Beck’s War on Soros infected with Larouche, Larouche Declares war on Rand Paul and Rand Paul doesn’t even notice

The Larouche org is on a bit of a winning streak, so far as these things go, and in so far as the rubric to define “winning streak” is deigning some influence in spheres Conspiranoid and spheres Anti-Semitic in political discourse.  First, the story of the White House plotting the use of the “25th Amendment” to dump Obama got relayed through Iranian TV onto the Drudge Report.  Indeed, even Kesha Rogers’s pathetic showing in her Congressional race has someone somewhere quoting Ulsterman (be sure to look through the comments for some fun birther youtube clips.)

Then Glenn Beck goes into the George Soros files, and if you will:

In return for his generosity, anti-Semites in the new Hungarian parliament accused him of participating in an international Jewish conspiracy to bankrupt Hungary in order to restore communist rule — despite the fact that Soros had been an ardent opponent of Hungary’s communist regime
Anti-Sorosism first arrived in the United States in the late 1990s, courtesy of renowned crackpot Lyndon LaRouche. LaRouche has published a number of articles in his comically misnamed journal, the Executive Intelligence Review, accusing Soros of devious manipulations ranging from an attempt to start World War III to running drugs for Queen Elizabeth II’s drug cartel.
But LaRouche’s audience is small, and most Americans paid little attention to George Soros. In 2003, everything changed. Infuriated by the policies of George W. Bush, Soros sent his philanthropy homeward, donating $23 million to political action groups during the 2004 election. Suddenly, George Soros became the most powerful, evil mastermind in the world.
First, the influential conservative magazine NewsMax ran a story that cribbed LaRouche’s conspiracy theories and accused Soros of secretly plotting a “regime change” in the United States. Then Fox News host Bill O’Reilly discovered that Soros’ foundation had donated to the ACLU and therefore reasoned that the billionaire and the civil liberties organization were conspiring to destroy Christmas.
When former Republican majority leader Tom DeLay ran into trouble for ethics violations, he blamed Soros for masterminding critical coverage by the New York Times, the Washington Post, the L.A. Times, Time magazine, and Newsweek. And former speaker of the House Dennis Hastert insinuated to an incredulous Chris Wallace on “Fox News Sunday” that Soros got his money from drug operations. (Hastert did not mention Queen Elizabeth II, however.)
Glenn Beck, as usual, trumped them all. He told his audience that Soros has a five-step plan:

Or, if you will, the Iranian Government.  Or The Prime Minister of Malaysia Mahathir Mohamad.  The item which is seemingly easiest to trace to Larouche:

Beck: His childhood is shocking, dramatic. He grew up in Nazi Europe. Fourteen years old — he had to help the government confiscate the lands of his fellow Jewish friends and neighbors.
He did not grow up in a strong-Jewish household. His mother was a strong anti-Semite — George Soros’ words, not mine — but when he had to go over and take the lands from the people, his Jewish friends and neighbors who were being sent to the gas chambers — I can’t imagine what that would do to a teenager, anybody, an adult.
Well, what did it do to George Soros? In an interview with Steve Croft, Soros was asked if he felt guilt at all about taking the property from the Jews as a teenager. He responded, no. He also said, quote, ‘I don’t deny the Jews their national existence. But I don’t want to be a part of it.’

Always be wary of how people frame Holocaust Survivor Denial stories, where key parts of quotes can easily be dropped right out to form a weird cousin to Holocaust Denialism.

He is also a thug who is deployed as an economic hitman for the British empire.

Hey!  Join the Club!

There’s something at play with Glenn Beck and the use for the “Loved rounding up Jews” canard (also his mother was an anti-semite, and mind you — Beck ‘I’m a Friend of Israel”) which is illuminated by — er, “Real Zionist News“:

As we explore a sampling of Hitler’s early views on the Jews, we shall discover striking parallels to conditions existing in our own day.
And so begins an essay “illuminating” Hitler’s benevolence toward the right brand of Jewry.  It’s not all that important to read it.  But, if you must:

Jewish propagandists would have us believe that Hitler’s unfavorable attitude toward Jewry was based solely on a “racial” hostility between Aryans and the Jewish people.
But as we examine Hitler’s early views regarding the Jewish Question, we do not find a predominantly racial line of disputation, but rather, a social line of argumentation.
Although the future Führer did identify Jewry as having a “racial character” formed by centuries of Jewish insulation within their host nations, he did not ground his opposition on genetic predetermination. Thus, the accusation that Hitler was a “racist” is a Jewish lie.

