Archive for June, 2018

and then there was that tcj interview… and that star trek episode… and some juvenile delinquency plot as first novel… and… dunno?

Friday, June 29th, 2018

A couple decades back.  Kid (13? 14?) runs into comic book store, Mom a step behind him.

He says to the clerk.  “Okay.  I have $3.  What can I buy by Harlan Ellison for $3?”

Clerk says, “Er…? Hm.”

“Like, maybe even a poster even?  I just really want something from Harlan Ellison!”

Eventually the kid (and mom) leave the store disappointed.  The store owner apparently not sure what to do with that request.  It occurs to me later that I could throw at him a reprint of an issue of EC’s Weird Science Fantasy — an adaptation or maybe post-hoc attribute of a Harlan Ellison — sold for a couple bucks.  Whether it feeds the kid’s Harlan Ellison jonesing, speculative.

hats r us

Wednesday, June 27th, 2018

Noted: an internet ad for a “Vietnam War 50th Anniversary” cap.

Get one before 2024 (or is it 2025?) when the hat is no longer accurate for the moment…

Also advertising: Israel.  Or a travel company for a trip package to Israel.  The ad is just of a hot young woman in a bikini lying on a surf board.  Don’t quite know if the nation is trying to knock some objections some “bros” may have in touring Israel, or if it’s just an automatic filing.

what’s playing in the neighborhood

Tuesday, June 26th, 2018

I see in the top fold of either this town or the neighboring town’s weekly newspaper that some organization with the word “Liberty”, or “Freedom”, or “Patriotic” or a combination thereof has a tour of barnyard screenings of a documentary celebrating the trials of triumphs of the Bundy lead Malheur National Wildlife revolt, with some emphasis on the man who was shot as martyr.  (Looking up terms on google, I don’t believe it’s the film that was on PBS, but who knows?)

Sounds moderately interesting in that “interested in what you’re interested” kind of manner — how kitsch, rightwing propaganda of a hazy cause projected against a giant barn…  I could go, but the problem sits that I’m just afraid I’d see my high school yearbook editor there putting on the show who’d then want to sign me up for her newsletter… or something like that.

Actually not dissimilar from my disinclination years back to see the Youth Socialist Party (or some name like that) and a library room showing of “Ten Days that Shook the World”, the John Reed documentary on the Bolshevik Revolution.  Looks interesting enough, but… they’d think they have a recruit to Trotskyism.  (In passing, caught a glimpse of a hero worship frame-shot of Lenin and Trotsky storming into the screen.)

just playing to the Jesse Ventura constituency

Friday, June 22nd, 2018

So.  The Donald — out in Minnesota — makes a comment in shoveling a protester out of the arena…

“Was that a man or a woman? Because he needs a haircut more than I do,” Trump said. “I couldn’t tell! I couldn’t tell!”

Interesting to note the responses to this.  Cue the base, who I guess rally behind the insult.  Tone of the tartness here appears to be some “rah rah”.  (Interesting spin: it’s a slam down that the “Trump Makes” the protester “instantly regret“).
I see from some press out of Great Britain the headline moving to “Trump Mocks His Own Haircut“, which I will say is an interesting spin: ha ha the self depreciating wit of Donald Trump.  I suppose Trump supporters may well focus on that part of the comment — and does have the question: If Trump had just made a comment about his hair, would that have been newsworthy?
Perhaps not quite getting a good glimpse of the nature of the protester’s haircut, there is also some bit of commentary sliding Trump to the rallying calls of George Wallace against the hippies.  Surely the hippies weren’t really putting their hair up like so.
And moving two directions from the same basic line, and one fine distinction, we have a charge against the gender stamping — largely implication of a fit of homophobia and demand of heteronorms– of the comment and a charge of sexism/misogyny  (or, something to the effect of “Girly man”).

I want to make some other observation, even a false one.  Like, if you simply follow the train of thought from “was that a man or a woman?” with the conjunction “because” moving to why he’s thinking this question “he needs a haircut more than I do” — Trump is suggesting uncertainty on whether he may be a woman.

where were they all?

