acting in a sane manner. So different from my experiences with them in the past. They’re not evangelizing. I’m just impressed by their demeanor and level of decorum. Even Jehovah’s Witnesses take a break sometimes.

I used to like Brana & the People’s Party but now he’s literally platforming larouche supporters & far right libertarians. Not only are these people right wing, they’re fringe figures who won’t even help them grow a movement. What and absolutely joke of a movement they have now.

An easily disputed point. I was just there. Those people with the Russian flags showed up for a short time, just long enough to get pictures for people to be upset by. There’s no way they weren’t counter protestors. Graze along and quote speakers. Apparently Ron Paul got them out of his photo-crops. It’s kind of funny that the “good” photo of McArdle has her standing in front of a LaRouche sign, as if that’s in any way better.

A creepy message from the Larouche movement regarding Zelensky. Follow the logic of this post and it amounts to hypocrisy on their part. Hm. Scott Ritter, twice an online sex pest — stung in a police sting pretending to be underaged girls.

the funniest thing about LaRouche/Schiller is their “land bridge” they propose a map where one of the roads goes through some of the tallest coldest mountains in North America and emerges in the middle of nowhere only to cross over to a place where nobody lives in Russia.

Roger Waters. came on the car radio, & nothing in the lyrics can compete with the pathos of realizing that exactly 50 years later its author would become a tankie-imperialist speaker at LaRouche-infested rallies, hanging on in quiet desperation indeed

DC media coverage channel 8.

Maddow has mentioned Larouche like 6 times in 15 years. Damned if you cover things, damned if you don’t. Space Commune YouTube commenter: MSNBC’S hit piece had no interviews either. Would have been hilarious if they interviewed the CPI Russia flag guys. I…. guess?

Podcast land has Gadfly previewing then reviewing. Russell Brand interviewing Dave DeCamp — likely pro that thing. Here is your Diane Sare interview. And Amanda Moore looks at the scene.

Solomon Pena, Larouchepac, and domestic terrorism

Thursday, January 19th, 2023

I could never quite make heads or tails of the allegations that came from Rachel Brown’s defeat at the hands of Barney Frank. Rachel Brown was on her way to victory — you could see in the gestalt of the popular sentiment on the streets of Boston. But then something called the “Vault” stepped in, and flooded the zone. What did seem certain is that even while trying to gild Rachel Brown’s ego just enough but not too much, while having no interest in her thinking she won the vote. She was up against a political machine juggarnaut. The Boston Vault which stepped in — as votes were being cast and cast for Rachel Brown — to hypnotize the populace with a false consciousness — so voters were now casting their lot with Barney Frank.

It is a difference to the like of Diane Sare now on the Helga “we are Russian and Chinese propagandists first and foremost” part of the Larouche split. (Their secondary purpose, at least domestically, is to troll left wing activists). After the election, and her third place fraction of a percentage showing against Chuck Schumer, she construed unofficial tabulation reporting discrepancies as a sign of electioneering shenanigans. It got her on Jimmy Dore. Here we get the difference on Hillary Clinton after 2016 and Donald after 2020. “Russian interference” is propaganda and disinformation that leads to false consciousness whereas Trump declared victory on election night then claimed the election was thereafter falsely tabulated against him. The post 2016 Clinton and Democratic fight has its problems — a supposition of what a right-minded voter needs believe. It is where I see a news article article from the NYTimes or Washington Post or some such passes by exploring the psychological reasons people oppose Abortion and favor abortion restrictions. It seems to be a bubble where viewpoints held by forty something percent of the populace is construed as coming from psychological defects — that is to say, false consciousness, propagandized by nefarious sources. In the sometimes funny case of the 2016 election, we ended up with a silly Facebook page image of Satan and Jesus arm-wrestling — proxies for Clinton versus Trump — a Facebook page that struck me as having a right to exist whether or not it was put up on behest of the Russian government. But the problems there are quite apart from the problems where Trump is baselessly construing the votes are falsely going against him and — more so — action needs to be taken. From there you can debate what happened at January 6th.

And next comes Solomon Pena. Of Larouchepac — the Larouche movement split which is largely a gritting outfit to grab money from Trump Supporters. He lost an election. And now.

Isthis our first LaRouche mass shooter?

