why should i care?

The big story, the biggest story, the top story in the Prison Planet realm at Alex Jones land… and, I don’t know, but undoubtedly elsewhere…

Some kid posted a youtube clip of him showing more respect to President Obama than Obama — or any politician — deserves.

To which you can only say.  “Hm”.  In a few years’, if he follows the kind of trajectory of former Conservative Wunderkind Jonathan Krohn, he’ll have renounced his former partisan allegiance and will be heading a unit of Ted Cruz for President.  But Jonathan Krohn could be commented upon because he was shoved about in various partisan spots — speaking before the Conservative Political Action Committee.  All I get from this Obama worshipper is a stupid youtube video.  Why am I being shown some kid’s youtube clip?

Today we get something better from Prison Planet.  At least the latest Michael Hastings conspiracy fodder brings us a clear trajectory that points into real matters of concern.  (Not necessarily “Obama killed Hastings!” as “Hastings investigating Government Censorship Attempts” .  Maybe yesterday’s “Obama Loving Kid” headline is the equivalent of a slow news day in Conspiracy Land?

I wonder, though.  For this other news item making the rounds in a different spot on the social media group… Not allowed to name your kid “Messiah“… not in Tennessee… Can you name him “Barack”?

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