Emancipation II: All Teed Up

A rising star in political circles, Kevin Jackson has been called the black Glenn Beck.

Wait.  Do people want that?
This is a fascinating little speech.

“My wish to rid black neighborhoods of crime, get black children access to quality education, build the CEO Mindset in black children makes me a Neanderthal, an Oreo, an Uncle Tom, a Sell–Out, a Tool of the White Man, a Sufferer of Stockholm Syndrome, a Cracker-Lover, a Black Man who Dates White Women, Clarence Thomas, and a Race Traitor.  Of what Race?  The Human Race?
One thing the Democrats don’t want to discuss is their history of race and their history of repeating because Democrats have Re-enslaved Americans and this time it’s not just catching Blacks but it’s catching Whites as well.  It’s catching everybody.  That’s why I call 2010 ‘Emancipation 2’.  This time even the White Folks get freed.  […]

The other day Obama appeared on The View and he actually called Black people ‘mongerals’.”  […]

And it goes on from there.

Interesting item, that last “View” reference.  There must be a story behind that.  An item of controversy that will inflate itself in the right-wing sphere, and deflate just about everywhere else.  Sometimes these controversies escape me, and for reference’s sake I think the “two sides” in the American political sphere should be aware of the controversies that enflame the other side.  What does this refer to?  Here:

“When asked about his background, which includes a black father and white mother, Obama said of African-Americans: ‘We are sort of a mongrel people.’
“‘I mean we’re all kinds of mixed up,’ Obama said. ‘That’s actually true of white people as well, but we just know more about it.’

[…] Of course, once again, because Barack Obama is African American, he will likely get a pass for using such a loaded term on national TV. But imagine what would have happened if a white politician had used the term “mongrel” to refer to African Americans, or anyone at all. One cannot doubt that said politician could measure the rest of his or her career in days.

Hm.  Can’t get hung up on too many of these things, can you?   Biden an obvious person.

I will not pass the derogatory comment that Kevin Jackson as a Neanderthal, an Oreo, an Uncle Tom, a Sell–Out, a Tool of the White Man, a Sufferer of Stockholm Syndrome, a Cracker-Lover, a Black Man who Dates White Women, Clarence Thomas, and a Race Traitor, though I’m always fascinated by how strung up spokespeople for Minority Conservativism are with their self-identity and these charges.  My derogatory label for Kevin Jackson is “The Black Glenn Beck”.

While we mutter about the political history and how things change.
Of course, there was the method that the Fourteenth Amendment was subverted — for the next century, court cases that dealt with the Amendment dwelled on Corporate Personhood over the newly gained rights to black people.  So it goes.

But we see Sharron Angle finding different documents more sanchrosant than others — First Commandment over the First Amendment — which figures as she has an odd view of the First Amendment and the “free press”.

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