history rewritten
From The Columbian, the paper of record for Vancuouver, Washington if you shall. “Herrera Beutler Ignores Comments” — moving about her not reading the twitter machine.
Later in the meeting, talk turned to President Trump. In October 2016, Herrera Beutler said, “I refuse to accept this is the best we can do,” and announced rather than vote for Trump in the general election, she would write in Rep. Paul Ryan, R. Wisconsin, who had also sought the Republican nomination, but lost to Trump.
I kind of don’t understand this casual mistake, and there seems to me something more going on here than nothing — since I see it of a type happen a bit too much. Paul Ryan… did not run for the Republican nomination for President in 2016. It mis-remembers Paul Ryan’s various hedges during the campaign — momentary “dump Trump and replace with Ryan” feelers — culminating with Paul Ryan campaigning down ticket for all the Republicans and mentioning Pence as a headline with a mention of Trump almost as an after thought… which… a vote for Pence is literally the same as voting for Trump.
It feeds a false narrative. Such as this one…
A third party run in 2020 by disaffected Republicans, behind the one term pledged Democratic candidate Joseph Biden. Biden / Sasse! Because… Sasse brings to Biden what Biden lacks, and Biden brings Biden.
Nevermind that the consensus among Republicans during the Obama — Biden years, even those who adhere to Sasse-ism (what that may be) was that the man was a gaffe-ing baffoon.
This is not a serious editorial in the New York Times.