the very definition of the term

Maybe not literal. But something pops out in watching news coverage on a California Senatorial debate. When discussing the war in Gaza —

Lee urged for a permanent cease-fire in the conflict.

The only way Israel is going to be secure is through a permanent cease-fire,” Lee said. “The only way that is going to happen is with a political and diplomatic solution.

Porter said cease-fire is not a “magic word – you can’t say it and make it so.”

But we have to push, as the United States, as a world leader for us to get to a cease-fire and to avoid another forever war,” Porter said.

And Schiff defends Israel’s right to self defence and probably in tacking on that dream of forcing a two state solution amongst two parties that have ceased showing they care for it. Okay. Steve Garvey? Maybe he has a baseball analogy, or hopes to get in the Trump sweet spot of being simultaneously hawkish with respect to Israel and pooh-poohing “forever war”.

Forever War. Another one, key word “another”. Like, one that just spring up as a war just now, never a war before Biden (or Bush’s Forever Wars), not like essentially a continuous war since the 1940s.

Maybe not forever, but with our short attention spans and short historical memories, essentially one.

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