Doomsday comes October 12. Or around there.

Apparently Leatherstocking has never heard of Webster Tarpley.  Tarpley fans want to strip Tarpley from the roster of Larouche related posts.  Leave Tarpley on it.
In other news, Leatherstocking wants to downplay the most important political work where he’s had a tangibly notable effect on society at large, such as the AIDS crusades, in favor of up-playing his tangibly non-notable Economic Doomsday Cult Forecasts — referenced by hard to figure out what they are foreign sources.  He also wants Jeremiah Duggan to be stripped from the roster of related items, and demands sourcing for proof that Jeremiah Duggan was a member.  And Leatherstocking has submitted the Kenneth Kronberg entry for the second time for consideration of deletion — where the consensus is “Keep” — and, sure enough, he also wanted to delete “Jeemiah Duggan“.

All of this is important in the sense that Wikipedia citations by lay people matter.

You want to know something?  I kind of hate this New Republic article about Alex Jones.  I deem too much misdiagnoses with it.  I don’t know if maybe I’m having a problem with the New Republic when it ventures into these fringe political figures — certainly I have to say my problem with this article on Jones is different than my problem with Conor Clarke’s Larouche puff piece of a couple years’ back.  There certainly is a thematic connection to be made between Alex Jones and Glenn Beck, and there are things to be explained on the relationship between Alex Jones and more mainstream politics, but this article fails to do so.  Maybe I’m suffering a problem of vantage points.  Michelle Goldberg apparently heard Alex Jones, or knew of Alex Jones, and thought “Hey!  He sounds like Glenn Beck!”  On the most recent turn of Glenn Beck, I thought “Hey!  He’s moving toward Alex Jones territory.”
Incidentally, the first time I heard Glenn Beck, around 2002, I thought “Rush Limbaugh on ADD”, and “Almost certainly comes from FM morning radio.”  I didn’t have enough interest to look into it, but sure enough, salon recently profiled his biography, and threw this clip out into wider circulation.

“I fear a Reichstag Moment.” — Beck

That fear goes around, swirls around.  Every stupid tragedy becomes that moment.  It is something the Lyndon Larouche organization has an intuitive understanding, and while I take the Larouche organization’s constant references to the Reichstag fire to be something of a (Fantasy, mind you) “Human Cookbook” thing, it does bind into general paranoia hysteria.  Take the path the 9/11 Truth Movement takes with PNAC’s document “Rebuilding American Forces or somehting or other”.

Back around March, the Alex Jones website (I look at prisonplanet on a daily basis) was publishing — seemingly a campaign — on the New Eugenic Program.  Apparently the Global Elite met at their annual Bilderberg meeting, where they discussed plans on wiping out half the Earth’s population.  This is the direction our puppet masters have decided to take.  This line easily submerged into the most paranoid (and auto-pilot) of the opposition to Health Care policies.  Notable too that the National Review had a cover article on “Creeping Eugenics”, and it’s a testament to how hard it is to discuss matters of death that Time had its stupid headline “The Case for Pulling the Plug on Grandma”.

It’s about there that I start with the case that this suppostion of Sigh here — back to Max Blumenthal’s article — is wrong.
Back in August, in The Daily Beast, Max Blumenthal revealed that the Hitler/Obama meme got its impetus from the Lyndon Larouche organization, who began to develop it during the debate over the stimulus package.
I’m just guessing, but I imagine the first Obama Hitler came from about when Obama hit the national stage from an Alan Keyes supporter.  As for where the Obama Anti-Christ came from — I don’t know… From wherever this comes from.

Though, to the degree that it has some validity to it — Lyndon Larouche did nothing.  The brains of the operation seems to be around about Anton Chaitkin.  And you know something a bit odd about Chaitkin?  He occasionally can get out from underneath the “Lyndon Larouche associate” in various media.  I noted that when The Guardian referenced him as just the latest “Right-wing Commentator” to compare the British Health System with Hitler.  No allusion to Larouche.  Funny, huh?  That harks back to the days of, round about 1973, when the New York Times covered his mayoral run (straight-faced) and the Labor Committee’s odd little “Papa Doc Fascism” of the alliance betwwen the Haitian Leader and the White Oppositon’s coalition partnership to divide New York City amongst racial lines so as to keep keep the Working Class down… or thereabouts.  With no reference to Larouche.

