Perry Christie Palin 2012

Something interesting: the cover-news blurbs for each new issue of the news-week magazines are, within the artificial nature of the political news-stream, always out-dated.  Witness the latest, either Time or Newsweek — “They’re the same to me” — which has a cover propping up Romney versus Perry.  According to the 24 hour tv news and 24 minutes news twitter streams, Perry’s faded fast.  In fact, so fast that Chris Christie is said to be spurring about for a Presidential bid.

Why might Chris Christie run?  Because the tv news cycle’s presidential nomination race is a Reality show, and they just need a new entertainer on stage.

In Sarah Palin news, the folks at wikipedia took it upon themselves to do a sort of pre-emptive strike on the possibility that Sarah Palin fans and Sarah Palin detractors would roll in to argue the merits of Joe McGinnis’s new book.  It’s an artificially created wikipedia editing war.  The fact that it had to be artificially created speaks to the fading of Sarah Palin — though I suppose she will continue to be a haunting presence that the Reality tv meisters for Campaign 2012 can tease in and out of their little contest.


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