The ugly

Everyone enjoying this presidential election?  Satisfied with our exciting array of candidates and issues tackled?  No?  Yeah, I didn’t think so.  Confirming my unease at the last election, my thought that frankly the 2012 general election choice was as good as it was going to get and not bad — 2016 was the election from Hell, and … maybe the new norm.

I note that this piece was written at a time when Sanders appeared hearing to the nomination, and though the writer’s libertarian-ish bent colors some things, the main theme of “one election from Hell after another” stands.  I imagine the exit would be that the dnc power structure holds off the approaching aoc socialist hordes one last time, in a Democratic party delegation top heavy with olds.

The resignation of Chris Matthews is interesting.  I tend to blow past most of the “looking lovely tonight” comments — not good, but largely manageable — and leave totally aside the supposed patronizing grilling of Elizabeth Warren — strike me as reasonable queries to a politico — and not on one particular especially obnoxious moment — I am sure it’s in the clippings of the man– I think any reasonable person would highlight it as the worst moment of sexual discomfort.  And though it was not the main reason for his resignation, it didn’t help — his hot take comparing Bernie Sanders after the Nevada Caucuses and his relations with the Democratic Party establishment as that of Nazi Germany taking Vichy France — having to tell the Brits “it’s over”.  We can now point out regardless of whether the equation was appropriate, it was wrong.  Or, more to the point, Biden’s Marionette Line held.  He had resources, and a strategy And theory of the electorate that proved to work.

And why wouldn’t it?  The nominating election coming down to the two most familiar names.  A certain small d democracy there — they’ve been cultivating their voting networks for some time one way and another for the past decade and some time more and are able to withstand downturns as flashes in the pan rise momentarily above them.  In Joe Biden’s case, he ends up the last one standing for the mass of voters who, quite frankly, are not wanting big R Revolution, the rhetorical bombast of Bernie Sanders and his bros, whatever the meaning of his platform — a political candidate who came into the nominating process envisioning a path to victory with a steady 30 percent of the electorate, got a ways with it but when came time to expand — refused to try.  (and made it too damned easy to root against him). so, Yesterday on twitter, the hashtag “idonotlikejoebiden” was launched and trended, the redoubt of Sanders supporters who flick in and out of having valid points — there are some things that need refuting, some things that need porortionalizing and contextualizing, and some things I’ll nod in agreement –, but mostly are just yelling at themselves.  (Controversies of the insulated online variety,, with the “to the gif maker” line of arguring –I have to point to Michael Ian Black’s take on “Facts as Life” as being reasonable, and apt to be said in a different manner by, say, Susan Feludi.) A feeling of resentment grows that an Establishment is screwing them, contradictory arguments pop in — Obama supporters next to red socialist flag iconed Obama and capitalism opponents — the “so, why hasn’t Obama endorsed, eh?” ( Never mind, as all the “dnc conspiracy” tropes posit — he basically just did.  The trouble is staring at the ahistoric shrill populations — the voters of my candidate’s opponents infected with a false conscousness, apparently — if only they knew KNEW they’d vote RIGHT… slaves to the establishments’ conspiring to FORCE them at gunpoint to vote for their jackass… Otherwise, what can one say when you claim to have “the people” — in elections where the people say otherwise?

… Clyburn is all powerful.  Klobuchar is all powerful.  Apparently with one speech of support, a bunch of minions are hypnotized into the polling booth, repeating a mantra “Sanders is a commie, Biden is a lovably oafish”, instead of what they ought be chanting — “Biden is neoliberal senile hack, Bernie revolution now”.  Rule of elections:  your candidate does not fail; they can only be failed.

Should Biden lose the general — and there will be a slice of Bernie Sanders voters who won’t in good conscience be able to make the leap and not see a difference from their perspective for the two candidates — the counterfactual will come in — Shoulda put my guy — who you have or can hardly stomach — instead of your guy — who I hate or can hardly stomach.  Joe Biden ends up following the trajectory of nomination that Kerry did in 2004 and McCain did in 2008.  While they both lost, I am hard-pressed to know that their chief primary opponents woulda won either.  So goes things in 2020.


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