At the risk of being tone deaf, “mass shooter” has a definition and Solomon Pena’s act of terrorism does not cover it. This is a shooting spree. And to be sure, here is the equation at work: One of the witnesses, according to the AP, said one of the men told the shooters to aim above the homes’ windows to avoid striking anyone inside, but Pena showed up for the Lopez shooting “to ensure better target acquisition.”  Or: “There is some information from a confidential informant that says that he was disappointed that apparently that no one had actually been hit and that he wanted them to aim lower in the house and the structure so that the chances of somebody being hit were greater,” Day said. The hit men hired seemed to have the ” sending a message, don’t kill” theory as against the bolder Pena stance. Pena, the complaint states, “wanted them to aim lower and shoot around 8 p.m. because occupants would more likely not be laying down.” The witness adds that the more aggressive approach made the gunmen uneasy “since they knew doing so would more likely end in death or injury.”.

Yeah, the Schiller people are def gonna call this guy a fed or an MKULTRA programmed assassin The correct answer is… FBI. LPAC are FBI agents who abandonded LaRouches mission — Dear lord, even while disclaiming it, they pivot blame to a deep state that is after them.

Notice to Solomon Pena: your act is not helping us colonize the moon or alleviate human suffering. On the basis of how you argued against political adversaries with different priorities, you fell short.

My partner got into difficult, unsolicited conversations with him as she came in and out of the building,” Bode said. “He’s not a polite, nice person.”

You didn’t necessarily want to get in the elevator with him, because you may not have a nice conversation,” Parks said. “He was a little belligerent in his tone sometimes.”

Over from LORG:

The organization which killed Kennedy was called Permindex founded in 1958. The head of Permindex was Louis Mortimer Bloomfield of Montreal, a major in British intelligence who was personal advisor to J. Edgar Hoover for Division 5 of the FBI.” — Lyndon LaRouche (1995)

Sure. And the organization that tried to kill Linda Lopez, Javier Martinez, Debbie O’Malley, and Adriann Barboa is Larouchepac. Not affiliated with LORG.

And his post election tweet: Coupled with the article on his criminal background lead me to the flippant thought “this can not end well”.

New Republic (in case you need to deal with visit limits): Pena embraced Trump’s election denialism, even appearing to attend the January 6 rally that turned into the insurrection, according to a photo he shared on Twitter. He repeatedly insisted that his own election was rigged. After the results were in, he approached three of the four targeted Democratic officials at their homes, claiming he had proof the election was fraudulent and arguing it should not be certified. The Bernalillo County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to certify the election results.

There is a curious problem round about here. CNN has reached out to Peña’s campaign website for comment and has been unable to identify his attorney. Which matches the problem on some generalized partisan grinding in comments land which gets forced and nonsensical, or at least in germane to the topic. See this: This also reinforces the need for the updates to the voting rights act so gerrymandering and the anti-democracy aspects of recent Republican state laws can be minimized. Gerrymandering. It is a majority Democratic district in a majority Democratic state. Unless the suggestion is the districts need to be drawn so that the Republican give two shits about contesting every district instead of letting a hothead lunatic get his name on the ballot unopposed by someone who knows they are in for a November loss — such a move is impossible. The majority of our elections are not competitive, and it would be a bad sign if a majority were. So, par for the course in the sense of “some guy in a non competitive race”, CNN can’t reach the campaign website for the culprit’s campaign — a campaign that was composed of basically just the culprit — and maybe the driver — or that which by chance implicates beyond “lone gunman” and paid thugs into organization:

The officer found bullet casings matching a handgun found later that morning in a Nissan Maxima registered to Pena. Around 1:30 a.m., about an hour after the shooting at Lopez’s home, police stopped the Nissan about 4 miles (6 kilometers) from the lawmaker’s neighborhood.

The driver, identified Monday night as Jose Trujillo, was arrested on an outstanding warrant, leading to the discovery of more than 800 fentanyl pills and two firearms in the car, police said.

Though, it is worth mentioning this is not the election LPAC was most hyping up. That one was California AD 18 with Mindy Pechenuk. (Of that Pechenuk clan that continues to plague Oakland city council meetings minutes.)

Operation Mop-Up 2?

