Earth’s Oldest Profession

So, Portland has more or less sucessfully curbed the Prostitution problem on 82nd Avenue.  There is a tad bit of NIMBY-ism in the celebration, only in as much as nobody really cares what happened to the prostitutes or the probably not cracked problem of Prostitution in general.  They’ve said to have dispersed into other neighborhoods a tad, been moved over to Seattle for different lucrative business, and on from there.  But the problem which arrives when a prostitute aggressively propositions you, and you try to walk forward and accidentally make an oral agreement by saying “Fuck you” is solved.

But I think I have spotted where the prostitutes have gone.  I was walking out of the Lloyd Center Mall when a couple of Verizon employees jumped out at me selling, obstensibly cell phones.  I walked past, and heard the selling point: “Would you like to be Serviced?”  What else could “Would you like to be Serviced?” possibly mean?

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