
My thought on Art Linkletter’s passage: What always annoyed me about Linkletter and “Kids Say the Darnedest Things” is that, invariably, what the kids said were damned sensible things, and what got the biggest laughs were simply nutty things relayed from their parents.

Sharron Angle:  Prohibitionist and Scientologist.

Indian police are holding a pigeon under armed guard after it was caught on an alleged spying mission for arch rivals and neighbours Pakistan, media reported on Friday.

A Nation run by Focus Grouped Commerical Messages.

Pat Buchanan asks: Is the Joe Sestack thing Obama’s Watergate?  I answer: No.  Go back to the Nixon Administration, Pat.

Glee — something of an Afterschool Special moment, isn’t it? 

Casting Call for Atlas Shrugged going nowhere

The Paulites like Alan Grayson’s “War Is Making You Poor” Act — toward defense cutting.

Tim Donaghy: How Boston v Orlando Game 6 was fixed, Game Break-down.  I LOVE IT!

Military Industrial Complex Advertisements in DC Subway

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