the things that are out there that people search for…

Random thing popping up in the “google” and search engine searches for this blog…

Where do you think Henry Kissinger will get his 500 million ‘real’ human beings from to populate the Judaic NWO world of the future?

Interesting question.  Leading question.  As in, if asked by a “Question of the Week” type thing for a local paper, there would be answer from me.

I don’t have an immediate answer to it, but am curious on its nomenclatter.  First google search result is this, where the progeny of Machivelli and realpolitik (and, I may as well add, a Hillary Clinton favorite) says some things you’d expect, and some things are diced narrowly… and where, frankly, the selected quote is veering in the opposite direction in terms of implications.  But at a certain point we toss everything in the conspiratorial mix, and things don’t necessarily have to fully match… right?

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