Update on Bob Conley’s campaign
You gotta love the campaign of a long-shot candidate with no real ties to his political party. From the news down in South Carolina.:
 Bob Conley, who is challenging U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) for the seat, said he’s holding his opponent’s feet to the fire in the election.
Speaking to a group of roughly 10 gathered at Bobby’s Bar-B-Q Buffet sponsored by the Aiken Ron Paul Campaign for Liberty, Conley wasted no time in getting down to the issues, chief of which he said was Graham’s support of “so-called” free trade agreements.
Why could this writer not have simply counted to get a better representation of “roughly ten people”?
Further forecasting:
Mr. Graham offered assurances that the $700 billion Wall Street rescue package he voted for would work.
But Mr. Conley predicted the Dow Jones industrial average is heading to 3,000, about a third of its current mark, as the federal intervention adds to inflation and the national debt.
3 thousand?