national nausea

The story of the 2016 election was one where Hillary Clinton went back and forth from a sliver of a poll lead and opening up a larger poll lead depending wholly on the last news cycle item. Always at the ready to drop a thing in against Hillary was Julian Assange with wikileaks and the Russian government through Facebook trolls and the National Enquirer. The next thing that was to drop for Trump upon recovering from Access Hollywood was the Stormy Daniels story — and we are in a little bit of horrors on this score. Part of how Trump got past the Access Hollywood tape was a desire amongst the public to simply not get duped — look past a conveniently timed October Surprise. But the October Surprise happened to just come too early. And if it were a September story they would get past it by the next round of Hillary dumpings.

The fascinating thing I cannot get past on Stormy Daniels in this case is that the veracity of her story and the details of it do not matter, details only important in that there are details — which needed to get squelched and squelched to win an election. It is fallsifying records to squelch a story for an express political aim. Whatever the story is. So Stormy Daniels is simultaneously the least important and most important person in the case — she just happens to be it. The story goes that one of the three stories the National Enquirer bought and killed was pure b.s. I guess the detail of important is Stormy Daniels conveying that Trump waved away any concern on Melanie — a loveless marriage and all — but even that would not really mean anything as such could be said by a cheating spouse as a regular cheating lie. Hell! I know the couple in a break-up that happened after the guy cheated with the insistence that “we are in an open relationship — she’s okay with it”. Of course, according to the Trump defense, a sexual rendezvous did not happen — period — so I guess this needs be brought out.

I stumble to a point of discomfort. In the waning days of the 2020 election, an attempted October Surprise of limited meaning got squelched on social media. Information free and all that, the stupid story of Hunter Biden’s laptop ought be releasable freely. But it also should clearly be seen by an educated public as b and s, slimy attempts at public manipulation The haunting thing is that this “news” dissemination would have successfully swaying a few thousand votes in Wisconsin and Arizona and etc. The short attention span nightmare we are trapped in electorally is our downfall.

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