Seattle Gay Bars receiving threatening letters

Al Franken versus Ann Coulter at the Connecticut Forum, Franken with a logical response to Coulter.

With regards to that.

That’s… quite a leap… from the Headscarf Incident, Obama taking a woman with a headscarf out of the front of a crowd to avoid appearing in a photograph in the campaign, to… THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD a FRONT of .

Gaza on maps

because the Obama apparatus has not even bothered to say that Joe Biden will have unprecedented responsibilities during the next four years.  Oh, probably because to do so would be to suggest that Biden will be more powerful than Obama, and that’s not going to happen.  (note of opposing viewpoint here.)

I find it hard to see how this lawsuit has merit, it’s routine for the public to call (public) models such things — and I won’t say she’s skanky, but I will say she looks like a Plastic Barbie Doll.

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