The Dining Room Table Debate

The most eagerly anticipated political debate in ages.
Please tell me it will be on somebody’s website!
Oh yeah, baby.  It’s up there.  All over the place.  Both the Larouchepac and Rachel Brown campaign sites have it.  , as well New TV and Wicked Local.
Meanwhile, Barney Frank is so chicken, all he is willing to do is place the local newscast report of it up.    (Warning: the pop up of Barney Frank giving a verbal “Thanks for Visiting my Web Page.” is a little unnerving.)

A little historical perspective for the Great Barney Frank versus Rachel Brown Debate.:

In 1959, Vice President Richard Nixon and Soviet Premier Nikita Kruschev held a series of exchanges for the opening of the American National Exhibition at Sokolniki Park in Moscow, framed for televised consumption.  Nixon pounded the theme of the superiority of America’s Consumer Lifestyle.  It was dubbed the “Kitchen Debate”, but is occasionally referenced as “The Kitchen Table Debate”.  For our purposes here, it’s the “Kitchen Table” debate.

Five decades passed before the metaphor of a “table” would be incorporated as a metaphor for a debate.  The first part of the debate was held in August of 2009.  And then came the second part, on Tuesday, September 7, in the city of Boston, Massachusetts, where Barney Frank held forth against Rachel Brown in the second part of “Dining Room Table” debate.

The stakes of the debate are huge for Frank and Brown:  In March of 2010, the 22nd Congressional District of Texas nominated a candidate in Texas, by the name of Kesha Rogers.  The future was their’s.  And up before them lay a series of political tests.  Could Buseo crack an election result in Germany?  No.  They won .01 percent.  Then there was Australia.  Could the CEC pull through with literature like this?  No.  The CEC got 0.07% of the lower house vote (that’s a swing of -0.15%) and 0.13% in the senate (swing of +0.06%).
If the International Scene looked bleak, the American electorate looks even more hostile to the Larouche program since the smashing high-point victory of Kesha Rogers.  The candidate in San Francisco, one Summer Shields, was not even able to get on the ballot — and is reduced to running against Spongebob Squarepants for write-in votes.
The only chance to regain momentum, and turn this debacle around, lies with Rachel Brown’s campaign against Barney Frank.

The stakes for Barney Frank?  He has played it cool, and denies .  It is a sign of the difficult political climate that Barney Frank felt the need to open up a Campaign office for the first time in years.  Should the election results be just a tad worse than expected for his party, the specter of Scott Brown looms over him.  But this opposition lies with his probable Republican opponent — one Sean Bielet, a politically convienent Democrat turned Republican.  It appears for all the world that Barney Frank is taking his primary opposition lightly.

It is still unknown whether he practiced on his tables at home beforehand. — Oh, you didn’t do your research.
“I don’t plan to spend a lot of time on her. I think the notion that we should colonize Mars is not one I need to spend much time addressing. Or the fact that the president is like Hitler, or not like Hitler,” Frank told POLITICO.  […]   Frank didn’t do any debate prep, spokesman Harry Gural said.  “Who would you get to play her? She would have to play herself,” he said.

Nobody believes you, Barney Frank.  In reality, Rachel Brown’s and Barney Frank’s Debate Prepping looked  like this.

Anyway, the Rachel Brown contingent came in for a rally.  The Barney Frank contingent came in for a rally.  The sights and sounds.  Hm.  Notice the difference between Brown’s contingency and Frank’s.  Could it be — could it be — that the Brown group is more committed and motivated than the Frank contingency, thus auguring for a Surprise Upset on Tuesday?
Also, we have that ever present generational difference in groupings.

Of course she does. Self-assured and brimming with confidence, Rachel Brown is also the price we pay for rearing the Entitlement Generation, those smug, deluded young people raised on a daily regimen of unearned praise and flattery from their misguided Baby Boomer parents.

Hm.  You know?  May I make a request.  Please don’t bring Larouchies into a discussion of sociological gripes about the rearing of generations, even as extreme examples of cultural missives.
Anyway, I hear The Baby Boomer Generation is all Spock’s fault.

“I want to spend time on Mars,” the Quincy resident told me. “But it would be a project over centuries.”
“Can we wait that long?”
“Well, we can certainly develop small colonies before that. It will be a stepping stone to develop other parts of the solar system. It would be a driver for the economy.”
Raised in Seattle, her father worked for Boeing and her mom ran day care from their home. She’s an acolyte of Lyndon LaRouche and said she works for him full time. When pressed, however, she said she only receives, “A small stipend for room and board,” but, “I don’t know if you want to put that in your article.”

