Archive for June, 2016

latest larouche crap

Thursday, June 30th, 2016
So.  How’s the Australian election looking for Team Larouche?
Uh oh.  The Citizens Electoral Council rounding up the group list in 23rd spot.  I don’t know if coming at the very end is better than coming in the middle but toward the end, but I do know that “Mature Australia” is sitting pretty at the top spot.
Though the Bullet Train For Australia candidate is tucked in after the Citizens Electoral Council candidate here.  Lindsey Cosgrove goes on to rail against the looming World War III.
Item Number TWO:  What does Larouche think of Brexit?  Oh… who knows… the titles of these EIR pieces could have been written about anything in the past five decades —

The British System Is Doomed: A Totally New System Is Now

And then there’s the new system I suppose Larouche is ambling toward…
Bending Stars Like Reeds Toward a New System of Extra-Planetary something or other

It is worth noting one Webster Tarpley, working against Alex Jones once again, is proving himself quite the globalist.  In the wake of Brexit, his twitter feed going off on Boris Johnson.  Will he be able to stand outside yelling stuff at this year’s conflab of the Bilderberg Conference, or are these things being rescinded these days?


Trump versus Larouche.
Oh, yes, I forgot; Trump isn’t as much a conspiracist as LaRouche.
So, Larouche is in Germany.  Apparently he has a dog.  That’s actually moderately interesting…
The San Fran one might have raised slightly more cash. They disclosed about 70 people showed up even if they’re members. The room was smaller and may have cost less. The org seems to be viewing this as a success.The Texas one never pans the audience.The Boston turnout looked pretty good but running box fans in that cramped office it must have been pretty warm.

ITEM NUMBER FIVE.  History’s Mysteries.

Dennis Hastert is going to a famous prison.  Hastert must surrender by Wednesday afternoon to begin serving a 15-month sentence at the Federal Medical Center in Rochester, a 64-acre secured facility that was once home to former U.S. Rep. Dan Rostenkowski, television evangelist Jim Bakker and perennial fringe presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche.

And celebrating gay pride history… On June 29, 1986, marchers in the NYC Pride March exchange words with two Lyndon LaRouche supporters who were insulting parade participants. Lyndon LaRouche had called for the registration and quarantining of those suffering from or carrying the AIDS virus. LaRouche had gained enough signatures in California to force a vote in the state’s November election.

Speaking of sorts… this is odd analysis.

The mass murder rampage in Orlando, Florida, by alleged Islamic State follower Omar Mateen, is but the latest in a series of horrific terrorist attacks that all flow from a thirty-year-old “oil deal” between the British and Saudi monarchies. That deal has given them great power and great hidden resources to create today’s global jihadist apparatus, for attacks against nations.


Heh heh.  Protesting in the old tradition of the CPUSA

Russian media reported that “I love Russia” demonstrations took place simultaneously in 15 American states and hundreds of people took to central city squares to declare their love of Russia on the Russian national holiday known as Russia Day.

At the same time the last Gallup poll shows that Americans are increasingly viewing Russia as a threat and the US’s top enemy. 18% said they see Russia and America’s enemy number one, compared to just 3% in 2011.
Furthermore, the only actual American shown in Channel five’s story on the “I love Russia” campaign show is a young woman identified as Michele Fuchs of the Lyndon LaRouche political movement.


Tarpley by way of Cliff Kincaid

AND Etc…

Dennis Small “latin america expert from leesburg”…
Lyndon Larouche, the well-known American political figure.

That being said, while the Huskies have enough talent and experience to compete with (and beat) all 12 teams on their schedule, it would take a lot of coin-flip-or-worse probabilities going right for UConn to jump from to 9-10 wins, which is something you might occasionally see on Lyndon LaRouche fansite “The Boneyard”.