Bernalillo County’s district attorney said he will personally prosecute the case against Peña because he’s “pissed off” about what he calls “an attack on our democracy.”

“When you attack elected officials with violence, it is an attack on our democracy. It is unacceptable at every level. It doesn’t matter if they’re Democrats or Republicans,” District Attorney Sam Bregman said.

“Quite frankly, the community’s pissed off about this stuff. And so am I.”

Hm. Ironic. Use the politically unpc term from our previous president, “shithole countries”, and appreciate who is dragging it in that direction:

State House Speaker Javier Martinez, another official who police said was targeted in the shootings, said that the events of the past month reminded him of violence in his birth country of Mexico. 

“(Mexico) is a place where politics and journalism can actually get you killed,” Martinez said. “I would have never thought that could be the case in my own country, here.”

Curious. And with the caveat that this is speculation, it is trying to come up with the most coherent defense.

Multiple witnesses have said that Peña believed the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, and he believed his own election loss was the result of fraud, and Cevallos said that sets up the possibility that his defense attorneys will blame the former president for his crime.

I have to bring us back to the Jan. 6 prosecutions in which some of the defendants raised the defense of ‘Trump made me do it,’ and that was really interesting because, as a defense attorney, you don’t get to pick your facts,” Cevallos said. “Prosecutors pick the facts they take to trial, so in fairness to the defense, as wacky as that defense sounds, ‘Trump made me go into the Capitol,’ sometimes as a defense attorney you don’t have a lot. You come up with whatever you can, whatever the judge will let you put into evidence, and try your best. Is it successful, probably not?”

The mere fact that it’s being considered as a possible defense tells us that we’re at a different political place in this country where you can even consider saying that the president made me do it,” he added. “That kind of defense is usually reserved to crazy people at home who think, you know, their TV is bugged or the aliens have landed in their backyard. This is not a defense you ever would have imagined 10 years ago or even six, seven years ago. It’s madness.”

They could go with “Larouche made me do it”, but then they’d have to do the ” Larouche who?”

I think the worlds most dangerous philosopher title goes to Lyndon LaRouche. The American Dryfus. Targeted with assassination , persecution, jail time and endless slander for his opposition to the Aristotelian Mafia around Bertrand Russell. Or, I guess, A “Larouche / Trump” hybrid.

Meanwhile, I speculate on fallout for LORG. See this: Watch @DianeSare intervene on Chuck Schumer fundraising luncheon this morning!! Bravo Diane! “Sare Confronts “Killer Chuck” Schumer” on YouTube.

Wow, Lyndon LaRouche, that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time. Growing up in Illinois during the 70s, he was a household name, and he attracted so many of the extremist types.

If you were in Illinois during a certain era, oh yes, you knew who Lindon Larouche was. Although everybody knew who he was, I think you could honestly call him in some ways a predecessor to Qanon.

Wow. I got sucked in by them in like 2005. Escaped in 2007. nut jobs. They got me with trains. In the minority on that one: LaRouche Leftists: “We want trains! Trains! Trains! Trains!” General public: “no”.

what is up with LaRouche and his crowd? my dad is apparently sucked into his bs and has been slipping pamphlets from his org calling Ukraine Nazis under my door. weird shit.

Dunno about this next query. They’re working on a statement, I assume. Political opportunism to discredit the mega maga movement last seen by the Tony Blair forces using Jeremiah Duggan’s mom to stop Larouche from stopping the war, I think the tweet from a LORG supporter has it — though that came with more concern over saving LORG’s bacon.

Replying to @larouchepac hey I haven’t seen you guys saying much about how the guy shooting at the homes of Democratic officials in New Mexico was a big LaRouche supporter, any comment on that?

But you need to know … The feeling was mutual.

Oddly enough, still dead

Wednesday, January 11th, 2023


I remember I used to interact with Lyndon LaRouche’s associates when I was in university. Very persistent folks. Do you guys have newsletters?

I just wish ppl would have had the pleasure of going to protests in the early 00’s and being handed a Lynden LaRouche pamphlet. Cures you of all your conspiratorial ailments.

On being a Libertarian Party canvasser: I’ve had to answer questions about Lyndon larouche ..

I remember the people hawking Lyndon LaRouche papers on my college campus “Rockerfeller Endorses Cannibalism” (which actually had a factual basis—that Andes plane crash). You are right, we have major politicians saying similar batshit things as LaRouche with LESS of a basis.

