Point and same point on benghazi day

Today was apparently “Benghazi Day” on Fox News.  Undoubtedly on talk radio, excepting for the possibility that Limbaugh might be talking about himself and his current dealings with his syndicate for a few hours.

Looking over the conservative blogosphere and message board land, I am always struck on the chest thumping of this rather innocuous Hillary Clinton quote, taken askew out of context to shade into nefarious covering of the up.  When this happens, you suspect nothing but a broad stoke of searching for the gotchas.  An auto-pilot that will play out any quote and spit out something that looks like this “Impeach Obama for stock market declines” whether it fits the reality or not.

And here we get to an interesting “looking past Obama” fissure on it, which slides into the confluence of the Democrats sighing on the panel and the anti-Obama figures slap dashing their hand… it’s an accidental “point”/ “same point” I saw when reading over my opinion magazine blogs this day.  Observe.

Point:  “The meta message that they’re trying to get out there is that this is a failure in judgment that goes to character,” Virginia Rep. Gerry Connolly, a senior Democrat on the Oversight and Foreign Affairs panels, told The Hill. “It didn’t work with Obama, so [they’re hoping that] maybe it’ll stick to Clinton.
“They’re trying to bring her numbers down. That’s what this is all about.”

Same Point.
My Twitter feed tells me that these hearings will spell the doom of the Obama administration. I’m going to make the wild prediction that it most certainly will not. It may spell doom for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s chances as president in 2016, but even that will depend on who her opposition would be.

Supposedly Clinton is unassailable right now — I saw a dailykos post which referenced her having the surest road to the White House since Eisenhower.  (“She’d win Kentucky, for Pete’s sake!“)  In a few years we’ll find out if this is all actually true — she’s swerving back to a partisan figure after one term of not being so.

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