
The political reality of the infliction of any austerity with the very weird economy is the Incumbent is going to get screwed in the midterms. No, it ain’t Biden’s fault (or, for that matter, Trump’s) that there are some empty shelves at the grocery store. And for that matter, by reckoning there is not even any reasonable inconvenience. If you encounter a shortage of beef, you look over and see chicken still sitting there. From any historic vantage point it is a — hm… Bring some random bloke from medieval Europe into your personal food gathering system and choosing in variety, and they will not understand your complaint.

But it is where I see Fox News actually did offer a correction and apology for using footage of more empty than you encounter shelf from — as so happens — Japan 2010.

I find, though, that there is no store brand regular cranberry juice. After a couple days where I see that the effect of my regular consumption is felt and I see — yeah, whatever the vitamins and minerals I get from that I apparently do need and feel their absence — I encounter that decision of the current supply chain travail — I can now either buy the lite cranberry juice with a somewhat more watery and kinda more bitter taste, or throw another dollar down and buy a real brand. Yeah, the small dilemmas and decisions encountered in our wrecked covid world.

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