sure. If Romney wins, the debate will be heralded as the turning point. And if he loses… well, it won’t.

I saw none of it, heard none of it.  I am surprisingly tuned out to this election campaign because — what?  You think something new is coming out of the busshels anywhere?

Apparently Romney cleaned Obama’s clock last night.  The key word, of course, in all of these is “Performance” — we are back to the classic line “It’s all theater review we’re getting” in campaign coverage.

I suppose it might matter?  Because everyone wants to vote for someone other than Romney or Obama, and because Romney has had terrible negatives and this will tap up his positives?  Or it might not matter?  Because, after all, these are just freaking platforms for two candidates to flesh out their final month’s stump speech?   Or it might not matter, because the two candidates had their surrogates furiously spun beforehand that they were about to get their clock cleaned so as to lower expectations, and thus Obama won the debate in a back-handed sneaky way?

Whatever the case, the entertainment value is to see the liberal blogs, dailykos and huffington post, go “Substance” and, for instance, blow out a big picture of Big Bird to show why Romney’s “I’ll cut PBS funding” is an absurd comment on deficit reduction.  And the conservative bloggers jump up and down … time to google “Tele-prompter” or something.

And you know you want it… Jill Stein and Rocky Anderson!!!!  Interjecting in a clever little device.  Will Democracy Now do the same for the vice presidential candidates?

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