57 Channels and Nothing On

The channels in the 700 range, or thereabouts, are that package of music stations — song playing underneath rotating band or artist promotional images and promotional factoids.   I was bouncing myself between the “classic rock”, “alternative rock”, and “classic alternative rock” stations.  It is interesting that they use for Talking Heads a few photographs from their “Rock and Roll Hall of Fame” appearance — trailing off long after the band disbanded.  There is an interesting difference between bands or artists of long stature and flash in the pan one hit or one or two charting album groups — more images to pull from for Led Zeppelin and rotate than for (wait for it) Sponge.

It gets weirder still for the factoids that roll through the song.  A Led Zeppelin song will go through some tried and true rock history lore that exists as a stock-pile of information for toss-out use by every rock dj of the past several decades.  Then there is this band with a song from either 2009 or 2010 who appear to be destined to share a similar career trajectory of Sponge.  Factoids?  “Drummer Steve’s favorite snack food is the pickle.”  They’re either joking around or waiting for a good hotel story.  Or maybe there was no choice but to pluck inanities from facebook profiles?

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