Obama: heading to a primary victory in Arkansas. Woot indeed.

The red streak continues to haunt Obama’s Primary challenge, and Obama is poised for some Embarrassment in Arkansas.

You see, a Tennessee lawyer, John Wolfe Jr., is challenging the President in the May 22 primary and he’s currently only seven points behind POTUS in the most recent polls. And that’s without any advertising on John’s part whatsoever. Of course, the polling showing John’s lead was taken the day after Obama’s ABC interview in which he came out in support of gay marriage.

Does this mean anything?  Well, note that this map came out of the 2008 election — the election he won.  It was a harbinger of doom for where his problems in 2010 would emerge.

I am glad that someone FINALLY did a poll before the election in one of these states (and I am expecting someone to follow up the district wide survey with a statewide one now).  The West Virginia result did not surprise me, and it’s about time we’re not surprised by the probablye Arkansas result.  Not surprisingly, a whole slew of conservative news outlets and quasi-news outlets are jumping all over this result …

for one of Arkansas’s election congressional districts.

The rural one.

Interestingly enough, in this range of issues, John Wolfe might deserve a vote.  If you could confine him as a protest — a stamp to the economic left, and foreign policy the same.  But unfortunately I wouldn’t be able to vote for him — it would just be seen as a statement against Gay Marriage and (frankly too) … skin color.

The district does not include the big cities, so it looks like the question “Can Obama actually lose Arkansas” (see WND and Weekly Standard) is… no.   Wolfe is heading toward a double digit result.  Will get his 15 minutes of fame he should have received after his last double digit “Got myself a delegate” result within that red streak.  But it is notable that within this region in 2010, Bill Clinton was the one stumping about.  He pulled the Democratic incumbent for his home-state to victory over the Nationally liberal backed challenger who won all the Conservative rural areas (yes, it’s a confusing thing to wrap your mind around.)   It could be time he throws his lot in Arkansas to GOTV for Obama to ebb an embarrassing result.

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