Miniature anarchists

I saw some banks that had only recently taken down the boardings put some new boards up. Arestaurant that had not been boarded put it up. And What appears to be a couple of smashed windows at a supermarket and Starbucks — profane shouty graffiti nearby — now has the thing up.
Near as I can sed by a nearby immigration center now boarded completely — this is the source of consternation — a symbol for, I suppose, Biden still having some remnants of the “kids in cages” facilities in slower state of bureacratic transition than desired and to a point notacceptable, and damned if the Starbucks doesn’t get a random brick.
A mini riot. Echo from a glory day of “resistance” of the Trump era.
Likewise, the last blm motorcade I witnessed — cars honking along, chants where they can throw them — kinda sad. Though, the weather is just warm now and we are only a week or two off from snow, so stay tuned.

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