new conspiranoid force looks a lot like the old ones

So today we have QAnon bursting into public view — a realm of conspiracy who have discovered the “truth” “They” don’t want you to know from an insider within the factions and fissures of the Deep State.   Wikipedia, as it flushes out what it is to say about it:

There has been much speculation regarding the motive and the identity of the poster, with theories ranging from the poster being a military intelligence officer, to the posting campaign being an alternate reality game by Cicada 3301, to Donald Trump himself.

QAnon adherents believe that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, George Soros, and other high-level officials are planning a coup while simultaneously involved as members of an international child sex trafficking ring. According to this idea, the Mueller investigation is actually a countercoup led by Donald Trump, who pretended to collude with Russia in order to hire Robert Mueller to secretly investigate the Democrats.

Other beliefs are that the Rothschild family are the leaders of a satanic cult, and that certain Hollywood stars are pedophiles. By interpreting the information fed to them by Q, QAnon adherents come to these conclusions.

Funny.  During the Obama Administration, the Larouchies were high on this one random blogger who had the same premise going, but never quite made the same waves QAnon currently are.  Ulsterman.  See here for something
The group decided to pretend to be ‘White House Insiders’ privy to all sorts of ‘secrets’. To tip their hand, to prove that it was a hoax they used the term “Ulsterman”.
The group assumed that persons with fully operational brains would grasp the fact that an Ulsterman is someone who lives in Northern Ireland, not someone who works in Washington D.C.
They misjudged the stupidity of the average Netizen.

From the Larouchie perspective, the origins of the term “Ulsterman” is a selling point and a tell… at war with the British… whether or not that’s intentional (and they don’t necessarily have to be selling to the Larouche Movement precisely).
A bit more here.

The echoing of some of QAnon’s fixation from past conspiratorial tropes the Larocuhies jammed themselves into — that whole “pedophile ring” – I was listening to a small dip of the Jim Bohannon show, an am talk radio mainstay for the past several decades, as I was passing by quickly on the radio dial.  What I hear is a woman caller, who charges in “But… George Bush and the CIA brought in call boys to the white house.”
The caller is immediately cut off, with Jim Bohannon calling out “What a load of Poppy cock!”  His guest goes on about having worked with “Poppa Bush” as an honest and decent person.
And it all goes out there, to be rehashed decades later.

Curious… Does this conspiratorial blogger
have second thoughts on sourcing
due to recent relations?

Wherefor the Zeitgeist  Movement, another seller of those “Secrets Known Only By the Elite”?  In cold storage?  Or just occasionally working the wikipedia article?
Okay, fine.  Zeitgeist marches on… though… looking up its “movement” in my city, it seems to be on empty.

NUMBER TWO:  Nick Benton looks at the Larouche Org’s current Trump support, moving back to a previous comment made in his review of the Scientology movie about purported CIA creation of the mass of 70s era cults.
Proceeds with the Russian — Larouche vortex point, dating it back to… hm… when the org was aimed against the Soviet threat.

Under the guise of the “detente” negotiated between Nixon and Brezhnev, as the brilliant investigative journalist Robert I. Friedman first documented in articles for the Village Voice and then his book, “Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America” (Little, Brown and Co., 2000), the compact involved the emigration of tens of thousands of Russians to the U.S. under the guise of human rights.
But those Brezhnev allowed to emigrate were the worst criminals and thugs of Russian cultural black markets. Once in the U.S., they organized into what became the Russian Mafia which, among other things, was available to the U.S. right wing for all sorts of mayhem against the civil rights movement.
Muscling in on the Italian mafia in New York, this is when Moscow’s thugs first met and started doing business with (including blackmailing) the hedonistic playboy Trump.
Nixon, Hoover and their masters let this ride through the 1970s to thoroughly rout the “left” and spin the inner cities and “counterculture” into self-destructive drug use and radical hedonism. In this context, the leftist LaRouche cult was redirected from within to roughly align with a burgeoning far right swollen by the politicization of Christian fundamentalist churches.
Puzzled politicians thought the LaRouche operation was the work of the CIA, a faction of which might have had a hand. Others, like the late Georgia Rep. Larry McDonald, insisted it was the KGB. In hindsight, he was the more accurate.

NUMBER THREE:  All right.  Here’s the current narrative.

Make no mistake. This is the greatest threat to the hegemony of the British financial empire in the entirety of its existence. What makes this fight winnable, is that in the combination of Russia, China and the United States we see a totality of power which has the means to see this reorientation of world affairs through. Alexander Hamilton and George Washington did not possess the power to dismantle the British Empire. Neither did Abraham Lincoln. FDR might have accomplished it, if he had lived, but even FDR lacked the strategic partners so crucial to such an undertaking. In the combination of Trump’s America, Putin’s Russia and Xi’s China, a power exists to remake the world.

Do the British possess the means to defeat this? No, if the people of the United States enter the battle in increasing numbers to defend the Trump Presidency and push this process forward. It is true that the British possess dangerous weapons. They control the major news media; they currently have hegemony within the intelligence community; and they can deploy the financial power of the City of London and Wall Street. But they are up against the Presidents of the three most powerful nations on the planet. They are losing, and they are becoming more desperate.

Trump still feels the need to suggest he’s being “tough” on Russia and thus Russia may be meddling to help the Democrats — whatever else you can say about his performances in NATO and summiting with Putin.  And we’ve had the promise of a good old fashioned trade war on our hands with China, with the suggestion from some Trump supporters that China relented, woo!.

And, the current historical narrative…  In 1988, my husband Lyndon LaRouche, having foresight that the Wall was coming down soon, proposed the soon-to-happen reunification of Germany with …

History posits differently.

