The Willamette Week Sucks

I suppose you noticed the cover of the Willamette Week.  It’s shortened on the webpage down to this.  A Rhesus Monkey in a cage, the cover story leading you to an interview with OHSU researchers defending their Animal Researchers.

And the line: “This Monkey Died For You”.

Move forward in the introduction to the interview snippets and you get this.

Whichever side of the debate you stand on, the facts on the ground in Hillsboro are these. The vast majority of the center’s primates are rhesus macaques roaming in open enclosures or outdoor pens with other monkeys. OHSU does not track the number of monkeys that have died in its experiments. (But, for the record, the monkey in the photo above is still alive.)

I suppose I should be glad the monkey is still alive — maybe? (“We report; you decide”), but for the love of baby Jesus — why was I misinformed above the current state of being of a research monkey?

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