Don’t Be A Senior Sucker

Well “Marsha Maluke” left me a message from 410-299-6293. She said a “friend” brought my letter to the Naples Daily News to her attention and wanted to speak to me about it. Flattery gets you nowhere. Think before you act.
You have so much technology at hand, your friends or the Sheriff’s Office.
I just Googled the phone number and guess what? It’s the Lyndon LaRouche organization. Well, Marsha, I hope you’re not still waiting for my return phone call. Curiosity killed the cat. So seniors stay smart. We may be older but don’t be played for a fool.

As I always say to the LaRouchies who set up shop outside my local post office on Saturdays, before you consider impeaching Obama, consider whether you really want Biden as presiden


missed this grand thingy

Tuesday, June 28th, 2016

Damned if I didn’t miss this one…

hemphistoryweekWhich, I suppose, was a thing that happened.

Somewhere in the past, I saw some raving from someone insisting that there was no correlation between industrial hemp and marijuana, and so these issues, and the legalization of one or the other, should not be intertwined.  This bit of raving was from someone of some stereotypical pot smoking person. and would surely be in favor of both, and probably personally would have no problem in intertwining the two issues…

and if forced to choose one or the other would probably choose the latter, and would just so well have the former a gate-way legalization into the legalization of the latter…

Which is, I think, probably how these things work out in the real world.

Anyway.  Hemp History Week passed, without me knowing it, and so — I guess I have to wait until the next declaration of such an event to learn anything about hemp in history, as the other 51 weeks are all about not thinking about historical hemp happenings.

the “worst ever” canard

Sunday, June 26th, 2016

I’d once upon a time smirk to that claim that the last president of the United States was the “Worst Ever” — eventually Rolling Stone got around to that idea on the cover and I suppose that represents the height of respectability for where that idea was floated and consecrated.

And, of course, we have the multitudes who claim the current president is the “Worst Ever” — mildly amusing.  Congressman Ben Quayle may be the height of respectability for where that idea has been consecrated.

Now we see this.  David Cameron as the “Worst Ever” British Prime Minister.  Or at least for the past 100 years.

And that’s interesting.  His domestic policy, Tory as it is in he scheme of British politics, is such that there were figures for the Obama administration on the election staff (as there were for his Labor opponent), so for all intents and purposes I would say write that one off.  Besides which, the 1970s litany of British prime ministers were notorious for ineffectuality an (perhaps) senility.

I know we have Neville Chamberlain.  But we can understand where he was coming from, at least.

So for Cameron, his legacy of decisions made one mistake in way to re-election: placate the isolationist part of his base by promising the Brexit Referendum.  It got him re-elected.  Perhaps?  And had he not done it, Britain would be in a position closer to where he wants it (in the European Union) either with him or with the Labor Party in power right now.

Make of it all what you will.

the things that are out there that people search for…

Saturday, June 25th, 2016

Random thing popping up in the “google” and search engine searches for this blog…

Where do you think Henry Kissinger will get his 500 million ‘real’ human beings from to populate the Judaic NWO world of the future?

Interesting question.  Leading question.  As in, if asked by a “Question of the Week” type thing for a local paper, there would be answer from me.

I don’t have an immediate answer to it, but am curious on its nomenclatter.  First google search result is this, where the progeny of Machivelli and realpolitik (and, I may as well add, a Hillary Clinton favorite) says some things you’d expect, and some things are diced narrowly… and where, frankly, the selected quote is veering in the opposite direction in terms of implications.  But at a certain point we toss everything in the conspiratorial mix, and things don’t necessarily have to fully match… right?

distress sounds

Tuesday, June 21st, 2016

“How are you?”
I give the universal “ugh” response.  Mind a bit … elsewhere.
“Go to pride at all?”
“No,” I say flatly.  She looks more than a little disappointed.  It takes me a second to register… maybe my lack of a showing at “Pride” fails a test of solidarity in the wake of a catastrophic hate crime, so I say “Sorry?”
Quickly, she shuffles forth with “About?”
“That I didn’t see the parade.”
“Oh, no.  No.”  Clearly not wanting to make me feel like a dick, “The parade was oh so long this year.”

