
In the election year of 1976, Jimmy Carter ran a successful campaign for presidency which was based on his image as an “outside-the-beltway” peanut farming, ex governor of the state of Georgia. Yet, since the fall of 1973, Carter had been associated with David Rockefellar and otehr members of an international power elite through his association with the Trilateral Commission, an alliance of several hundred top political and economic leaders from North America, Japan, and Western Europe. Their aim is to explore common problems facing the three areas and to advise political leaders of possible solutions.

While this side of Carter’s background was almost totally ignored by the mass media, the American public was fully informed about his peanut farming activities, the Playboy interview (lusting in his heart), and Amy’s lemonade stand.

According to the Italian publication Europa, as cited in the Review of the News, Rocefellar and Zbigniew Brzenzinski, a founding director of the Trilateral Commission, had agreed on Carter’s potential as our next president as far back as 1970. Supportive of Carter’s close relationship with this little-known power elite is the fact that many members of his administration were drawn from the membership rolls of the TLC. Carter’s personal choice for vice president, Walter Mondale, was also a member of the TLC.
Project Censored, 20 Years of Censored News, page 34.

Um. Okay. What was Jimmy Carter’s purpose then? Sacrificial lamb? Was Carter thrown in power for the good of Zbigniew Brzenzinski? Toward an era of supply-side economics and bloated military budgets — to quell the post-Watergate thirst for “Democracy” and cynical-less “Decency” infused politics through observed ineptness?

Or, I guess… Carter wasn’t quite their man. (See 1980 New York Times Letter to the Editor).

Actually, Carter and Eisenhower are the two greatest presidents post-WWII, a very academic exercise to decipher and one that misses the point of our slighty-out-of sight system of government. “Out of sight system of government” is a glib way of waying “I dunno” and I’ll decipher the meanings of each administration through altogether different means than normal historians. Eisenhower made the “Military Industrial Complex” speech. Carter made the “We need to Conserve Energy” speech. Eisenhower was perhaps a coward — reportedly he was going to call it the “Military Industrial Congressional Complex” (today, since meanings of WWII analogies have faded to the point where today’s administration can feel free to cite WWII as parallel to his adventure into Iraq, the word “axis” might be used instead of “complex”), but he didn’t want to embarrass his friends in Congress.

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