Campaign 12 and the social issue

Charles Krauthammer lays out the bulk of the “If Bush did this” case against Obama’s foreign Drone War Policy.  Unfortunate that he has to be the one, the neo-con he.

Meantime, Paleo-con Ross Douthart points to the matter of Obama’s “social issues” as palms against general economic lethargic status — it be the flip side for Thomas Frank’s “What’s the Matter with Kansas”, in some way Obama 12 descends to Bush 04 on how to proceed against a flip flopping out of touch Massachusetts richy.  Sure enough, fight off the heels of the political announcement on gay marriage, we got the pitch thrown out on Internet ad-sense ads: Stand for Gay Marriage.

There is an odd thing at work here… look to the Democratic Senators who have not jumped on board what is now a permanent plank in the Democratic Party.  Montana, Missouri, West Virginia.  It could mean that this propels Obama to victory (Da Base) while providing some negative coat-tails for a further divided government — to that “Find the Democrat that fits the district” line that has always been the opposite of what is going on with the Republicans right about now.

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