Shortly she’d learn of a more immediate loss for me, and I suppose things would come around to make her feel like a dick.  The reality of her disappointment was probably along the lines of “failing to engage in topic the moment.”

book review … Ready Player One

Saturday, June 18th, 2016

readyplayeronecover  A popular book by Ernest Cline.  Enjoyable, if only slightly, and as it is a quick enough read I’d narrowly recommend it.  (The prose is maybe a little clunky — Ernest Cline reads not from the standard classics.)  The book is … constructed… contrived in a manner — the point of the elderly Christian character, for instance, merely being to have a sympathetic character against his horrible family somewhere in there before the place goes to smithereens.

But the book bugs the Hell out of me in a strangely ideological sense.  Part of it may be the familiar trope that the protagonist, deep nerd and misfit down low on the economic scale is in the society of this dystopia future, by extension — you, the reader, the misfit nerd who may or may not be living in your own personal Stacks.

But the thing that bothers me.  The band of misfit nerds running through this computer program akin to running the “Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” bit –  are doing so at the behest of the interests of the eccentric, once reclusive programmer.  His collection of nerdish obsessions, centered as they are on popular culture of the 1970s through 1980s, are the writer’s nerdish obsessions, and (dare I say) yours.

And it’s what’s going to win the game.  Align your interests with this sphere of interests.  Leave aside whatever you like.  It’s all one spectrum of interests.
The effect is a little cold.

Steven Spielberg is adapting the book.  Of course he is.  He’s name checked round enough, so he pays tribute to a tribute to him…

“told you so”? i guess?

Friday, June 17th, 2016

My observation upon the 2013 defeat of the last major push for a gun control bill — Toomey and Manchin spear-heading for their political aims of, oh, Blue state (vulnerable in upcoming cycle) Republican and Red State (needing credibility for the party in rural America) Democrat–

my observation stands.

The theory of this is that this bill will come back up and it will be tougher.  Frankly, though, I align with the gun control “sour grapes” contingency of “just as well this didn’t pass”, but for different reasons.  Whether or not something pops up that is more meaningful — […] — I would rather have no bill come out and no pretense that something just happened than a bill come through with the illusion that something just happened — when it didn’t.

That particular bill… would not have addressed the issue of how the killer in Orlando managed to purchase his semi-automatic weapon… with, oh, major domestic violence in his background, even more of an issue, says me, than that he would be probed in the hunt for radical jihadism.
On that latter score, you can imagine that the Democratic challenger to one Rand Paul in the state of Kentucky is going to… try to flank to his right in his argument while flanking to the left.

my condolences to the families…

Monday, June 13th, 2016

The info-graphic has it.  Newspaper prints a black bar for one death, adding up to 29 for some previous mass shooting.  Compared to 20 for another.  And 50 for this one.  Showing that, yep, this one has roughly two or roughly three times more casualties than those previous ones.

I’ve come to understand some of the — hm– more “ugh”ish political commentary for some of these things do, at least, reflect back to what the person believes.  If they view things in the prism of that as casualty, than this the tragedy will confirm that casualty.  It works around on all sides of the political spectrum.  But what I can’t wrap my head around is the unseriousness of Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump… Tweet away…

What has happened in Orlando is just the beginning. Our leadership is weak and ineffective. I called it and asked for the ban. Must be tough

Stop at the first sentence.  Keep in his framework of Islamic Terrorism, and Islamic Terrorism on American soil, and I’m struck by historical stops and gaps.   9/11?  Boston Marathon?  Does everything begin again?

Somewhere out there, and maybe this is pure cynicism on my part, a Rainbow Flag with the words “These Colors Don’t Run” are being sold … or, you know… the already existing “These Colors Don’t Run” rainbow items are seeing an increase in sales due to new (perhaps confused, perhaps not so confused) meaning.