Wednesday, June 20th, 2018

The current illegal immigration (and yes, I’ll go ahead and use that term) controversy — the separation of children at the reconstituted Wal-Mart detention centers at the border…

… and we can perhaps forego the Nazi comparisons (nope.  No Genocide here, does not arise to the level) and maybe stick about George Takei’s historical comparison

And noted today as the networks switched to a live conference call where Trump made his backtrack on his policy — having to then suffer with a table full of Republican Senators making their stilted “get the spin in” questions and comments —

But to the partisan jabbing — “BUT OBAMA!!!” —
… or, at various points in their opportunistic finger to the wind electioneering careers, “But Hillary!” and so on…
But sticking to Obama…
… and the statistics are there, deported a good number who crossed the border… the stories are there… though, the policy claim of simple continuation isn’t…

… And yet… swirling about the truth of the narrative… instead of credit from the hardliners, (or maybe some criticism on ) you had Joe Wilson (seen here with two of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) yelling out during the State of the Union,…
… and the cries of “Open Border” globalists from this ilk… flooding the borders, you see… so they can all vote…
… voting for him even after being wrapped in foil at detention centers, apparently…

Dr. Magarelli and friends

Monday, June 18th, 2018

STORY NUMBER ONE:  Donations noted for beleaguered college prof.

According to Ms. Koval, and as verified by the videos she recorded, Dr. Magarelli’s traffic in alternative facts is not limited to discussions of Jews. Dr. Magarelli tells his students that the moon landings were faked, and that human space travel beyond the Van Allen radiation belts is impossible. (In the real world, this fear was debunked when the radiation was first directly measured in the 1960s, living on mostly as a key plot point in the Fantastic Four comic books.)

Dr. Magarelli’s unorthodox beliefs extend to his politics. According to campaign donation records at, Dr. Magarelli has been donating to the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee since at least 2010. In 1979, Lyndon LaRouche lost a $26 million libel suit against the Anti-Defamation League, which had declared LaRouche “anti-Semitic.” The New York Supreme Court ruled that it was reasonable to apply that label. Mr. LaRouche, who ran for president several times, has long trafficked in conspiracy theories, some centering on the Queen of England. Many of those theories have anti-Semitic overtones.

Actually this presents an intriguing question:  Why would he have started in started round about 2010?  We do see he was hit up for cash on a pretty good clip over the last decade, so I guess someone found him as a contact.  Maybe someone in the cult knows the place to find possible contacts for their purposes?

But had Dr. Magarelli’s colleagues logged onto RateMyProfessors.comas long ago as May 2004, they would read this review: “Very strange and paranoid conspiracy theorist. From the moment I walked in I felt like I entered the twilight zone. Easy grader. Didn’t learn much.”
The next year, Dr. Magarelli got a good review from a student who wrote: “He is very easy. Never takes attendance, and all he talks about is 9/11 and how it was an inside job. Oh yeah and don’t 4 get the U.S. never went to the moon. Easy A.”
A more recent review directly addressed the question of competence: “DO NOT TAKE HIM! This man will not teach you anything but conspiracies without any backup evidence to support what he says! He makes up historical facts and sells this as the truth! Claims the inquisition did not kill people, that some terrorist organizations are not terrorist at all, that 9/11 is the Air force’s fault. ABSOLUTELY INSANE!”

… And there you have it.  Just reach out and phone ’em.

As for what will happen to Magarelli… Tenure has its advantages…

Magarelli has been teaching at William Paterson for more than 50 years, Felson said.

“He was probably tenured when I was in elementary school,” he said.

“Unfortunately, particularly post tenure, the only kind of thing that can be done is when there are multiple complaints from students. It’s unfortunate that, partly out of apathy or just ignorance, not many students have complained. Professors are given a wide latitude in what they teach in their classes. If they have some wild and erroneous things thrown in, it’s very difficult for the department chair to do much about it.”

Well.  One professor that disproves the newly implemented Larouche coursework on “What THEY won’t teach you”.

STORY NUMBER TWO, probably redone:  John Birch Society declares:  Larouche the Puppets of David Rockefeller, George Soros.
The John Birch Society, with its publication “The New American”, holds true to the faith that the Larouche Movement long abandoned… what say ye, David Rockefeller?…

But the real real agenda [for the New Silk Road] is much deeper than hawking Chinese-made junk — it is exporting the deadly “ideology” of communism with “Chinese characteristics” that globalists and tyrants everywhere, from the late David Rockefeller and George Soros to Raul Castro and Vladimir Putin, are so fond of praising.   

Interesting group, considering Soros is Putin’s favorite boogey man as source of any opposition within Russia.  And who’s the lackey here?

However, beyond totalitarian-minded foreign rulers, there were plenty of crony “capitalists” and “useful idiots,” as Lenin referred to them, willing to embrace the scheme as well. So desperate for finding more endorsements was the regime’s propaganda ministry that Xinhua, a state-run propaganda megaphone that doubles as an intelligence front, even touted the backing of the controversial Marxist-linked La Rouche movement. “The Belt and Road Initiative is the most important strategic initiative on the planet,” Helga Zepp-LaRouche, president of La Rouche’s Schiller Institute, told the regime’s mouthpiece. “It not only brings economic prosperity to all participating countries, but also serves as a true basis for a peace order for the 21st century.”