Right. I think that’s where he got his “green fascism” bullshit. I had two encounters with self described Linden LaRouche followers. The first had very strong cult vibes. The second, a bit less so but still.

On Webster Tarpley: That LaRouche Douche got up on a stage in New York City during the anniversary of 9/11 in 2007 and suggested I was COINTELPRO. Please do not promote anything from that scum on my wall please, thank you.

Name an animal, (BESIDES A DOG), that you’ve been chased by. A worshipper of Lyndon LaRouche, expounding antisemitism, negative entropy, and all around scary craziness decades before those things became fashionable…

They stopped me one foot off the property line of the first place I ever went to vote and gave me a pitch for Lyndon that involved a veiled threat against my life.

True story: I once was walking out of the office after a hard day of think tanking with CohenAtTPPF & as we exited the building o e of us mid conversation was quoting the Simpson’s line “Lyndon LaRouche was right!” A woman spun around and yelled “Lyndon Larouche was not right!” turned out that her brother was in the cult or something. It also turned out she wasn’t familiar with the Simpsons, so our attempts to explain only created more confusion.

Heart warming family story.

Reminds me of ’84, when I worked in NYC in the same building as the LaRouche crackpots. They plastered our block with bumper stickers that read, “I know Walter Mondale is running for president, but who can heterosexuals vote for?”

As an old timer I remember Operation Mop Up. Workers World party had a defacto non aggression pact w/ LaRouchies who mobilized street gangs against the other left groups in NYC. I was in WWP at the time and never heard a coherent excuse. Interesting cross ref w Ramsey Clark

A few years ago my wife witnessed a LaRouche activist at one of those sidewalk tables pick a fight with a black person who was asking questions. When the guy’s mother pulled him away, my wife stepped in and confronted the Rouchie. My wife grabbed the clipboard upon which LaRouchies were signing up new converts, and challenged the woman’s treatment of the black guy. When the LaRouche person tried to grab the clipboard from her, she walked off with both woman and clipboard into the street. A tussle ensued. Let’s just say things did not go well for the LaRouche supporter’s sunglasses.

If you live in rural New England, you can’t avoid Larouche-bags. in New Hampshire, each town is assigned one in a ritual forest meeting with the devil

Half Thoughts Debunked

Point: I want a world where everyone I meet is up to something awesome creatively that really makes me think. Counterpoint: I don’t.

Surprisingly the EIR were shocked and really frightened by Putin gaining power in 1999. LaRouche movement writings and historiographies are like decadent half true fan fiction. The good guys are soooo good and the bad guys soooo bad. Making this funny: The standard mode of politics in the West is staggeringly incompetent. People establish for themselves the lines between good and evil. They then hurl themselves chest-first into the fray, acting out their favorite comic book. The lack of self – awareness from Daniel Burke is hilarious.

Two clear findings. I would add a third: destructive sectarianism, but only in an online and distributed format (without a clear and identifiable backbone). This amplified the internal degradation. The difference from destructive sectarianism is the internal degradation BEFORE going out to confront the world. At Lyndon LaRouche’s NCLC, several were forced to eat feces in 1972. In 1973, they were ready to go out and attack externally in Operation Mop-Up.

LaRouche thought the bad guys were the Queen of England and British imperialists seeking to destroy the USA through the Beatles and the drug culture, while the CIA guys thought it was the Soviets and/or Chinese seeking to destroy the USA through the Beatles and the drug culture.

Larouche wanted Governor Ridge impeached, but oddly never Clinton never mind signing much the same welfare bill.

My dream book to write is a richly detailed institutional history of the 1990s reform party, where Perot’s populism, larouche/pat buchanan, Jesse Ventura, and Roger Stone all adopted different trade-skeptical populisms and collapsing in trump’s 2000 presidential bid. My thought: Scattered in different biographies and histories. A couple chapters in Timothy Stanley’s Patrick Buchanan biography The Crusader and his bid which doesn’t spell Trump as the collapse, whatever that be — you left out John Hagelin and the opportunistic Natural Law Party.

Or how Lyndon LaRouche thought all the conflicts of the world derived from siding with Plato or Aristotle and thought that the standard pitch sang in classical opera had some relation to the battle against communism.