[Pause to allow everyone to take a shower after being dumped with this slime.]  This sparks this discussion:

Brother Nathanael:  I have been wanting to do this piece for almost a year.
Finally, after struggling in my mind whether to do it or not AND after months of research on the person of Adolf Hitler, I decided to ‘risk’ it and give it a shot.
It’s time, don’t you all think, that we remove the “Jew-spin” on Hitler and take an objective look at the man and what he was all about?

Donna chestergimli  Dear Brother Nathanael,
I would very much like you to give your opinion of Lyndon LaRouche.
He seems to me to speak out of both sides of his mouth.
But I don’t know. He seems to me to be a very crafty individual. Please let me know.

Dear Donna –
With Lyndon La Rouche you have weed out the wheat from the chaff, that is, the FROTHING of his mouth.
Most get totally EXHAUSTED reading him and that can be a real chore.
BUT – he does have SOME good things to say, although, whenever he wants to attack JEWRY, he stops himself because many of his “admirers” and “disciples” are Jews. +bn

It seems to be a rule of Conspiracism that Glenn Beck’s “discovery” missions will land him here in short order.
(Or, if you’re Ed Asner, you dance over here while donating to the last ever Larouche Presidential fund.)

On some level, the Larouche org should be finding Soros in favor, by the definitions of the rhetoric through the Bush Administration.  After all, the reason he has come to be a bene noir to Conservatives and the “Right” is that he’s taken his “support” of Democratic groups in governments in Authoratarian governments, and his support of liberal / progressive organizations and Democratic politicians (note, though, that he found it a bad investment to donate to any Democratic candidate in 2010 — bad election cycle)  in the US goes to the implication that the “neo-cons” are the equivalent of ex-Soviet dictators.

But there you put political stances in quotes.

Once upon a time, Ron Paul was teamed up with Lyndon Larouche on an imaginary presidential ticket.   (Then again … the forum was urged not to believe the hype of 25th Amendment Fever.)

Now, therefore, when you are dealing with the problems we face today, and we are now on the verge of a fascist dictatorship in the United States! But the ushering in of a hyperinflationary form of fascist dictatorship, which is what’s on the way right now, under the new Congress! And you take a case like Rand Paul: This guy’s a Nazi! He’s a killer. He’s the enemy of civilization. And he simply exemplifies a crew that is now recently elected, which is coming in to take seats in January in the Congress, which are fascist, just in the same degree that Adolf Hitler was fascist! And the attempt is going to be made by these kinds of people, called “Republicans” — because they are Republicans who are also human, these are not; Rand Paul is not a human Republican — he’s a something. They will destroy civilization. Because, for two reasons: First of all, morally. They’re not fit. A society which lives under them is not fit to exist. Hmm? No concession, to a Rand Paul, or what he represents: None! Crush him! Because, if we don’t, we lose our nation. We have to think in those terms.

To recap:  Rand Paul is not a human Republican.  And the Larouchies will not, I repeat WILL NOT be compromising with Rand Paul.

Wow.  This means War.  Rand Paul fans versus Larouchies.  Check it out!

We “tolerated” the LaRouchites’ ‘all hail FDR’ and their BULLSH*T “American Economic” NON-EXISTENT System NONSENSE.


OUR ANSWER? You want FDR? You want GOLD Confiscation? YOU want Japanese Internment Camps? You want FalseFlag LIHOP (Let It Happen On Purpose) the likes of Pearl Harbor? You want the NON-EXISTENT Alexander Hamilton, the King George, UK, and Bank of England SPY, and his National Bank System?

I say, YOU Mr. Lyndon LaRouche, whom we have on and off respected your illustrious deconstruction of the City of London banking operation and how they undermine the American Constitutional Republic, have DECLARED YOUR OWN SELF, as the ENEMY of the Constitution and the Republic.

