west Virginia’s strange primaries

The liberal media is all a flutter on the latest primary results showing Nikki Haley with a chunk of 20 percentages. The problem comes that committed to this as a news story of import, they are committed to reporting the reporting the ten percent she garnered in the very definition of Trump Country — the state of West Virginia — where whether the vote is significant elsewhere, it is not particularly of at significance there. I assume the bulk of the lising January 6th convict House candidate’s vote did not go to Haley. For his part, Biden’s challengers wound up at 29.5 percent of the Democratic primary vote — the interesting there that the 3rd and 4th place candidates had already dropped out of the race and endorsed the second place candidate, Jason Palmer, after his triumph in American Samoa.

Biden is right now stuck laughing off the personal outlier New York Times poll results, and issuing a perhaps purposefully cringey “gauntlet dropped” on debate reformatting. There is a gambit here — reshuffle the news cycle to recapture the State of the Union magic at key intervals as too defeat whatever truth there is in New York Times outlier polls.

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