But her message of hate and ignorance is not without its supporters. Earlier this year, the candidate received warm and enthusiastic applause when she spoke at a tea party meeting right here in Worcester and called for the president’s impeachment. And the tea party wonders why it’s so often scorned? 

Frank, the 15th term Democrat representative,  is not taking Brown the Candidate  any more seriously than he took Brown the Town Hall Participant. Never a man of princely tendencies, it’s no surprise that Frank isn’t prepared  to take the high road; already he’s saying  she’s irrational.

 “What are they doing to stop Obama’s Hitler Health Care Policies?”

The reviews are in.  First from LPAC.

At the conclusion of Tuesday night’s debate between LaRouche Democrat Rachel Brown and Rep. Barney Frank, Brown’s campaign manager, Jenny Getachew, summarized the outcome: “The Earth just tilted a little bit more on its axis. In our direction!” […]
Lyndon LaRouche commented that the Obama White House is going to be particularly hysterical over the fact that Brown’s reference to Obama as a “ticking time bomb,” was covered in an AP wire that was published in the Washington Post.

Then there’s Brown in her post-debate press: “I hope I did better than a piece of furniture,”

The reviews aren’t all that encouraging.  See, “Asshat of the Day“.  (throw the, “where were you when some people called Bush “Hitler”?” if you must.)
Brown also wants to colonize Mars. She believes this will help solve the economic problems we are having. Wonder if she wears a purple robe and Nike’s when she’s not out in public, waiting for a spaceship to take her there?
“No! Please, no. Because, even though I don’t think it’s gonna happen in my lifetime, I’d love to at least visit Mars myself, and even though it’s a big planet I’m afraid she’d spoil the view.
Hm…  Here’s a new one:  Barney Frank? Wow.  Is he still alive?

He’s got this supporter, of course.  Wednesday Midday Report: Democratic candidate Rachel Brown defeated Barney Frank in a debate yesterday.

There is a decent amount of the “Rather take the crazy one than –” sentiment.  Perhaps this mocking slap at Barney:  I did not say I’d pick Brown over Frank. I don’t live in the district. I said that she was less dangerous than he is

And, oh, please.
They look down their noses, even at people of their own party, who dare try to get them to explain themselves for what they are doing to this country. This man must be defeated. This primary is close approaching, Sept 14.

As a huge fan of Roman history, this woman’s analogies piss me off.

Yes, Rachel Brown is every crazy girl we ever dated in college. Which makes Barney Frank our sloppy roommate who got in fights with her. Check out the full debate below:

One thing about Rachael Brown, she sounds more like she is sane than Barney.

[…] sounds like a global-fascist but it sounds so enchanting as socialism, seems too vague to be pigeon-holed. Maybe some sort of hopeful-realist label along with human productivity as a collective.

Here’s a good “POINT / COUNTERPOINT”:
This is bulllshit and more staged than professional wrestling. Barney Frank should be in jail. That he is debating a “LaRouche supporter,” the consummate tea bagger stooge at demonstrations, shows the Democrats are desperate to paint their opposition as fringe. There are good arguments proving Democratic corruption, and this woman will not make them. Instead, she will drag out every strawman argument employed by the left while her political ventriloquist dandles her on their knee. This demonstrates the contempt our ruling class has for the populace and the inefficiency of the national GOP for not being more committed to claiming scalps in these midterm elections. If Brown could take the old Kennedy seat, then Frank should be a sitting duck.

I make a point of calling them Nazi creeps when I pass their card table in Coolidge Corner. Just loud enough for the them and the kid they’ve button holed to hear.
I know, it’s a ‘free country’ but good God. Lyndon LaRouche nothing, Rachel Brown is more like Fred Phelps.
Barney Frank deserves a medal for even agreeing to debate this lunatic.

Recognizing the dining room table, I approached her and said:
Me: “I saw what Barney Frank said about you and thought it was very unfair…”
Her: “Thank you.”
Me: “…to dining room tables.”
She scowled at me and I told her that I’d be outing her on the internet as a LaRouche nutjob. After that I started photographing her.

Okay first of all….. nuclear fusion to get astronauts to Mars in a week…… Get ready Racheal after you lose the primary NASA will be calling…
Second of all to claim that Obama is secretly planning a 2nd holocaust is just about the stupidest thing I’ve EVER heard. ‘Hitlers Holocaust began in the hospital’… Right it began in the hospitals … but not exactly what you would call ‘Health Care’. More like torture people until they die and record the data….
If Rachel brown thinks that Health Care Reform will lead to racists in doctors coats torturing people to death I’d like her to explain how she came to that conclusion, and would suggest she read at least 1 page from the Health Care Bill.

