Obama Agonistes

Yes, the Portland Mercury knew what it was doing when it printed this.

To those of you still sporting an Obama bumper sticker from 2008, or have a nice fresh one for 2012, you may have noticed that there aren’t many of you left. I think I know the reason for that. Portland citizens in general pay attention and hold their esteemed politicians to a higher standard than does the average American. They realized that having an Obama sticker next to their “End the Wars,” “Legalize It,” and “Free Bradley Manning” stickers makes them look like a clueless dipshit. And don’t give me that “change takes time” bullshit. That mantra became collateral damage from an unmanned drone long ago. I’m not saying that come November there will be a better choice, but think twice about having an indefinitely detaining, citizen-spying, banker-puppet incumbent’s name dulling the clear coat on your Prius. That was sooo 2008.—Anonymous

A classic “Left / Liberal” split.  Should reverberate straight back to Clinton.  The answer is that Obama is not nor ever was part of “The Solution” in some areas, is “Part of the Problem” in others, part of the solution elsewhere, and part of the stand-still in other parts.  Even this Anonymous hedges their bets with “I’m not saying that there will be a better choice”.

Also Obama’s 2008 campaign was curiously to the right of Clinton’s, who was to the right of Edwards’s.  Not that it makes any difference — once in office, you’re shepherding around with roughly the same Congress and pressure groups you have to either fight or work through.

The perfect illustration I had of the odd dichotomy at work here was this discordant “Free Bradley Manning” sticker posted next to a “Debt the Fault of Republican Presidents” sticker next to Obama/Biden 12 sticker I saw somewhere.

And bada boom bada bing.  33 comments.  And a couple to make it into print next week.  It is pretty entertaining reading, I would say.

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