so far to the right, you won’t recognize anything

Roy Moore.  54 point 6 percent.  Luther Strange.  45.4 percent.  Strange, a brief stint in the US Senate, and we barely knew ye.  Now Roy Moore, the Ten Commandments Judge, goes on to his coming victory on December 12 against some Democrat or other.  Doug Jones.  AND –?

 The loudest applause Mr. Moore received during an election-eve rally came when he declared, “Mitch McConnell needs to be replaced.”

With someone who will be able to enact the policy chops of their great president, (The “Health Care fiasco”, so it is said) and his major policy goal of … um… making black football players stand up for the National Anthem?  Or will the upcoming tax cuttings amoeleriate this base?  Why, oh why, would Trump’s supporters not heed the call and not support Luther Strange, with a rallying cry like this one?

“I’ll be honest, I might have made a mistake,” he told the crowd at one point during his nearly 90 minutes of remarks. “If Luther doesn’t win they’re not going to say, we picked up 25 points in a short period of time,” he added, referring to the media. “If his opponent wins, I’m going to be here campaigning like hell for him.”

By Wednesday morning, just hours after Moore held a convincing 55-45 percent advantage in the vote totals, Trump had deleted his recent tweets supporting Strange, who had been appointed to fill the seat vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

… And so chimes in … er… Trent Lott?

Trent Lott, a former Senate Republican leader, was blunt: “Every Republican senator had better get prepared for a challenge from the far right.”

Maybe they can stomp the threat with well placed words of support for the legacy of Strom Thurmond?

In Tennessee, reading the tea leaves, Bob Corker has thrown in the towel.  And who does his suggest as possible successor?

A white football player with no political stances to his name!  Sounds like a winner.

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