Kari Lake. Mark Finchem. Bernie Sanders and assortment of perennial candidates (fascist?). Twitter files, mainly dissemination — again, either itself or the post hosting beyond scope conspiracy theorist I don’t immediately know. (Sigh and frustration.) Ayn Rand. In defense of Anita Bryant (and so also JK Rowling), she was above aboard in her activism so can’t be compared to Larouche, qanon after Trump released his new card. Trump after the Trump card. Sameera Khan. Kari Lake’s attorney. Popularity wise, Kamala Harris. Karl Marx — hope for Larouche yet, I guess. Jay Lovestone. Trump / Greene.

Wait. Is there an actactual Flat Earther arguing here? Hard to tell. Irony is dead.

Prompt: ‘fun vacation photos of Lyndon Larouche and L Ron Hubbard at Epcot Center.

Donald Trump for his response to the Republican Speaker impasse.

Predictably as losses mount, Republican Congressman Kevin McCarthy of California.


If this is referencing I saw in a three minute YouTube clip, Jimmy Dore and Glenn Greenwald had a good point regarding AOC and the Squad with Pelosi four and two years’ back versus the Republican intransigents right now. Nothing on “Democrats looking good”, but something on them forcing a Medicare for All bill to the floor and moving an agenda… If that is a thing considered desirable.

Chip Roy with guilt by association by association.

And Trump supports McCarthy so by extension … What?

Supposing Representative Donald, “Ultra” Conservative Congressman, sees the tweet, he is supposed to respond how to the hammer and sickle? Note: he has never heard of “mega communism”.

On Richard Spencer. Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if his master plan wasn’t unironically a repeat of Larouche’s in the 90s – have an event intimidating enough that you can waltz in the oval office and demand emergency powers

On the Ground

Funny thing is, most everyone everywhere has not a thing to say about Luna Oi. So what?

A ways from Arizona.

Familiar messages: They (theBritish, I guess) want you to think about this crap (whatever that be) instead of figuring out the quadrature of a circle

Representative Pete Meijer: At an event the other night, two (presumably) Lyndon Larouche activists got out their phones and started shouting questions (that were more statement), first alleging JFK assassination cover-up and then saying US support for Ukraine was a scheme to spur nuclear armageddon. (1/2). Weirdly refreshing to engage with folks not from the mad left or the mad right, or even from the mad place on the horseshoe where left/right meet, but rather from some bizarre Z-axis of political thought. Novelty is a rare occurrence these days! (2/2)

To Russia with Love

The predictions of Dmitry Medvedev. Once thought of as a quasi-moderating influence in Russian government.

Point: These Russian government officials definitely read a lot of Larouche stuff. Counterpoint: Well, they write a lot of LaRouche stuff…

Familiar face chimes in.

Morally completely shabby: election advertising in Berlin in January 2023. “BüSo” simply pretends that nothing has happened, that Russia is not waging a war of annihilation against Ukraine. We have nothing in common with this criminal Russia.

The warped view of the Larouchies on Ukraine — see here Diane Sare

I have no goddamned clue what this means. And I make my incredulity with no judgement one way or the other on Zelensky’s speech and what US involvement ought be — skilled politicians and actors affect voices and “read the rooms”.

When did “dirt bag left” become A term? Matt Taibbi: worth a gander — never mind such protestations. Greenwald: not worth one. But, you begin with some disagreements with different people with partisan blinders, get voted off from that table, so get invited to that other table where — perhaps — you start picking up their awful habits. Money can’t hurt…

Prognostications. The Maga Communists Fall

Watch this shit, Trump’s gonna lose the GOP primary, and when his ego refuses to let him accept defeat, he’s going to run anyway as an independent and turn into the new Lyndon LaRouche. Funniest possible outcome is, he takes most of his voters with him and lives to be 120.

The Libertarian Party is where people who are too crackpot for the MAGAs are sent by the GOP these days. They look more like LaRouche-ites than actual libertarians (lower case l).

Bits of irony: So Sameera Khan is a massive Nixon/Kissinger Stan. Why do Larouchebags always endorse the absolute worst people in the world?

Weirder and weirder.

Who. Are. These. People?

