Four Hosemen

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An interesting enough group.  Governor Charlie Crist of Florida, Bob Bennett of Utah, Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, and John McCain of Arizona.  Specter and Crist are the two who fled the Republican Party once it became clear their party was set on nominating somebody else.  I don’t know who holds the title for least insincere — Specter simply joined (rejoined, as the case be) the Democratic Party, while Crist seems dead set on not saying who he will caucus with in the Senate:  “I’m going to caucus with the people of Florida and whoever will help them.”
He opens the door for a possible Democratic victory in Kendrick Meek.  Or maybe not.  Nate Silver swears by this analysis, perhaps because it generously picks up from him.  At any rate, the prognosis for Meek looks better than it does in a two way race — though I don’t quite know where you peg yourself on the generic “center — Liberal” point in that electorate in this year.

John McCain’s Approval rating has nose-dived.  He still leads his primary opponent by double digits.  He still leads the Democratic opponent by a lot.  The conventional wisdom is that the Democratic Party candidate, Rodney Glassman, only has a chance with JD Hayworth.  This is probably the truth, but I wonder.  Something about a guy claiming to have never called himself a “Maverick” and someone who, regardless of the merits of the proposals and the Arizona public’s stances, is running against his previous stands on Immigration and to the new Law.

The thing I can say about Bob Bennett comes from how his conservative opponent can slip this tidbit into wikipedia:  Bennett was rated one of the ten most liberal Republicans in the Senate, Top 10 Senate RINOs by the conservative magazine Human Events.  No Kidding!  In a Senate caucus that regularly votes en masse in a block, and out of forty.  (This is pre-Scott Brown).  He stands at number 9, suggesting he’d still be on the list even as Scott Brown knocks that great Liberal Bastion, Thad Cochran of Mississippi, off the list.
Incidentally, he won the 1992 Republican primary against … his primary opponent being another millionaire with prominent LDS forebears.  Of Course!  The Democrats don’t have a snot’s chance in Utah, but I suggest they run Steve Young, great-great-great-grandson of Brigham Young, NFL Hall of Famer and… I don’t know? 

So… of the group, McCain appears to be in the best position, though well disliked.  Arlen Specter has an above-average shot of survival.  The other two?  Fork and stick.

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