LaRouchites feel they “MUST DESTROY” Rand and what he stands for? Then, WE MUST DESTROY LaRouche, WHENEVER the likes of these idiots that invariably WILL show up at Rand’s speaking engagements in the future; this Lyndon LaRouche’s declaration PRECISELY MEANS THAT type of confrontation WILL HAPPEN. NOT IF, IT WILL HAPPEN.

Hm.  If it makes it any better, he expressed a fondness for Ron on his last video.  But… as for throwing them out when they yell like that, the Larouchies will just run it like they did the Kesha Rogers meeting at the Houston area Democratic Party meeting.

I gather that they were thrown off balance by the existence of a video camera at their supposed open meeting, meaning that they probably couldn’t discuss what they really intended to discuss, which was probably to pass along orders from some oligarchical agent. When the LPAC members expressed coherent political thoughts, everyone else knew that didn’t belong, and they were ejected by a few likely witches schooled in the art of slimy tactics and confident of the support of organized Satanism, of which Houston is a hotbed, and which recognizes LaRouche as their mortal enemy.

Don’t forget that LaRouche was the

first one out with the Hitler mustache on Obama. He doesn’t have much of a repertoire of insults I guess.
Got a Rand Paul with Hitler Mustache image on their latest video.

Well I am 47

and I have heard of him all my life. This guy is a prisongavehimtomanymeds….kind of guy, really I dont think this guy even has a following any more. If He does they are burnt out hippies from the 70’s that had one to many acid trips.


To say something like this suggests that LaRouche is a disinfo agent…
i used to just think he was partly nuts…a mixture of solid info with loony stuff….
now I KNOW he is CIA…has to be to say something so ridiculous about rand
Smells like a setup. They know this system is coming down. Trying to frame Rand as the scapegoat for this mess is ludicrous.
If a tree falls in a forest and no one hears it, does it make a sound?
I signed up for a LaRouche thing, I thought it was just an anti-obama thing, but no… and I couldn’t say no to them after I picked up the pen and paper, i’m horribly unassertive. telemarketers love me.
No, you have it backwards. It’s everything BUT Austrian that is fascist.
I used to confuse the LaRouche people with Birchers…
As for their current obsession with Rand, it’s jealousy. They are green with envy that a different (and sane) non-establishment person was elected.
About 7 years ago, I encountered some people handing out pamphlets on the street.
They were Lyndon LaRouche tracts, and the guy said “here’s a message from a libertarian”
So they openly self-identified as libertarians.
I had just started getting into libertarianism at the time, so I flipped through the hand-out and was like WTF b/c it was not even remotely libertarian
All right then.  Expect to see the competing Barack Obama with Hitler Mustache / Rand Paul with a Hitler Mustache Posters at the new Post Office Tours.

“If the president is mentally or physically incapable of serving, he can be removed by the vice president or the majority of the cabinet,” Chris Sare, a work manager for in Hackensack, N.J., said after packing up the display in Conyngham.

Oh my god.  I got it figured out.  They’re going to remove Obama with the 25th Amendment and replace him with… RAND PAUL!!!  I wish there were a movement out there that could stop this.

Wait.  There is?  Larry Freeman, who said he works with the LaRouche organization in Baltimore, said the group sets their table up at BWI occasionally.
“That’s one of the ways we talk to people,” Freeman said. “Our approach is to organize and talk to the population and recruit them.”

It’s just that simple!

And, it’s working… as we can see from the latest Larouche Org videos:

“Rank-an-File Tea Partiers implicitly voted for Me,” Concludes THE DEAR LEADER in the weekly report. It is reproduced at 7:00 on this week’s Down With the Traitors program.

What’s funny is that they explicitly voted for Rand Paul.

Anyway, at 52:00, NIGEL informs Lyn that the Tea Party base are looking to him for leadership and marching orders on what to do.

Directing the movement, any movement, and…

In wikipedia news, Snoid Headley was kicked off.   And this is amusing, if quickly dashed away as Vandalism.

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