So.  I suppose the Birch Society is keeping track of the Larouche presence in Chinese media.  See William Jones of EIR, that   ending poverty had long been regarded a major task for humanity, but until recently was seen as a “utopian dream.”
“With China, that dream is now becoming a reality,” he said.

Oh yeah.  And why is North Korea dealing?  Why, because of the New Silk Road!  Oh is it Donald Trump’s condos?

STORY NUMBER THREE:  sideways glancing at Roseanne Barr’s tweets

Worthwhile looking at Roseanne Barr’s two tweets… the ones that brought her public opprobrium and the cancellation of her show.

One: on a conspiracy tract linking Chelsea Clinton to George Soros.  Certainly nothing the Larouche movement would have done in the first decade of the 21st century, when the cult was on a Clinton lovefest and linking everything bad to Soros.

Two: referred to a prominent black public figure (though one that’s not exactly in my top of mind awareness) as a monkey or primate.  Sure.  Larouche already did that.

Anything beyond the fact that Roseanne Barr’s riding online conspiracy channels — worthwhile enough for the Larouche Movement to have once retweeted a Roseanne Barr tweet?  Not really.

STORY NUMBER FOUR:  Pro Trump Larouchies Gather with Anti Trump (and 9/11 Truther) Progressives for benefit of New Belt Road!

Joining forces, Jason Ross and Daniel Burke of the Trump Supporting Larouche Movement — otherwise fighting against the Deep State’s constitutional coup against Trump through means of Impeachment — and political activist Sander Hicks, fighting against Trump in running for congress .

… who wrote a book I read at least bits of (don’t remember if I read the thing or not), and found one passage worth notating.

Hm.  “NYC Students for the Belt and Road“.

Jason Ross, a representative of the International Schiller Institute, will be presenting on the principles of physical economics.
“After the death of FDR and the assassination of JFK, the United States turned away from global plans for economic and technological development that was intended for the good of all, and instead adopted the Wall Street finance-oriented economic orientation we have today — the looting outlook of that British Empire which we fought a revolution against! With the economic rise of China and the Belt and Road Initiative, a new paradigm is challenging the failed policies of the Western economies. Today, we require a New Deal-style infrastructure renaissance, made possible by ending Wall Street control of our economy and by ending the regime-change geopolitical wars of the past decades. This requires that we apply scientific principles of economics — the subject of my presentation.”

What say Sander Hicks?
“I just got off the plane from Iran, and I am fired up to talk about international cooperation, peace, and emancipating human potential! The USA could be doing a lot more to help other countries, like President Xi is doing with the Belt and Road Project. Let’s talk about what we can do in New York, with the open-hearted spirit of the international family.” 

We also note one of Sander Hicks’s gripes at the Democratic Congress member he’s running against: her opposition to the Iranian Nuclear Deal that Trump just tore up.  One of those pegs that the Larouchies are going to have square as they continue to support Trump… awkwardly finding no fault with Trump

Also present, as you see in the facebook comments, Rachel Brown, who in the same manner Sander Hicks took on Dick Cheney TO HIS FACE to expose the truths behind Cheney’s involvement in implementing the 9/11 attacks, took on Barney Frank to expose the truths about the Nazi ideology of Obama’s health care policy.  I suppose we can now compare the responses Cheney gave Hicks with that Frank gave Brown.

STORY NUMBER FIVE:  Australian Glass Steagall Bill gains… something

A shame that the proposal came from such a crazy group:

The Citizens Electoral Council are a tiny bunch of total nutters occupying a parallel universe.. I am surprised to hear even Bob Katter giving them oxygen.

Agree, kiss of death – as much chance to get through as any proposal to curb immigration coming from One Nation.
Mind you, I did sign the CEC’s petition for Glass-Steagall on the street, only to later find out how out of orbit, their other views are.

STORY NUMBER SIX:  The Race for Congress in the Post LYM era

After the “Youth” get older (and the prize victories of the era fade into historical perspectives) , the cult apparently re-verts to some oldtimers for electioneering.

Ron Wieczorek — running for US House in South Dakota, gets news coverage, of sorts, despite himself 

(KTIV) - Ron Wieczorek is on the ballot for United States House of Representatives in South Dakota.
 The candidate did not respond to requests for a biography or photo.

Or maybe he’s boycotting the “Fake News” media?

