John McCain and Lloyd Bentsen
McCain responded to Obama’s “I Am A Doughnut speech” with the words:
“I know doughnuts. I have eaten doughnuts. Doughnuts are my tasty friends. Senator, you are no doughnut.”
McCain responded to Obama’s “I Am A Doughnut speech” with the words:
“I know doughnuts. I have eaten doughnuts. Doughnuts are my tasty friends. Senator, you are no doughnut.”
July 25th, 2008 at 7:41 pm
As all true doughnuts have holes, Obama and the bulk (no pun) of the American populace are more likely bismarks. To pretend they are doughnuts is a grave insult to real doughnuts and doughnut holes everywhere. Shame on them.