In the catacombs beneath Leesburg, VA, a pact was made with ancient, daedric gods. A virgin vessel, presented on an alter of bone and ichor, was to house the resurrected spirit and soul of Lyndon LaRouche. They messed up the incantation, and, well, now we have Jackson.

Code Geass.

Varn Blog podcasts.

wasn’t it?

Caleb Maupin braces himself for coming podcast profile.

Darned! Missed it!

Paging Sundeep Waslekar

Give em one for tenacity but these larouche weirdos keep wearing size 14 clown shoes

There are things there in the “twitter files”, and it is not neatly ” illegal” but always one placement of an Overton Window that anyone dumped outside is understandably be upset with, with further repercussions on implied “false conscious” stamping. Not a Trump hack, but a Larouchie hack.

The sirens of conspiratorial thinking will doom the anti-imperialist left to campism, followed by a rightward shift as we have seen with Hazoids and LaRouchites. There is a direct line between modern campism and the popularization of magacommunism and the resurgence of LaRouche

the fault on patriotic socialism: they are way too online to ever have any impact beyond lining a couple streamer’s pockets, i just heard they have been swelling the ranks of the larouche movement & was intrigued

Z Communists” — probably the same meaning (or lack thereof) as “maga communist” s.

Stay classy, Jackson Hinkle. is it me, or has he already given up on the MAGA Communism grift, and is now trying to worm his way into the male chauvinist self help guru grift? With otherworldly promises of Stalin.

Wrap your mind around this sentence.: Please, Trotsky himself was a great man and I say that as a “Stalinist”.

MAGACommunists”/LaRouche Subcultists are so fucking funny because in any socialist society they would be arrested by political police and re-educated for being reactionary. Ditto the other direction.

Haz is thumping his chest.

The Larouchian Tyranny. Not even China’s restrictive policy.

What we can do is back DeSantis/Lake or Gabbard, and you guys can create a Lyndon LaRouche type society and can pretend Trump is President, okay?

Mississippi Senate Election of 1988 in an Alternate Universe

Mississippi 1988 Senate election. My best guess is Jon Hinson. Definitely not Billy Davis.

The alternate universe where Billy Davis wins a Senate seat. And, hm, OJ Simpson wins a Senate seat. Oliver North. Fun!

1988 Democratic Primary results. David Duke was in it to troll Jesse Jackson. I guess you wrap Traficant in with Larouche as candidates who served prison time.

I’m from the Lyndon LaRouche won the 2004 presidential election timeline.

Things don’t end well for Senator Billy Davis.

Historical Notes

Khomeini is the beacon of resistance for the oppressed masses of the planet. Huh.

Ocean Hill Brownsville Strike was very spooky. Could not have worked w RFK MLK still alive. Now it’s being done with Kanye and friends


I find the LaRouche movement party line that the Satanism of the Roman Empire escaped first to the Byzantine Empire, then the Venetian Republic and finally the British Monarchy. They’ve been ferociously pro-Filioque since at least the early 1980s. I’ll have to look in future at 1970s copies of the Executive Intelligence Review to find out when their very anti-Byzantine Empire and opposition to Eastern Christian theology first started. LaRouche movement was very strongly supporting attacking Serbia during the Croatian and Bosnian Wars, though by Kosovo with Tony Blair in power since 1997 so strongly pushing for Clinton to intervene they toned down their constant Orthodoxy-bashing. Surprisingly the EIR were shocked and really frightened by Putin gaining power in 1999. Probably when Economist Sergei Glazyev, LaRouche’s most powerful Russian follower became friendly with the new Putin government (he was very anti-Yeltsin) EIR’s coverage flipped to being much more Russia friendly.

A list of felons running for political office.

I was in the city today and I saw a guy with laroucheite posters and a table with little pamphlets. Very bizarre. I should have taken pictures. There was one that said “putin is your friend” and another one about rebuilding the United States in larouche’s vision

A fascist network of mostly former cops and qanons led by a literal prince was planning a coup in Germany. I am willing to bet all my money ($30) that LaRouche / Schiller is involved in this somehow. Hm. What does Helga say about it?