Okay, maybe not entirely… Wieczorek says he thinks economic conditions are similar to those of the early 1930s…………. And, see here …

He has one supporter here.  Will probably find three more before November comes.


Sandmark is a Swedish economist and human rights activist as well as a longtime collaborator of American political figure Lyndon H. LaRouche. Aren’t those mutually disagreeing components?  Sandmark is the chairman of the Schiller Institute in Sweden and the Stockholm Correspondent for the Executive Intelligence Review (EIR).

William Jones is the Washington Bureau Chief for the Executive Intelligence Review, and non-resident Senior Fellow of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China. The article reflects the author’s opinion, and not necessarily the views of CGTN.

STORY NUMBER EIGHT:  The PO Office Tour in the Age of Trump

China, Russia, and the United States Can End War
Build the World Landbridge

What do we want?  Landbridge!  When do we want it?  Now!
Observers may note a strange throwback.  The Landbridge was a major issue when the Larouchies were stumping for Russia, today they ought be going about the New Silk Road as they now stump for China.

“We’re organizing all over the country — it’s a nationwide campaign,” said Christopher Sare, who handed out LaRouchePAC literature and encouraged voters to join Political Action Committees.
“…We just put out a ‘Campaign to Win the Future’ and the first step is stopping the coup against our president and exposing the British role in this thing.”
The LaRouche proponents are visiting as many places across the country as they can, Sare said.

Hard to tell.  Maybe the news media has shifted in not focusing so much on post office tour meanderings, or maybe the burning desire to impeach Obama does not make for as good copy as the burning desire to stop the Trump Impeachment, but the clip is a lot less in this administration than the last.

LaRouche is an American political activist, leader of the LaRouche Movement and was a controversial candidate in eight presidential elections from 1976 to 2004, according to the Lyndon LaRouche Collection 1979-1986 at the Thomas Balch Library in Leesburg, Virginia.


Just Google LaRouche – the bottom of the sewer attracted to like kind I suppose. Anyway, a couple of nuts from NJ show up in Cairo to complain about Mueller investigating some pretty blatant solicitation of bribes from foreign countries not to mention corporations and we’re supposed to see that as a headline cover story for the Daily Mail? Let’s get real. Yawn.

And another stop.  By the same forces.
Adherents of LaRouchePac 2018, “The Campaign to Win the Future,” are distributing literature at this hour in front of the Cooperstown CVS on Chestnut Street. “
Arthur Murphy
Very cool! I’m sure nothing quite so thought-provoking has happened in Cooperstown since James Fenimore Cooper wrote “The Bravo!”
Eh.  More like the latest in Water Skiing Squirrel headlines.
And, not quite at the Post Office, and maybe not even entirely Larouchies, but… larouchies amass to praise russia, It is absurd enough that Russia organises “Immortal Regiment” marches all over the world in early May, but the cynical propaganda stunt has taken a further step forward by gaining approval in a resolution by the New York State Senate. On May 8 this year Democratic Senator Luis Sepulveda welcomed a delegation of the “Russian Youth of America” to the Senate chamber and oversaw the adoption of his resolution, which said, “this Legislative Body is justly proud to commemorate the 4th Annual New York Immortal Regiment March organized by the Russian Youth of America.”It’s… who and what?Igor Kochan, the president of the Russian Youth of America, who was one of the visitors to the Senate, is vice president of production and logistics for a company called American Christmas, which provides customised decorations.According to Channel One, Daniel Burke, who describes himself on Twitter as a LaRouche activist, said at that protest: “We’re protesting against those who openly support the worst people in the Ukrainian government, which was formed by Ms. Nuland and Barack Obama. It’s destructive, it provokes Russia into war. We should all unite and direct our efforts towards peace. And what’s Obama doing instead of that? Now he’s planning to arm Ukraine. It’s absurd!”


And with a Trumpian knack for nicknames! He’s tagged Mitch McConnell “Cocaine Mitch” because . . . well, honestly, it’s too convoluted to explain. But speaking of conspiracy theorists, Lyndon LaRouche and his compeers say the nefarious “City of London Imperial Oligarchs” are using Robert Mueller to defenestrate Trump so they can use Iran, Syria, Korea, and Ukraine to unleash war on Russia and China.

Look for it soon on Hannity. Oh, I forgot, you’re out of range of Official Trumpland TV.


Still on C=256.  The Cultural Renaissance vibrating from the performance will be felt any time now.

Why and How Humanity Must Return to the Moon



Item number one to be addressed: complete disassociation with any other Schiller Institute.


Titles found at EIR.  The Spirit of the.  Do they even have editors over there?