then there’s a Kennedy running

I used to have this idea, extrapolating the Obama as Kennedy theme that we would find ourselves in a repeating history, and get a Johnson, Nixon, and then Carter in due succession. The big question I had was whether Obama would turn out to be also Johnson, as a completed two term Kennedy would likely have been — the weirdly felt promise of one into the practice of the other. Had Hillary Clinton won in 2016, she would be Johnson, as she surreally campaigned for a moment in 2008, but as Trump is so clearly Nixon I guess Obama becomes Kennedy / Johnson. Now, of course, we are at Carter. And the real possibility looms that this time, he improbably gets a second term.

I note the utterings of the National Review, who desperately want to up charge DeSantis and warn against Trump. Things move in strange circles from that point. See the very real charge that is Biden and the Democrats who want to pull up Trump — the one guy they would beat. Yeah, well, it was their successful 2022 election strategy, so maybe they have a point. But you look over at Ann Counter with this same premise — there we get the idea that this actually the reason for the indictment in New York on Stormy Daniels business — refactoring lame case that brings a rallying effect because of its lameness. Over thinking that one, I gather.

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