So good luck Rachel….. maybe when you grow up and form some common sense ideas on your own and stop spewing talking points from Larouche and Rush Limbaugh people will view you as a possible candidate…. but not as a democrat or republican…. why don’t you go run a libertarian. That way at least people will have something to point to when you start blaming the British for getting us into wars…. JEEZ!!!

Well, the election is Tuesday.  I’ll be by with the Election Results in due time, and the repercussions.  Interesting enough, we already have some news coverage of the results.


The Summer Shields Campaign in Full Force in Auburn — the subtitle puts it correctly, I think: “To Raise Funds”.

“Everywhere we go people are like the French Revolution,” Craig said. “It’s very tumultuous. Sometimes they support us. Sometimes they don’t. But there’s a lot of emotion.”

The Auburn stop was part of a nationwide LaRouche Political Action Committee effort in support of three LaRouche candidates, Craig said, adding that he and Lea are taking their display to various towns in the area. […]

McElroy, who had several friends sitting in the shade behind him, described Craig and Lea as hustlers.
“They’re trying to get votes for Shields under the pretext of impeaching Obama,” he said.
Confusion reigns, I guess.

At the Shields booth, Craig and Lea were attracting a lot of supporters for their cause, including Tabitha Yates and her father, Henry, of Auburn.
“I think Obama should be impeached,” Tabitha Yates said. “I lost my job. I think he had something to do with it.”

 Surely NAWAPA will cure your unemployment problem!

Next link.  Hm.  I tell you what… I won’t link to the url. 

The reality is that most of our models of politics focus on the middle and the mainstream, on how dissenters mobilize to become big enough to be politically relevant.  Most of our work does not focus on the anomalies, the folks way outside the mainstream.  I spotted a Larouche Democrat (that is a non-democrat) outside the gates of McGill yesterday.  I doubt that we have a good general explanation for a) folks who follow Lyndon Larouche [I am wondering/regretting who will link to my blog with this name in it]; or b) why such folks would be in Canada since Larouche and his ilk “compete” in US elections.

The continual problems that confront focusing attention on, say, those damned Quaran Burners.  Or Larouchies.  OR–
I do think the debate with Frank is valuable enough.  If there’d been one broadcast and covered with the South Carolina Democratic Senate nomination, for instance, I suspect the “real candidate” would have prevailed with Mr. Greene flushed out.

The Tour is International.  These days, the “Post Office Tour” is now sliding easily into the “Campus Tour”, and they travel to Wisconsin.

Representing LaRouche Political Action Committee, protesters Aaron Yuke and Alan Egre attempt to drum up support for their organization.
… no doubt to entice the Second Generation Spawn of Benjamin Spock.

One Response to “The Dining Room Table Debate”

  1. Justin Says:

    Things I missed.
    A standard youtube filmed conversation.

    “He’s a narcissist. Do you know a politician who isn’t? Larouche, oh so you support Larouche. Personal friend of yours?”
    And the Larouchies’ Cauldron of Intellectual Dishonesty rolls into full force in this film.

    “Why don’t you set up a demonstration on the other side?”
    “Interview’s over. Thanks for coming.”

    “You’re in my space.” […] “Become harrassment.”
    “You people just figured out how to use Photo-Shop.”

    Somehow missed the wonkette:
    Excellent comment! My condiments.
    These comments are coming to fast…there’s no way I can ketchup.
    I do relish your response, though.
    Perhaps this time Barney should have gone the non-debate route.
    Inevitable photograph juxtaposition.

    Calling an extremist an “economist” is as absurd as saying that
    “King Of The Hill” creator Mike Judge is a judge.

    From the debate — 38 minutes in. “Now I’m not a Phsyics Expert, but it appears to be impossible” [Manned mission to Mars in 3 to 7 days.] Sigh. And then her answer. “Like Kennedy said, we’re going to do it not because it’s easy, but because it’s hard.”
    Good lord. Starting on Frank’s Rebuttal — “And you’ve been critical on this.”
    44 minutes in — Brown states that her group met with Barney Frank in 2003. Moderator asks if that happened? Frank replies, “Yes, they did, and frankly the meeting ended with me having to call the police when they refused to leave.”
    Brown has a lot of “Not sure”, “haven’t decided” answers at the end “quick response” issue questions.

    fourth photograph down.

    Is this Democratic primary contest a joke? Brown is a complete mannequin of the Lyndon Larouche agenda, and is unable to answer questions in the debate outside of the agenda. In some respects, I kind of like Larouche’s ideas in some areas though they have become nuttier of late. Colonies on Mars is an example of an issue that Rachel Brown would do well to reject.

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