Archive for January, 2005

White Sheets

Sunday, January 30th, 2005

Whatever happened to the Tualatin Valley Skins and their big rally and leaf-letting campaign at Gabriel Park?

They announced that they were coming. They didn’t show up. They blamed a computer glitch, and:

Ramm, however, promises to get the troops out as soon as he gets the site back up. “Stay tuned next Saturday,” he says.

That next Saturday being the weekend of the freezing rain and the cold and the staying in doors and whatnot.

In the meantime, somewhat related, a Nazi Group signed up for roadside litter pick-up and thus got a sign. I recall the case cited for why the gummint went ahead and let them “pick up litter”: a KKK organization that wound its way through the cases, was determined to be allowed their Free Speech rights and allowed to pick up litter, and… all was revoked when, eventually, the KKK did not live up to their bargain of Picking Up Highway Litter…

The Transformative Power of Liberty

Sunday, January 30th, 2005

Well, the Iraqi Elections are taking place. I guess I can now congratulate the AAA Aardvark Party for doing so well. After a disappointing result, the radical anti-abortion party, the Zygote Liberation Party, will now have to rethink their strategies… perhaps change their name to something that begins with an “A”… perhaps join an alliance with “anonymous”?

The Wall Street Journal editorial page endorsed Ahmad Chalabi. You cannot make such an item up.

Anyway… I can’t seem to google up an image of the ballot.

The End of Civility

Saturday, January 29th, 2005

“Want a pamphlet on the Bush Administration from a left-wing Jewish perspective?”
“No, sorry.”
“Oh. You’re right-wing I see. My mistake.”
It appears that he calls everyone who rejects his pamphlet “right-wing”, or some more perjerotive phrase of the same.

“No. It’d upset my right-wing Jewish girlfriend too much.”
Next potential customer.
“Um, no. That’s okay.”
“Stay away from that guy. He’s a fascist, right-wing sociopath.”

“Hey, Steve! That guy just called you a fascist right-wing sociopath.”
“Yeah. Take my pamphlet. If you’re brave enough to read it.”
“Jeez. I can’t get through an article on the latest Blazers game, let alone some guy’s piece of propaganda.”

Correcting Wrong Statements

Friday, January 28th, 2005

I happened upon this statement at a forum full of Christian Fundamentalists:

Rebecca and I would never dream of mentioning to them the fact that President Bush won by a bigger popular vote then Reagan.

Ronald Reagan: 54,455,472
Walter Mondale: 37,577,352

Margin o’ Victory: 16,878,120

George Bush: 60,608,582
John Kerry: 57,288,974

Margin o’ Victory: 3,319,608

Rebecca and I would never dream of mentioning to them the fact that President Bush won by a bigger popular vote then Reagan.

Re-reading the original post… did you get this meme from Glen Beck (Rush Limbaugh for people with ADD)?

My initial response-ledger:

What does an expanding population have to do with anything at all? (Well, congratulations. Bush won more popular votes than did any presidential candidate in American history. And John Kerry won the second most number of votes than did any candidate in American history.) Percentage-wise, that statement is a joke.

Sitting Presidents with a larger re-election margin of victory than Bush:

Bill Clinton
Ronald Reagan
Richard Nixon
Lyndon Johnson
Dwight Eisenhower
Harry Truman
Franklin Roosevelt
Franklin Roosevelt
Franklin Roosevelt
Calvin Coolidge
Theodore Roosevelt
William McKinnley
Ulysses Grant
Abraham Lincoln
Andrew Jackson

Smaller margin of victory

Woodrow Wilson

All of which gets some odd reactions.

#1: More proof this list is skewed! Lyndon Johnson was only elected ONCE as president (1964). He took over for Kennedy upon his death in 1963 (elected in 1960). Johnson could have been “RE-ELECTED” as president in 1968, but his polls were so low, he choose not to run. Johnson was “never” re-elected period!!!

This post is agenda driven. It never bothers to take into account the elected presidents who *sought* re-election, but lost the election. But then – this post was never about fairness either.

#2: There are still presidents missing, Like WASHINGTON FOR ONE. Besides’ with old’ abe, and Grant, 1/3 of the white male population, coun’t even vote, plus Woman and blacks. President Bush on the other hand did better with woman,blacks and younger voters then any GOP president in years.

#3: What about the presidents who ran for a 2nd term – AND LOST??? Where are they – and why were they not counted? Surely they received less of a percentage then Bush!