No account of anti-Semites’ invective against ADL would be complete without mention of Lyndon LaRouche, the paranoid conspiracy theorist, perennial presidential candidate, and felon who is now in his 90s.

NUMBER FOUR:  Who is Who?

Texas Pride.  Brian Lantz, senior executive of the Houston-based Executive Intelligence Review of the Schiller Institute, said that Texas has unique western culture in the United States. “Today here we are finding about China’s west,” he said. “I think it’s a fun dialogue, each people learning about the other.”

Praising Xi:   William Jones, Washington Bureau chief of the U.S. publication Executive Intelligence Review, […]   “President Xi has placed a premium on the dialogue of cultures, emphasizing a greater spread of each other’s cultural achievements for the world to see. The idea of a community of shared destiny implies also the universality of human culture, although this may be expressed in different languages and in different art-forms,”…
Echoing Xi Thought.


China’s Belt and Road initiative has found a new friend in the Schiller Institute

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the German-based think tank, said that one of the institute’s main ideas is that “peace and order in the world would only function if each nation would relate to the best cultural tradition of the others and vice versa.”
She argued that while countries want to protect their borders, the Western values of democracy and human rights are being forgotten in the refugee crisis as there has been “a deadening of compassion, and a lack of value for human life.”
And China’s government provides the model to fix all that.  GOTCHA!

But, just a little bit curious about the writer of such pieces — and see too here — Roalie Falla who — has so far just those two articles  and a twitter notice for… what now?  Global Times?

Although the Chinese-language version has been accused of having a strong pro-government slant,[5] and of attracting a strongly nationalistic readership,[9][10] the English-language version has been described by one of its editors as taking a less strident approach.[11] The English-language edition also contains approximately 20 “foreign experts”, who are involved with assigning stories and copyediting, “as long as the coverage is not about politics”.[12]


Robert Hockett of Pierre, South Dakota stumps for Ron Wieczorek — to the Occupy battle line against the 1 percent, and the names of Lincoln, FDR, and JFK.
Who is “I’m a Democrat in the tradition of Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy, and a Republican in the tradition of Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Garfield and William McKinley,” he told the Press & Dakotan Monday.
Andrew Garfield?
Wieczorek, who is a farmer and former implement dealer, ran for statewide office in the 1990s as a Democrat. Besides being a Larouche supporter, he says he’s a John Kennedy-Franklin Roosevelt Democrat and an Abraham Lincoln-Dwight Eisenhower Republican.
Just naming as many as you can think of, I suppose.
It’s an odd attempt to feed into the Trump narrative the Larouche narrative.  Makes for a rough fit, but I’m sure some Trump supporters will miss the line – Them, I guess.
His general election best is 3.54%.  We’ll see if he can top that.

Kesha Rogers runs against the ghost — and successes of– her previous campaigns, which get citations as “embarrassing to the party” primary outcomes in reference to more current “embarrassing to the party” primary outcomes.   (We’ll see if she retains the footnote traction of her 1986 Illinois upset brethren, who pop up in discourse like this and this even though Kesha Rogers provides a more recent example.) Otherwise, she’s cited as an also-run, even in features on other also-run message based campaigns for the same office.

Michael Hodgkiss is still edged away by his competitor Rocky De La Fuente, who has the clever strategy of running for a bunch of races across the state at once — and in perenial candidate land, we see GoodSpaceGuy is still at it, running on the Larouchian “colonize space” platform, but without the Larouche endorsement.  Of course, then again, Hodgkiss has the fuller Larouche platform and he’s not getting any endorsement.  Not good at supporting their first time candidates?

Australian media sometimes just drops the candidate in their round up.  Labor will contest the seat with candidates from the Animal Justice Party, Liberal Democrats, Sustainable Australia, the Australian Mental Health Party, Australian People’s Party, the Greens, Science Party, Australian Christians, Australian Liberty Alliance, Citizens Electoral Council, and four independents.

NUMBER SEVEN:  The colorful who’s who gallery of Manafort’s current location.

“The professionals at the Alexandria Detention Center are very familiar with housing high-profile defendants including foreign and domestic terrorists, spies and traitors,” he wrote in an order released Wednesday. “All these defendants were housed safely in Alexandria pending their respective trials and defendant’s experience at the Alexandria Detention Center will presumably be no different.”
Among those spies was FBI agent turned Soviet mole Robert Hanssen. He was bumped to a smaller cell after trial to make way for Zacarias Moussaoui, the only person tried in U.S. court for involvement in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
CIA spies Aldrich Ames and Harold James Nicholson were also held in Alexandria. So was New York Times reporter Judith Miller when she refused to cooperate with prosecutors in a leak investigation. United Way of America chief William Aramony and extremist politician Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr. both faced fraud charges while incarcerated in the jail.


Dateline Jersey
Singers from the Schiller Institute New York City Chorus sang renditions of “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” “Battle Cry of Freedom,” “The Star Spangled Banner,” and “Chester,” a hymn sung during the American Revolutionary War.
Carving a cultural niche for community events, I suppose.

Dateline New Jersey.  Outside a mall with the current
CHINA — USA — RUSSIA UNITED material.  And noted by the media as … Right wing!

Dateline Greenwich
A sextagenarian couple, Judy and Donald Clark, manned the stand, covered in packets and magazines from the LaRouche PAC. The Clarks, no strangers to Greenwich sidewalk politics, were previewing a meeting at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday at the St. Lawrence Society. The couple previously came to Greenwich in March and last year.
[…][wearing a “MAGA Hat]  “Just remember, this is the year of the Donald!”

NUMBER NINE:  EIR article cited.

Today, the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine (PSPU), headed by internationally prominent economist Dr. Natalia Vitrenko, won their appeal…


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