
Note that the Urban Popular Worldwide in 2000 was 46.7 percent.  In 2010, it is 51.3 percent. 
Now, oddly, just after I read this blog post today, I read this weird news story.  Holy Crap — It’s the same trend!

Nebraska to stop Obama from winning in that state again.

Obama caves on referencing “End of Life Counselling” in Medicare details.

Kirk Cameron brought onto Anderson Cooper to discuss the Bird and Fish deaths to discuss the “Left Behind” angle of the story.

Seattle Seahawks have less of a chance of winning the Superbowl than they did at the start of the season.

Huckleberry Finn with that word removed now on sale.

John Quincy Adams’s Hollow Earth leanings.

Rich Lowry: “America, Fuck Yeah!”

Congressman Darrell Issa asks Businesses which Regulation they want to get rid of.

Nickelodian brings Illuminati Propaganda to the kids.

Christine O’Donnell will fix up and amend her campaign records

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