Roadside attraction

Looking around under various rocks, bemusing myself. I followed a link and then leafed down the blog to this entry.

Observation #1: Wow! I know precisely where this locale is! This is the entire highway roadside of Eastern Washington, folded in on itself into a small space. I’m amazed someone figured out how to do that. It saves space, I suppose.

Observation #2: The account described here a common election year happenstance. More commonly it’s just the swiping away of campaign lawn-signs, but defacing such as this occurs as well. I always wonder what the point is, as whatever gain one can possibly make from it evaporates on impact and is not worth the effort, even if one is of mind to do such a thing.

Observation #3: It’s a stupid one. See, Mike McGavick disclosed that he has a DUI in his past. I doubt the defacer of this sign would care if Maria Cantwell had the same offense in her past. Nonetheless, half following this race — as I’ve half followed all the semi – close Senate races (and this one really is only a “semi-close” race, ie: it’s been a forgone conclusion that Cantwell will win the thing), the stupidest moment of this campaign was Elizabeth Dole applauding the disclosure as one of the most noble things she’s ever seen in politics. Laughter emitted from my mouth.

Observation #4: The question “Arent Liberals Just So Cuddly and Nice?” is an obnoxious and patrnonizing one, though I suppose designed to be so. To see how jarring this question is, insert any category of people other than “liberal” and see how it works. Aren’t bowlers just so cuddly and nice? Aren’t truck drivers just so cuddly and nice? Aren’t Dog Enthusiasts just so cuddly and nice? Etc. Etc. Blah Blah Blah.

Say you are sitting in a cafeteria — vintage high school, only because that’s the only real cafeteria I’ve ever been party to and it fits the immaturity level of this scenario. You throw your soup across a couple of tables, and shout “FOOD FIGHT!” The person from another table throws their plate of spaghetti at you. “Hey! Aren’t you supposed to be cuddly and nice?” It is strange.

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