no one’s keeping up with the Bundys

Disappointing to be a protester supporting the cause of the Bundys.

Outside the downtown courthouse where the brothers, Ammon and Ryan Bundy, and five others are on trial for conspiracy, their supporters have dwindled to a handful of self-described patriots carrying pocket Constitutions and lamenting their shrunken ranks.
“I had hoped there would be hundreds of people here, but there’s not,” said Jason Patrick, 44, tugging on a cigarette not far from a Black Lives Matter rally that had more than 100 participants. “Why wouldn’t you come to the most pressing court case of your time?”

I think I have an answer.
Attention is fleeing.  There’s 24 hours a day.  One is limited in the purview of causes championing, and movements you pull into.  It’s one thing at a time.

The supporters are being diverted into electoral politics, championing the cause of Presidential candidate Donald Trump.

The “Bundy” story was all over the prisonplanet website when it was a’happening.  Now… it’s commenced into Trump-land.

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