a partial defense, or maybe not

Bill Maher does some victory lap in bringing on Milo Yiannopoulos, though he’s largely denounced for mainstreaming him by having him on his program.  (I note the cartoon in an alt weekly which has Bill Maher slapping Milo’s hand and saying “You Go Bro!” — interesting as the example clearest for Maher is his good friend and mentor for Milo — Ann Coulter, and here it is the theme of mocking the “defender of free speech” line — though it is clear that the man would be a defender of his free speech)  The theory lies in the “sunlight exposing the man” realm — attention brought attention to things secreted away from him in the past?

“So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed” — we’re in the realm of what momentarily tripped up Trevor Noah upon being given his Daily Show job– go scour around and find an offensive sounding twitter post.  This at least is public comments, — it is an obvious dark joke (pedophiliac priest), swimming in what may or may not be ruminations  —

I admit.  I haven’t taken a good look at “it”.  All I’m saying right now is that I don’t immediately blanch at what I’ve heard and can imagine a context where this particularly I’d skip away.

The problem is if I half want to give a “Partial Defense”, a begrudging “you’re playing a game here” theme of mine I’ve tossed to the likes of Sarah Palin and others — here I’m struck by the idea that the man should have been drummed out of acceptable public discourse by every other damned thing he’s said and done, and the “If It’s Shocking, It Sells, and If it Sells, it’s Winning!” line.  (Validated, I suppose, by the man in the White House.)

And yet still.  If he appears at Berkley.  Don’t punch him.

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