exceptional circumstances in exceptional cases


Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is advising intelligence officials that if they end up giving GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump classified briefings during the campaign, they should just fake it and make sure not to divulge anything important.

“How would the CIA and the other intelligence agencies brief this guy? How could they do that? I would suggest to the intelligence agencies, if you’re forced to brief this guy, don’t tell him anything, just fake it, because this man is dangerous,” Reid said in an interview with The Huffington Post Wednesday afternoon. “Fake it, pretend you’re doing a briefing, but you can’t give the guy any information.”

Just to be sure.  In addition to all the presidents elected since Truman initiated the debriefing of possible replacements in 1948 — (Eisenhower, Kennedy — who, it’s worth pointing out used the debriefings for political purposes, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Clinton, Bush, Obama), Harry Reid is suggesting Trump is exceptional against the likes of Thomas Dewey, Adlai Stevenson, Barry Goldwater, Hubert Humphrey, George McGovern, Walter Mondale, Michael Dukakis, Bob Dole, John Kerry, John McCain, Mitt Romney …

That includes the figures of Goldwater  and George McGovern.

Question:  Was Ross Perot — who was doing well enough to get in the debates (and as all the third party candidates everywhere always have it, that’s the launching pad for victory), and who has had some faintly similar questions posed on his “readiness” (though in Perot’s case runs more toward problems of paranoiac ) debriefed?  I assume the second biggest third party candidate through this time period George Wallace, wasn’t.

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