
Is Lady Gaga parodying Weird Al parodying Lady Gaga?

Bradley Manning sentenced to 35 Years.

Poland laments the fall of Liberal Arts in America.

“Radiation doesn’t affact people who are smiling”.  Fukushima.

A group of crazy conspiracy theories in American history, starring Zachary Taylor and Tipper Gore.

Decade to move back to?  The 50s does have that pull to it.

Israel offers University Students tuition money to defend it on social media.

Howard Zinn:  at least he’s better than his enemies.

Representative Kerry Bentivolio on his desire to Impeach Barack Obama.
More here.

Louisiana Republicans polled blame Obama for lax response to Hurricane Katrina.

Who killed Kennedy?  I say it was Vaugn Meader.

The Atlantic covers Nat Turner’s Rebellion.




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