Or, to the first Bush administration, and the second Bush Administration, and that book which gets some play — co written by Webster Tarpley (whom Leatherstocking has never heard of).   (Flipping right and left with Bush.)   For what it’s worth.   Warrior Society Radio, an Alex Jones proto Internet radio program: Must-see Video Interview of Historian Anton Chaitkin. Being supervised by Prince Charles. Liverpool Care Pathway overseen by British National Health Service. Head of it is now in US working with AARP and HMO’s .

But I don’t really know what Chaitkin’s agenda is.  Webster Tarpley gets to float his boat on the Alex Jones program.  Chaitkin gets to be mentioned sans reference to Larouche in The Guardian.  And together, they get mentioned on Democratic Underground over the past eight years for writing a book of “revelations” about Bush — the passages that swerve into how Larouche is a “political prisoner” of this Prescott Bush Program conveniently ignored and mentally clipped away.

Larouche?  Other than being compared to whomever the current fringe dweller of the day is for the past four decades, having his followers make attempts at wikipedia to float him as Internationally Respected Economist and downplay more pertinent history, Why, he seems to be mentioned by Keith Olbermann a bit as of late, as I see in searching transcripts for such utterances — for purpose of an attack at Rush Limbaugh:

Runner up, Boss Limbaugh, once again reducing the world to cliches he and dumb people like and can easily understand. The subject this time, the Olympic vote. “Obama cannot win in a fair vote. The only thing missing in that vote over there today was Acorn. If had a Acorn representation stuffing ballot boxes , registering fake IOC members, then maybe Chicago would have had a chance. Obama couldn`t do that. Couldn`t get Acorn over there. See, Obama doesn`t debate people. He clears the field.” Do you know anything about the Olympics? About the fact that the International Olympic Committee and the U.S. Olympic Committee have had more disputes between them than, say, we do with Fox News, that we may not see the U.S. get the games again in our lifetime over fights over TV rights and marketing fees that would still be there even if Lyndon Larouche were president?
I`m tempted to ask you, sir, not to talk about things you don`t understand, but if I did that, your show would be three hours of silence.

Interesting to note, to tell some part of the population exactly what they want to hear — seemingly just to keep their 50 Youth members in line — this is supposedly an Impeachable Offense. (Godlikeproductions went on to cover the October Doomsday prediction.  The economy is bad enough that the 100 Youth Members can be sold some bill of good, I suspect.) [The reference to 100 members caught by xlcer at factnet.)

Wait.  He’s running in 2012? (open secrets link regarding presidential pacs to be posted there when I get some time.) Whatever, This probably explains about half his votes.

In other news:

Quirk #1: For complete whack-a-doos, they’re surprisingly polite. This is not my experience, but whatever.
It almost took me aback the first time I passed by the LaRouche movement’s booth, and spoke with one of their supporters for the first time. While trying all sneaky-like to snap these covert pictures for the True/Slant post I instantly knew I wanted to write, one of the young men handing out information stopped me and asked — with a completely straight face and warm tone of voice — if I had heard our President’s agenda was slowly transforming into that of Adolf Hitler. And that I was welcome to take all the pictures I wanted.

Who are these people? I appreciate your allocation of your valuable time to read this with an open mind. Once you have reviewed this information please let me know, is this likely what I suspect it to be? That is part of the over all British plan for mass murder?

Answer: the same people as these, whether they know it or not.

Back to Glenn Beck to Alex Jones to Lyndon Larouche.  Lyndon Larouche referenced Jones as a g’damned “populist”.  And Jones references Beck as a tool of the Oligarchy, Gate-keeper for the Neo-Cons.  Make of the thematic connections what you will.

One Response to “Doomsday comes October 12. Or around there.”

  1. Justin Says:

    Worth some minor mention: Keith Olbermann had an hour long (and tedious, if I’m looking down at the transcript right) monolouge. When you’re paying attention to these things, you notice these throw-away references:

    They are to use to Mr. Lincoln`s words about General Rosecrans, “Frozen in place like a duck hit on the head.” And yet, even from the most insurrectionary of the infamous town halls of August, there came report after report of proponents of health care reform responding to tea-partyists and the genuinely confused, in voices calm with genuine empathy and honest inquiry, by asking, “What are you afraid of? What do you think we do to improve health care?” Setting aside the professional protestors, the shameless mercenaries of this equation, the LaRouche bags and the hired guns, the results were uniform and productive. Dialogue, conversation, admission of fear, admission that we are indeed talking about pain and sickness and life and death — admission that we are seeking the same things and that this should not be left to the politicians who almost to a man reek of the corruption of campaign contributions from the very monopolies they are supposedly trying to control.

    They made an impact. Sort of.

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