The Big Campaign pitting Delia Lopez and Ron Green Heats Up

The Oregonian’s endorsement of Ron Green:
Congressmen are not required to live in their district, but it’s the general practice, and 3rd District Republicans should take a close look at TriMet bus driver Ron Green, who’s running on a platform of higher tariffs to protect American jobs — what he calls a traditional McKinley Republican position. Green does, at least, know the district.

Ron Green sets the record straight, and my earlier blog characterization based on this Oregonian endorsement stands corrected:
I believe the characterization of myself as a “McKinley” republican is more the writer’s characterization than mine, although I did agree to it when the interviewer suggested it. But, I also added that I considered myself more a Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt Republican, at least as regard tariffs.  […]  The Republican party understood, as did Alexander Hamilton, George Washington and other founding fathers, that the latter three go together. Sound money is another issue, and should be addressed by a close inspection of the machinations of the Federal Reserve.

This raises the question:  Why in the world would the Oregonian interviewer’s mind jump over to William McKinley?
And to this we get this:
Third district pay attention, this kind or republican might have a chance to win it all.
Er… no.

The Willamette Week endorses Delia Lopez, claiming it was a difficult choice to make.:
Republican voters in this district (c’mon, we know there are a few of you out there) have two weak choices. […]  Her opponent, Ronald Green, is a TriMet driver who preaches the need for full employment. If elected, he says, he will go to Washington and form a “shadow Congress.” With marginal candidates, the very narrow margin goes to Lopez.

Ron Green sets that record straight:
I would like to make a comment that the statement describing my beliefs as  “Ronald Green, is a TriMet driver who preaches the need for full employment. If elected, he says, he will go to Washington and form a “shadow Congress.”  Somehow, the statement, taken as a whole, seems to me to suggest, no doubt unintentionally, a rather alarming degree of eccentricity.
A more accurate statement, as watching the tape should reveal, would be “Ronald Green, an average, concerned, working class American, just like most of you readers and unlike Earl Blumenauer, preaches the need, unlike Earl Blumenauer, to end free trade in order to ensure full employment, thereby driving the wages and benefits of middle class, working class and young Americans upward.  He is so committed to this, yet again unlike Earl Blumenauer, he will even form, if elected, a “shadow” Congress of fellow like-minded patriotic Congresspersons to draw public attention to the need to end free trade.”

I need to watch the 30 minute interview session.   Sounds like it’s must see pointless political viewing.

Ronald Green touts his Oregonian endorsement.
Delia Lopez’s campaign site is stuck in 2010.  I have no idea if she touts her Willamette Week endorsement.  I will note to the claim that she’s sounding like a cross between Occupy and Libertarianism — the former isn’t biting; the latter continues where it left off with her 2010 performance — see here, here (What poll was that?)…

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