continued “neo-nazi activity”, such as it is, watch

Hm.  I’ve reported a few times on seeing some “White Supremacist” stickers plastered about, and a couple instances of public restroom graffiti.  And I’ve stated that it makes for rather lame “neo – nazi activity”.  Most recently, I saw the sticker affixed to a ghost of a public phone, which I immediately tried to plaster off, but it was good and stuck.  That night it rained.  So the next day I was able to snap it right off.

The message was fairly simple, and whatever area “Run in the dark of night to stick these things up” knuckle-heads are doing this will do so again, and remind me what the specific slogans are that I do not recall right now.  (I think it was the the HIV rate of Blacks and warning against miscegenation, to, um “Preserve the White Race”.)  But they are fairly basic, as they would have to be to .  Which brings me to a question for this news item:

A neo-Nazi group led by a man recently released from prison has been distributing fliers across Southern Oregon that call for white unity, deny the Holocaust happened, and demand that illegal immigrants return to Mexico.

Andrew Lee Patterson, 29, identifies himself as the state leader of the National Socialist Movement, Oregon Unit, and said he has been a “storm trooper, first class” with the movement for about six months.

Assuming the flier is printed off a legal sheet of paper, 5 by 8.5 inches, how do you get those three disparate messages across in large enough print?  Imagine “WHITE UNITY!  MEXICANS OUT OF USA!  HOLOCAUST NEVER HAPPENED!”  across the paper, at the bottom “message brought to you by lame neo-nazi org”.   It’s incoherent messaging.

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