Or could it be that this counting is skewed just to “try” and make Bush look bad???

Teddy Roosevelt ran severals times and lost. Why was he not included? Why not Carter? Why not Bush, Sr?

This person has a lot of names missing!!!

John Quincy Adams: was selected over Andrew Jackson in 1824.
Andrew Jackson: defeated John Quincy Adams in 1828.

Martin Van Buren: defeated William Henry Harrison in 1836.
William Henry Harrison: defeated Martin van Buren in 1840.

Benjamin Harrison: defeated Grover Cleveland in 1888.
Grover Cleveland: defeated Benjamin Harrison in 1892.

Millard Fillmore was defeated in 1856 by James Buchanan.
Theodore Roosevelt was defeated in 1912 by Woodrow Wilson.

Anyway… Responding is difficult…

As near as I could do::

:More proof this list is skewed! Lyndon Johnson was only elected ONCE as president (1964).

Truman, Coolidge, and Theodore Roosevelt — all on my list — share that same problem. I suppose I could have left out “re-elected” and let “sitting president” tell the story.

: There are still presidents missing, Like WASHINGTON FOR ONE. Besides’ with old’ abe, and Grant, 1/3 of the white male population, coun’t even vote, plus Woman and blacks. President Bush on the other hand did better with woman,blacks and younger voters then any GOP president in years.

So, Evangeline: How many popular votes did Presidents Washington through Monroe receive? (And name the Amendment to the Constitution that made popular vote in states matter… though not enough, since I have yet to vote for a Democrat or Republican for President.)

Fancy, though. Bush appears to have done better with any demographic group an average of about 3% than he did in 2000…

: This post is agenda driven. It never bothers to take into account the elected presidents who *sought* re-election, but lost the election. But then – this post was never about fairness either.

You’re cracking me up. Recall the statement that this post was a response to… Reagan had a wider margin of victory than Bush… a statement that is absurd on it’s face.

More here


Tuesday, January 25th, 2005

We’re quickly losing an entire generation from a bygone era…

… of possible Deep Throat suspects.

Oh well. We still have the young turks. Pat Buchannan has a ways to go, and I guess that’s all that counts.

Freedom is Waiting

Monday, January 24th, 2005

Negativeland had it right:

Our fathers which heart in heaven
[Humble words]
We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight the hills, we shall never surrender.
[Trenchant words]
Give me liberty. Give me liberty, or give me death.
[Thundering words]

The strongest word
Persuasive words
The strongest word
Expressive words
The strongest word
Inspirational words

The strongest word
…is still the word ‘free’.

Grateful words
free free free free…
Enlightened words,
Human words.
The word ‘free’
The strongest word,
is still the word ‘free’

Men have lived for words
(Holocaust, Hysteria)
Heavy words
Men have died for words
Pointed words
Cities have fallen for words
Freedom’s waiting…


The right words
(Iraq, Inflammable)
The right words
(Islam, Insidious)
The right words, said Lenin,
are worth a hundred ligaments
(Impugn, Infamous, Koran)

??? words.

You can say four blunt words,
and a man will hit you in the face.
Freedom’s waiting…
(Israelic??? words)

Sturdy. Implacable. Cram. Sarcastic.
Capable. Irreconcilable.
A little deluge of adjectives.
The strongest word is still the word ‘free’.
(Impact, Profitability)
Next to the word ‘free’, the best word is ‘new’.
(Persuasive words)
…the best word is ‘new’.

At your seven-eleven,
Freedom’s waiting
For you.

Other tasty words are: ‘Mistakes’, ‘Stop’,
‘At last’, and ‘Don’t’.

To paraphrase Bush’s speech: (ahem) “Freedom […] Freedom […] Freedom […] Freedom […] Freedom […] Freedom […] Freedom […] Freedom […] Freedom […] Freedom […] Freedom […] Freedom […] Freedom […] Freedom […] Freedom […] Freedom […] Freedom […] Freedom […] Freedom […] Freedom […] Freedom […] Freedom.”


George Bush the Better says this:

“People want to read a lot into it–that this means new aggression or newly assertive military forces,” said former President George H.W. Bush during an informal visit to the White House briefing room. “That’s not what that speech is about. It’s about freedom.”

There you go. The speech was about freedom. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Remember when Kennedy said “we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship…” I do have a response to that: Er… No we won’t. We’ll pay some price, we’ll bear some burden, we’ll meet some hardship… I guess we’ll act in self-destructive manners at times, but…