
US — China Trade WAR!!! Or not.
… the US House stomps its feet?

Anderson Cooper interviews congressional candidate Renee Ellmers, running in North Carolina against the Muslim Center in NYC.  Coming soon.

29 Years in Solitary Confinement

Tea Party comics

Likely a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy from old Joseph Lieberman and a noxious one at that

1904 Page Suicide Note

Medvedev Fires Moscow Mayor in Wake of Escalating Feud, leading to reader comments

Palin, Gingrich, Santorum and Huckabee all under contract with Fox; can’t interview on CSPAN.

Wanted: This Guy.  Have you seen him?

Rush Limbaugh upset by Spanish commercial, sees feminization of culture in it.

Regarding Alan Grayson:  I really don’t have much of a problem with this ad (though it’s largely an eye roll), but good lord do I have a serious problem with Alan Grayson on the “he doesn’t love his country” ad.

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