I’m increasingly liking the LaRouche movement theory about Napoleon -he was was a creation of Genoan and Venetian finance. Those two cities were secretly allied to the British Empire and Napoleon was directed by his controlled advisors to launch a suicidal invasion of Russia. once again we are ignoring the natural development of a humble italian sad grunge boy ballin out and its consequences


All bad entertainment is a psy-op, right?

The ghost of LaRouche on it’s way to murder the queen on his 100th birthday

International Media

These are no journalists but fanatics from the Larouche neofascist sect. One person’s journalist, another person’s — ?

Helga stumps again for China.

Scott Ritter jumps more sharks.

Caleb Maupin talks to himself.

How Maupin distinguished himself — all the rest in it for the money, he was in it for the cult.

Chuck Park selling Trump — Larouche as the force for fusion research.

also that the history of the world is really the history of a secret war being fought between sun myung moon and lyndon larouche.

Conservatives need to be something other than conservatives, says Not a Communist.


The strage case of Scott Gaulke.

In regards to Plato and Aristotle, taking an ultra-Platonist position that Aristotle is the cause of all historic evil, feudalism and oligarchy has decades of LaRouche historiographies. The trolling possibilities are endless.

A lot of so called tankies in 2022 love Viktor Orbán who is very anti-Khrushchev sending the tanks into Hungary in 1956. As they get more LaRouche influenced they’ll soon see 56 as a Atheist Khrushchev suppressing Catholic and Calvinist freedom fighters. It becomes an empty slur

Still on that Ye for President train.

When people you do not like write things about politicians you do not like.

Wednesday” star Jenna Ortega reveals to New Yorker that “Xi Jinping’s The Governance of China” was her latest read. “It blows my mind that anyone could think China will not achieve socialism by 2050. Xi lays out his goals and why China’s unique system will help it achieve them

I assume then this is a joke: “Wednesday”’s Jenna Ortega reveals to The New Yorker that her favorite writer of all time is none other than Lyndon LaRouche “I’ve been obsessed with his work ever since I read his plan to exterminate AIDS patients

Diane Sare gets an undeserved credit,

This list and take becomes (predictably) bizarre, and notwithstanding that I am neither here nor there on the “culture war”s for the rest of it — what the hell is this? He died in 2019, but his cult started rising again in 2022, when one of its adherents, Diane Sare, became the only notable opponent scored by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer in his otherwise uncontested New York Senate race. Swallowing or accepting Larouchie propaganda on the nature of the race and the Republican running who, after all, in the minor New York red-wave of 2022 (that up-tik that saved the Republicans the House) received a greater vote margin than anyone else who has run against Incumbent Senator Schumer over the years.

Fun fact: Pink Floyd was a British rock band. Fun fact: A prominent member of the Larouche organization is a big Roger Waters fan. Fun fact: Roger Waters is British, and has some conspiratorial opinions that work with Larouche. Why does any of these fun facts matter? Well. “All” is all inclusive. Americans export creativity. The British export EVIL. Interesting. Also Putin disagrees.

Larouchies petition Joe Biden. Will President Biden heed the call of dozens (or maybe just ones), or will Lyndon Larouche — who penned a scathing article or two on his presidential candidacies — remain unexonerated?

Geoffrey Young, and the meaning of “Larouchie”. Disclaimers now put on Schiller Material, so future Youngs might be able to point to something.

Paging guy proclaiming being “part of the MAGA Movement”.

Paging… Initiating contacts: Helga Zepp-Larouche and her troops have long expressed an interest in General Harald Kujat. Will LaRouche stick with Kujat? Or will there be a total takeover of the Yakunin squad?

ham handed Russian propaganda.

anti-pilgrim propaganda???

The Conspiracy Vector

PSL … “Larouche connections”. Looking in, that term appears nebulous in spots. Cultish leftwing sectarian politics meet up with and against cults. ” Connections” come in by accident. From what I can tell this line is premised off of Ramsey Clarke — a mutual back scratch happened to benefit each one’s political power aims. On the politics of PSL — looks left wing sectarian to me.

Tate retweeting LaRouche type guys now, interesting development

I’ve taken great pleasure in watching the Haz/LaRouche sphere harpoon their own dingies (pitiful grifts) Now might be a good time to remind you, that the Ancestors come collect, and the reach is infinite.

JFK and the problem of the Larouchies covering your favorite conspiracy theory. Popular topic on the streets of NY.